Dogma vs. Reality

Ken G.
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Dogma vs. Reality

  I was Reading this article at Care2 a email that I received, so that I can sign a petition,that will be sent to the ' U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops ' and it was sponsored by,' Compassion and Choices ' , I don't have the link though ? anyway here it is ~ The Nation's most powerful body is launching an attack on the right to dictate our end-of-life decisions.During its high profile June 15-17 meeting in Seattle,the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops opposed the choice of aid in dying at Life's end. The Bishop's Conference proposes a platform design to restrict patients access to end of Life's choices, their document 'To Live Each Day with Dignity', is the first statement on aid in dying by the full body of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.They also seek to shame people who support aid in dying , and the terminally ill patients who seek it,through the unique power of the pulpit. Every American should have the right to a dying process, free of meddling from religious or governmental institutions, No One --- and No Institution --- should have the power to dictate your End of Life choices.

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Ken G. wrote:They also seek

Ken G. wrote:

They also seek to shame people who support aid in dying...

Yet, they'll praise soldiers for going to war... 

Ken G. wrote:
Every American should have the right to a dying process...

Apparently suffering, is a 'loving' thing bestowed upon you by 'God'.


I love this clever mindfuck that they came up with, when they realized people would come to the conclusion that if the afterlife meant an eternity of sitting on clouds with harps playing, that people would simply cash in their chips, and the priests wouldn't have an audience any they said "No, no, nooooooo!!!  It's a SIN to cash in your chips!!  Your loving God wants you to suffer through this life FIRST!!"

You have to leave your brains at home to believe this tripe...

I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."

"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks

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here is the letter

The main page is here:

With links to the letter and other information.

Imagine being on a health care insurance that limits your choice of hospital - and the only hospitals it allows are Catholic hospitals.

Living in Oregon, I have made myself familiar with the law here if anyone is interested.


-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

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Like most of us


I support right to death. This is just classic church behaviour - arbitrarily identify a sin and then beat us with it. Bullying fucks. May they die with cystitis...




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Beyond Saving
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 Interesting that the

 Interesting that the letter states

"Suicide" is not at issue here.


Why not? Should only old people have the freedom to kill themselves in a relatively painless manner? That is what drives me nuts about American politics, everyone has their issues where they boldly proclaim the government has no business then they add an exception. It boils down to them thinking the government has no business in their business but for some reason it does have business in preventing other people from making poor choices. 


I believe there is nothing that is more fundamentally yours than your own body, do to it what you will. If you want to pay a doctor $10000 to kill you when a cheap bullet would do the trick, that is your business whether you are old, young, terminal or healthy.

If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X

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Beyond Saving

Beyond Saving wrote:

 Interesting that the letter states

"Suicide" is not at issue here.


Why not? Should only old people have the freedom to kill themselves in a relatively painless manner? That is what drives me nuts about American politics, everyone has their issues where they boldly proclaim the government has no business then they add an exception. It boils down to them thinking the government has no business in their business but for some reason it does have business in preventing other people from making poor choices. 


I believe there is nothing that is more fundamentally yours than your own body, do to it what you will. If you want to pay a doctor $10000 to kill you when a cheap bullet would do the trick, that is your business whether you are old, young, terminal or healthy.


Actually, in the state of Oregon, it is suicide.   The doctor writes a prescription and hands you a sheet of instructions.  That is to ensure you are successful and you don't needlessly upset your care givers.

You see your primary care physician and they certify you have 6 months to live (no children, but no age limits otherwise), are of sound mind and not depressed.  No one can request for you.  You must request personally.  (Note, no Alzheimer's or dementia patients could ever qualify under this law.)  You are referred to a second physician for a second opinion on same.  You are then given the prescription and instructions.  Your choice to fill the prescription, your choice to take the drugs.  Sounds like suicide to me.

I can hunt up the numbers if you like, but my understanding is that a significant number of people don't even fill the prescription.  Another group don't take the medication even if they get it.  So the actual number of people who take their own life is much smaller than many people believe.  It all has to do with choice and control.  "I can get out of here if the pain or indignity get too bad."

My concern is that there are only two hospitals in Portland, OR that is not affliated with the Catholics or Seven Day Adventists.  As in the Catholic one has crucifixes in every room, twice daily prayers on the intercom and enough clergy hanging around to sink a ship.  Personal experience as that is the only hospital our insurance covers, except in dire emergency, and my husband had open heart surgery there.  If you were hospitalized, you would have to leave in order to exercise your right to die.  I can envision leaving could be problematic in some cases.


-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.

"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken

"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.