Communicating with the Dead

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Communicating with the Dead

How do you argue with someone who claims to have communicated with a dead person???

Or, do you even bother?

I just said, 'Whatever makes you feel good about death, I'm happy for you'.

She said she communicated with a dead person and a third person validated it.

I didn't ask about the details because, frankly, I don't give a shit but, is there a good argument to toss back... in case it comes up again?

Btw, this person has claimed to be a christian and is now also into other 'spiritual' experimentation. When I told her 'Bull shit' she said, 'It's called enlightenment, and I'll just leave you with a seed'. That's when I got up and left rather than hash it out.

This is a 'my shit don't stink' kind of person and thinks she is not only right about everything but, that if you don't agree, you're stupid.

Once, when she was telling me to turn my old well house into a storm shelter (not physically possible) and I declined she said to me, 'well, I guess there's something to be said for natural selection'.

Any suggestions?

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Sandycane wrote:How do you

Sandycane wrote:

How do you argue with someone who claims to have communicated with a dead person???

Tell them you think their delusional, and you'll only take the dead person's word for it...

I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."

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 I suppose if you just want

 I suppose if you just want to make them shut up you could tell them that what they said was very interesting because just recently you had a conversation with a fairy, and the fairy told you that ghosts don't exist and that the people who believe in them are stupid.  

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You cant, it is a placebo

You cant, it is a placebo coping mechanism born out of evolutionary ignorance.

Death is the opposite of continuing. It reminds us of our own mortality. "Talking to the dead" is a delusion that does have a false comforting effect.


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redneF & Ratdog, Good

redneF & Ratdog,

 Good answers.


I think you are right, too. No amount of logic will convince a delusional person they are delusional.

I guess, people who believe such things are simply trying to cope with the concept of death.

However, if it comes up again, I'll use the 'fairy' argument.

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I was going to suggest .....

I was going to suggest .....


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 best one so far, cj! ...

 best one so far, cj! ... minimum conversation with that response.

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 Sandycane wrote:Once, when


Sandycane wrote:
Once, when she was telling me to turn my old well house into a storm shelter (not physically possible) and I declined she said to me, 'well, I guess there's something to be said for natural selection'.


Any suggestions?


On the second part of that statement, I agree with her. On the first part, we shall just have to wait and see. Perhaps she and all of her progeny will be waiting out a major storm in a well house the day that she wins her Darwin award.


BTW, I forget where you said you were. What is the major type of storm that you get in your area?

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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Answers in Gene Simmons

Answers in Gene Simmons wrote:


BTW, I forget where you said you were. What is the major type of storm that you get in your area?

Tornado... and I would rather take my chances in a 100 year old, solid wood home, in a solid wood centrally located closet under a stair case than in a brown recluse infested 4 x 6 x 5 block 'well house'.

This person works for FEMA and doom & gloom is her stock and trade, literally.

I suppose if I ever get killed by a tornado in my home, she can say, 'I told you so'.

I don't worry about such things.

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I'm not fond of talking with

I'm not fond of talking with deaders. Most of people have nothing meaningful to say when they're alive it doesn't become much better after death. I think both sides of the lawn do it just for the fun and thrill. 
It is not about enlightenment or spirituality. Enlightenment is pretty rare thing, death is not, neither is the anachronic, vestigial ability of mediumship, IOW, animalistic astral sensitivity.

If someone would recommend me communicating with the dead, I'd point out that they usually say nothing new (and I have a plenty of literature on the topic) and anyway they must use mediums, so they won't prove anything to a skeptic. 
Even madame Blavatsky herself (a great authority in the field) despised all mediumship, she considered it unhealthy and undignified. From clairvoyant point of view, she found it quite a repulsive spectacle, as the medium becomes interpenetrated and controlled by some spirit, who is usually anything but the deceased loved one that bystanders think they talk to.

So, that's what you can tell to talkers with the dead. You probably won't convince them that it wasn't real, but you can tell them to take care of their life by themselves and not take advice from someone who doesn't even have a life.

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Luminon wrote:... but you

Luminon wrote:


 but you can tell them to take care of their life by themselves and not take advice from someone who doesn't even have a life.

Hah! Good point and excelent advice! Thanks, Luminon


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Jean Chauvin
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Hi Sandy

Hi Sandy,

Luke 16:27-31. Also, the dead cannot pass through this world. And they may be communicating, but it is not with the dead, it is a demon disguised as their dead.

A lot of Mormons claim to see their dead relatives in their Temple. It's a demon, or a figment of their imagination. You hang out with some weird people.


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Jean Chauvin wrote:Hi

Jean Chauvin wrote:

Hi Sandy,

Luke 16:27-31. Also, the dead cannot pass through this world. And they may be communicating, but it is not with the dead, it is a demon disguised as their dead.

Actually, I thought there was something in the bible that would dispute the claim of the living being able to talk to the dead - from a christian pov, that is.

A lot of Mormons claim to see their dead relatives in their Temple. It's a demon, or a figment of their imagination. You hang out with some weird people.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

Yes, you are weird.

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Actually... this doesn't say

Actually... this doesn't say the dead 'can not' come back from the dead:


27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family,

28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’

   29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’

   30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’

   31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

As if to say, they won't believe Jesus' claim to have come back from the dead - which he supposedly did.

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That passage only seems to

That passage only seems to refer to people actually "rising from the dead", or "coming back from the dead", suggestiing that is the only way to actually 'talk to the dead'. Otherwise you can only hear them, possibly, but not actually have a conversation.


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