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I usually write a lot so this can be a kinda long post, here goes:

A short introduction of myself. I was raised in a family that is "normal" in the swedish sense of religion. We mostly didn't care except for the occasional churchgoing for baptize, wedding or funeral. During my confirmation( is that the right name for it?) I became enchanted, for a better word of it, by the priest and became a believer - so I read the Bible. After closing it I was filled by disgust and never looked back. Later in my life I came in contact with different beliefs, I lived close to the biblical belt so during high school I met a lot of those, and argued with them! They were a fun lot and we had a kinda good time arguing. I was still saddened by the fact that the christian community had members that equaled about 5% of the school one year, how could people believe in god? And if the believed, how could they worship him? After highschool I went to study at college, northern language( swedish, norwegian and danish is very similar) and history and topped off with some philosophy. When I read philosophy, and logic in particular, i came to the conclussion that theists and deists have raped logic to suit their own needs and ends. Debating with believers became kinda low priority after college. Some years ago I went to Stockholm for fun and games and during my wait on the trainstation I visited a bookshed, and found an english copy of "Disillusion of God". A fun and kinda relaxed read until I hit that chapter that described christianity today. When I came home I made a little self studies in various sects/cults. And well, a few years later I found this page =)


As u might have picked up, im not a science freak by nature. Never was that good at physics etc but always liked the fact to be good at it, if that makes sense. That being said, I think that those subjects are the best to redeem people from faith( pun is intended). After my first horrible read of the bible I've read it a couple of times and some studies just to be able to debunk it. So my approach is more linguistical/logical/historical or as someone said in this forum: wordgames!

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 Welcome to the forum.

 Welcome to the forum.

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Hey there Scientia



Pleased to meet you. Yeah, I think the bible is a crap read. Think of how much fun it would have been if Dickens had done a Pickwickian version. Flippin hilarious. 

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Jean Chauvin
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Didn't your country of Sweden catch your king in a sex scandal? Your King is a freakin evil SOB. I have personal evidence that he is a satanist and a member of the order of Jerusalem among other things.

But his daughter was recently married and is pretty.

The Swedes have a very occultic culture. Why is that? An interesting study perhaps in the future. Sweden as a whole is definintely not Christian.

So no wonder you're intellectually retarded as an atheist.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.


Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).

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Our king is in a sexscandal

Our king is in a sexscandal right now and by the looks of it, might have associated with some organized crime aswell. I wouldn't call him evil, he's just... special in the sense he liked to party and drive fast cars. Yes the marriage of our crownprincess was a very nice happening, even republicans( in the narrow sense of opposing monarchy) liked it. His religious believes doesn't matter as long as he's doing his work right. He's in a lot of different orders, it's kinda comes with the territory.


Yes we still celebrate some days that christians normally don't, like walpurgist( not sure about the name) the 30th April. Lit a fire, sing some songs and lots of alcohol! We also celebrate midsommer, to celebrate Freja( Norse god of fertility). From start it was a huge fallos but christians made us flip it upside down. We dance around it but the songs are much more modern and for the whole family. During the day its a family holiday and during the night its the major party night of the whole year. My own conclussion is that the northern countries was christianized during the middleages( the dark age is more fitting I guess) and the church controllers and taskmasters left, to never come back as it was kinda unhostible up here. So people mixed christian believes with norse worship. Sure, sometimes they showed up for a control and bullied people but the norse mythology stuff was hidden, for an example the dalahorse. A small tree sculpture w an array of different jovial colours was in reality an icon of Sleipner( Odin's horse). The excuse for celebrating midsummer was that they celebrated the baptizing of Christ.... i would love to see the priest face when locals explained that with a giant fallos symbol behind them!

I would like to say that swedes are christian protestants by birth but as I said earlier, religion isn't that a big thing for us. The problem now is that christians are luring more and more people into their irrational faith.


We have an old saying here: "How u know urself, u know others". That proverb was the first thing that came to mind when I read ur insult.

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Jean is just jealous that

Jean is just jealous that his sky daddy wont let him watch your country's world famous porn. Great stuff.

Jean is nothing but a stalker and a troll. His comic book super hero is going to beat the shit out of you and I.

Jean has about as much intellect as feces, but that would be insulting feces.

I'd call Jean's posts fertilizer, but fertilizer is useful, unlike his posts.





"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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 I feel slighted that my

 I feel slighted that my intro post didn't warrant an insulting "welcome" from JC...what did I do wrong??  

It's rather hilarious that you think you can say anything to someone, and because you sign your post "respectfully" you are actually being respectful.  Just like you can do whatever you like in life and your sky daddy will forgive you.  Same thinking.


Love it! 

"I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough - I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Okay then........

Poppie420 wrote:

 I feel slighted that my intro post didn't warrant an insulting "welcome" from JC...what did I do wrong??  

It's rather hilarious that you think you can say anything to someone, and because you sign your post "respectfully" you are actually being respectful.  Just like you can do whatever you like in life and your sky daddy will forgive you.  Same thinking.


Love it! 



            I will insult you "heathen!!" since JeanC couldn't bother.    'You are a hopeless hell-condemned heathen of the lowest order.  May  what-ever fairy  tail being tou-ist believeth in send you to ever lasting torment.'


                    Feel better now Poppie 420?    I feel better.






                  or      James E. F. Frederick

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 Thank you, it's exactly

 Thank you, it's exactly what I needed!!  **basking in the feeling of degradation**

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As I said earlier, been

As I said earlier, been lurking around this forum for awhile before posting so I'm kinda wellversed with Jeans adventure.


I like how he fish for arguments: the king is satanist omg! Couldn't care less, we're kinda used to scandals but as long as he's doing his duties, and do them good - why bother? And im still waiting for the actual proof for that. But I won't hold my breath in waiting though.


And thx for the welcomes!

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Welcome to the forum.

Welcome to the forum.

Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Welcome, Scientia, looking

Welcome, Scientia, looking forward to seeing you try your approach here. Smiling

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 Welcome.  I hope you have

 Welcome.  I hope you have fun here.  Just remember whatever you do don't press the red button.  

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Welcome, enjoy your stay,

Welcome, enjoy your stay, and I hope your stay is a long one

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Welcome! Smiling

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