'Don't Say Gay' Bill in Tennessee
A law to prohibit teachers from discussing gay issues with children in Kindergarten through 8th grade.
I agree.
Children that young should not be discussing sexual issues with their teachers... especially in the bible belt.
'Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.' A. Einstein
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1st: logic and religion are mutually exclusive. You lost before you started, you just aren't smart or logical enough to realise it.
2nd: ALL gods are false gods, therefore YOU are an atheist by your own argument. lol
*shakes head*
Too easy.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Impressive depth of understanding, as always Sandy.
Did you happen to glance at the book beyond the first chapter? The book was about a dystopian society complete with social standards toward reproduction, sex, class, fear of death... it was a rather indepth study of an entire social structure Sandy. How you manage to sum that entire piece up into "build around technology" is impressive. How you further manage to compare that society to modern US society is truly baffling. Granted, you aren't the only person on this thread who made such a dim witted breakdown but you were the one who said it to me directly.
I usually skim past your responses to avoid getting into this inane babble with you but you changed your avatar and I was in the process of reading a response from you before I realized it was you. That's what I get for depending on visual cues and not actually checking names.
Argument over! There is no need to say gay. The point is moot...just ask George Tekai!
"I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough - I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race." - Friedrich Nietzsche
I think sex should be de-villainised. Fact of the matter is that MOST adults have no interest in sex with children. Assuming otherwise, and isolating children from adults where sex is an issue, is a mistake. Kids need to learn how things work, and adults need to be able to feel free to discuss it without having to worry about jail or a lawsuit. There`s no such thing as something a child can`t understand if they`re taught the prerequisites. There's also often a lack of supervision of kids when there is a chance they can be naked, just because of that chance and this weird assumption that every adult wants to screw them.
Now there is a danger, obviously, so it must be addressed. But not to the point children aren't being protected from bullies in the shower at gym class, and not to the point that kids are 14 and sexually active before they get sex ed in school. And not to the point where 12 and 14 year olds are ending up on sex registries as violent sex criminals for their entire lives.
Kids need to learn at an early age to report to people if someone is doing anything, and that needs to be reinforced through all of society. They need to be instructed on the dangers as early as 4 or 5 (or earlier), and it should be a continuous education. Every few months they get a reminder.
Sex ed itself should start by 7 or 8. At 9 kids are hitting puberty, and it's too late for some. Parents who don't like it need to stfu, because it's not about them, it's about protecting kids from themselves and weird assholes. They need to know the real consequences.
And some freedom needs to be given to children to do what they're going to do.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
If a kid has a question about gayness, the reply can be summed up in four little words: "That shit ain't right"
'Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.' A. Einstein