I've gradually moved into a position that is quite similar to Strong Atheism. My reason for this is my multiple discussions with religious folks over the last few years, and the fact that their cases for their religions are weaker than most conspiracy theories. You guys have had literally centuries to perfect your arguments, and the best you have can't withstand any serious investigation. If the case for any god is so weak, why should I believe it at all? How is it possible that such a concept can be true and yet not proved after millennia of people trying to prove it?
Which brings me to this video:
This is one of several videos Shockofgod, formerly ShockAweNow, posed asking the same question: "What proof and evidence do you have that atheism is accurate and correct?" Plenty of people have dismissed the question (and rightfully so, as this dude proves). That said, I think I can answer it pretty well. Click the link to read more.
Now, I'd be foolish to forget this video, which is the only time I've seen someone try to address the question. This attempt actually fails due to the fact that some god can make up a "new body' in the afterlife for his or her believers. Essentially, it would be like saving all data from a computer (to continue the computer analogy) and putting it on another computer. In fact, that idea is prevalent in christian thought.
No, my disproof is based on the idea of "intelligent design". Now, before we start, we should define our terms.
THEISM: Belief that there is at least one creator god that is also apersonal god.
DEISM: Belief that there is at least one creator god, but no personal god, specifically, no personal god that cares about life in this universe, human or otherwise.
ATHEISM: Lack of belief in any deity. This includes self-described atheists, agnostics, people who have no opinion either way, and pantheists. After all, if everything is god, then nothing is god.
As Neil Degrasse Tyson pointed out in his halfway-serious-halfway-joking tirade about Stupid Design, there is no way that there is a designer that cares about life, and if there is, s/he is an idiot. The most important parts are at the beginning.
If you can't view the video, the basic gist is that if any god existed and created this universe in order to house life, then they could have done a much better job. In addition to the things pointed out about the inefficiencies of star creation and the human body, he pointed out that life simply can't exist outside of the planet earth. Clearly, if any deity exists that cares about or likes life, there would have been either less space, or more life in that space. If any theist can counter this, then I invite them to do so, but this does seem like a slam dunk against mainstream theism. Unless you believe that earth (and humanity in general) is special, in which case I have 2 questions, that you need to answer:
1: Why is there so much uninhabitable space?
2: Why is the earth so inhospitable to life, especially human life?
I have anticipated the "fall of man" as an answer from christians. Look up Genesis 3, where that story takes place (NASB version here) The consequences of these actions are:
- Snakes lose their legs and have to drag themselves on their bellies
- Childbirth will hurt for women (humourously mocked here)
- People will have to farm food
- Thistles and thorns will grow, meaning that we created several plant species by eating fruit
- We will die
This leaves deism and atheism. This choice is almost literally pointless. Neither suggests an afterlife, rules for life, or any other difference in anything aside from the beginning of the universe. However, using Occam's Razor, we can eliminate deism for adding an unnecessary step. There is no need for a deist deity to exist, and if there is, it's totally irrelevant.
So, now that we've eliminated theism as a viable possibility, and since deism is at best, an irrelevant option, we're left with atheism. As the greatest thinker of all time, Sherlock Holmes, once said: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
I fully expect this to end all debate on this issue.
Good post Ben, thanks for the repost!
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Not quite. Theism: belief in a god or gods.
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