Politcal Views: Gun Control
Hey Guys (or Girls). I am gathering opinions and since this seems like a well read collection of individuals I would like to ask you:
What do you believe about gun control in America?
Do you believe there should be more or less?
Do you believe higher or lower taxes should be given to gun salesmen and manufacturers?
Do you believe it is wiser for most people to have guns or very few?
I look forward to your responses.
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I'm not concerned about suicides. If people decide to end their lives I think they should be allowed to. If I know them I might try to convince them not to, but I am not going to force them to live.
Agreed. Everyone has the right to walk out of this life if they feel they've overstayed their welcome. A bullet to the brain is a fast way to exit a fucked up life. Why deny them an efficient and relatively pain free method ?
I'm not worried about forcing people to do the "right thing". I am aware that many people will choose to do the wrong thing. I am ok with that. I would rather give a few people the opportunity to do the wrong thing than to pretend that I know what is right for everyone else. I don't know what is right for you and frankly, I don't care. That is the difference between me and you. You think you know what is right for everyone and are willing to use government force to impose it on everyone else in the belief that somehow, using government force, you can make the world such a wonderful place. I hold no such illusions. I accept that the world isn't perfect and that people are not perfect and accept them as they are.
Ironic that you accuse me of being utopian when you are the one who apparently believes that some undefined regulations are going to eliminate suicide or murder and make the world safe. I make no such claim. No system of government can keep you 100% safe. The best you can do, is take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Gun control proponent: "If guns made us safer we would be the safest nation on Earth."
Gun ownership advocate : "And if laws made us safer there wouldn't be any crime. "
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I don't think anyone should have an AK-47, RPG, or Galtling Gun in their possession. But hand guns with limited clip size or hunting rifles I can't argue against. I may think you're a pussy for using them, but I can't logically argue against their presence either. Much like with drugs, prohibition merely creates a black market with less safety overall and reduces the quality of the product as well.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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I think that with a good education people could own what they want, but this is not a world filled with well-manned people. And firearms could give the edge one needs to find a way to kill someone.
It's absolutely true that firearms and laws don't prevent crimes! They don't solve people problems! It's simply that!
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I don't think anyone should have an AK-47, RPG, or Galtling Gun in their possession. But hand guns with limited clip size or hunting rifles I can't argue against. I may think you're a pussy for using them, but I can't logically argue against their presence either. Much like with drugs, prohibition merely creates a black market with less safety overall and reduces the quality of the product as well.
Thats about where I am at.
The problem is a double edge sword with no easy solution. Someone once said "Violence is the product of living in a free society".
But I am not so sure, we'd have to be able to live long enough to see Germany and Japan 1,000 years from now to see if the open society they have now still holds even without an armed citizenry.
It would be nice to have both a less violent society and no guns. But it is better to me, to worry about a neighbor being a criminal, than the entire government. If the citizens are armed it makes it hard for the government to turn on them.
Our government would have a hard time even if it wanted to. It would be a lot like Iraq and Afghanistan and a ton of suburban and urban warfare with NO way to tell enemy from friend since no one is wearing a clear uniform.
I don't think anyone here would want to live in China. Bejing(sp) has virtually no crime, but it is very easy for the government to make you disappear if they want.
Japan has about 150 million on an Island about the size of California which, when I was there, was entirely city and suburbs, and NO CRIME.
So HOW do we keep the long term protection from government being the criminal, while reducing gun violence, without flooding the market with too many guns in the wrong hands?
There is no easy solution to this.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
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Funny that you accuse me of being stuck in utopia thought when you are the one who thinks it is possible to prevent gun death while also protecting the Second Amendment. I'm not concerned about suicides. If people decide to end their lives I think they should be allowed to. If I know them I might try to convince them not to, but I am not going to force them to live.
I'm not worried about forcing people to do the "right thing". I am aware that many people will choose to do the wrong thing. I am ok with that. I would rather give a few people the opportunity to do the wrong thing than to pretend that I know what is right for everyone else. I don't know what is right for you and frankly, I don't care. That is the difference between me and you. You think you know what is right for everyone and are willing to use government force to impose it on everyone else in the belief that somehow, using government force, you can make the world such a wonderful place. I hold no such illusions. I accept that the world isn't perfect and that people are not perfect and accept them as they are.
Ironic that you accuse me of being utopian when you are the one who apparently believes that some undefined regulations are going to eliminate suicide or murder and make the world safe. I make no such claim. No system of government can keep you 100% safe. The best you can do, is take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.
I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks
" Only on the subject of God can smart people still imagine that they reap the fruits of human intelligence even as they plow them under." : Sam Harris
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Brian37 wrote:
Tell that to the 31,000 suicide/murder victims in 07 ...( snip ) And that is one year.
Okay, if you will tell it to the 195,000 hospital patients who die each year from medical mistakes.....
Brian37 wrote:I wonder how many people have died in the past ten years from guns.
I wonder how many patients have died in the past ten years just from being admitted to a hospital ?
Apples and oranges. Hospitals are not manufactured for the purpose of killing or designed to kill.
Our high "mistake rate" is due to pace(not enough time to take the time to do things right), Greed(over conflated medical prices on drugs and supplies and insurance) and lack of funding(not enough staff).
I find it funny that you'd put gun death and hospital death in the same category.
But yea, that too is a problem we should work on. If you want to make that the case, I would agree, but I wouldn't compare the two.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
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I don't believe tax rates should be used for social engineering. Everyone should pay the same rate regardless of what items they may manufacture or sell.
That is completely up to the individual. For me, it is wise to have many guns. If many people want to own guns, fine. If only a few want to, fine. Most citizens should not be restricted from buying guns if they choose to do so.
We have a recent thread going that touches on the subject of gun control regulations you might want to check out. http://www.rationalresponders.com/forum/29303
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I would say that usually the basis of every gun control argument hinges on whether you think a person should have to rely on another person or group for their security. Most gun controls laws, in my opinion, are mostly pushes by the government for more control over the populace, and their "we will be safer if we only ban (X)" arguments are more to convince well meaning people to hand over their rights. Some people may trust the police and the military to "responsibly" use a monopoly of force, but when you grow up poor and/or with slightly more melanin then others it's hard not to remember the history of who that force is usually used against. Bruises, scars, and broken bones tend to leave an indelible mark on ones memory.
So, many people may disagree with me, but I find that most gun control laws are just attempts by forces within the government to create more dependency on their self-perpetuating hierarchy, which is always good for their business of control and coercion, by using well meaning, peaceful people and their aversion to suffering to further that agenda.
And before anybody jumps to conclusions about my political persuasion who hasn't read any of my posts, I'm not what one could call a conservative in ANY way, unless Emma Goldman and Peter Kropotkin count as conservatives now!
"This may shock you, but not everything in the bible is true." The only true statement ever to be uttered by Jean Chauvinism, sociopathic emotional terrorist.
"A Boss in Heaven is the best excuse for a boss on earth, therefore If God did exist, he would have to be abolished." Mikhail Bakunin
"The means in which you take,
dictate the ends in which you find yourself."
"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme leadership derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony!"
No Gods, No Masters!
I believe its just another social issue, like abortion that politicians use to tug on people's emotions
More in some places, and definitely less in others
Whatever the sales tax is for a carton of Milk, so should it be with guns
I think every law abiding citizen should be able to own a gun if they want... wise is in the perspective of the boholder
Gun control is evil. Apart from the very few people who need to be kept from guns, everyone shouls have the right to open carry. If I want to go Wyatt Earp with a tactical holster, that is my right. If I want to carry a carbine or long gun around, that too is my right.
There should be none. Granted, I would not want Warren Buffet to have nukes but in general, the right of the people to keep and bear arms seems pretty clear to me.
Guns should only be taxed in exactly the same manner as any other common item. The standard sales tax is fine. The same should hold for bullets. Sin taxes are not fine for either.
As I said above, there are a tiny number of people who should not have guns.
However, under the current system, if those people want guns, they can have them. Something is really wrong with that. On the other hand, if we let anyone have guns, then the people who should not have them would have to figure on the chance that they will get shot.
Gun control is evil, but on the other hand firearms kill pretty easily. Having someone shove his loved rifle around would not be pleasant for me and for a lot of people, I think, and could lead to very irresponsible acts. Surely it's a matter of education, but I would not be happy to walk on the same road with some carrying weapons.
Still stuck in utopia thought. More guns is the solution. Tell that to the 31,000 suicide/murder victims in 07, and not all of them were strangers or even criminals at the time of their deaths. And that is one year. I wonder how many people have died in the past ten years from guns.
You keep getting stuck on history which is NOT lost on those who understand the Constitution. I think IT IS good to have an armed public.
As I said in the other thread, Japan for example would be much easier for a future leader, if a power dramatically shifted, times can and do change, for that leader to oppress the country.
HAVING SAID THAT, there is absolutely no rational control to prevent these deaths, criminal or not, I do not think flooding the market and arming everyone will work.
You are stuck in this utopia that humans when left to their own devices will always do the right thing. I don't want honest people to suffer because of criminals, but I do not think 31,000 gun deaths is acceptable, EVEN though I agree with the second amendment.
So the issue isn't black or white, but HOW do we maintain the needed check on government without the continuing bloodbath on our streets.
The right to own a gun is not my issue, but HOW do we maintain it AND prevent gun death at the same time.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Funny that you accuse me of being stuck in utopia thought when you are the one who thinks it is possible to prevent gun death while also protecting the Second Amendment. I'm not concerned about suicides. If people decide to end their lives I think they should be allowed to. If I know them I might try to convince them not to, but I am not going to force them to live.
I'm not worried about forcing people to do the "right thing". I am aware that many people will choose to do the wrong thing. I am ok with that. I would rather give a few people the opportunity to do the wrong thing than to pretend that I know what is right for everyone else. I don't know what is right for you and frankly, I don't care. That is the difference between me and you. You think you know what is right for everyone and are willing to use government force to impose it on everyone else in the belief that somehow, using government force, you can make the world such a wonderful place. I hold no such illusions. I accept that the world isn't perfect and that people are not perfect and accept them as they are.
Ironic that you accuse me of being utopian when you are the one who apparently believes that some undefined regulations are going to eliminate suicide or murder and make the world safe. I make no such claim. No system of government can keep you 100% safe. The best you can do, is take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Okay, if you will tell it to the 195,000 hospital patients who die each year from medical mistakes.....
I wonder how many patients have died in the past ten years just from being admitted to a hospital ?