Something silly I saw on the news.

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Something silly I saw on the news.

I don't have a link. But just overheard this on MSNBC, and I am surprised that no one brought this up before.

First off, without giving my full name, my first two initials describe falatio. So I cant really say much about what I am about to mention.

It was just pointed out to me on the news when Barrack Obama initials something it ends up BO.

So strictly from a purely word play silly pun, we have a "body odor" president.

I am quite sure Obama's friends growing up at some point joked about that. I know I would, considering how my friends joked about my first two initials "BJ".

The worst part for me, is that I am adopted and my parents asked me if I wanted to change my name, and I said yes. I was seven, and they gave me a list, and I simply picked the top two names.





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LOL.I had a few bad


I had a few bad nicknames growing up. They weren't because of my name, but because of the fact that I was alot littler than everyone in the class, had cheap glasses because my parents couldn't afford the nice ones and braces on my teeth. HOWEVER,  I could win all of the races because I was so skinny and could move faster than anyone.

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Kids are cruel.  Little

Kids are cruel.  Little monsters.

If you knew my birth name, you would think there is no way anyone could come up with some pejorative nickname from it.  But my kid sister managed to.  It's okay, I got her back.

I am and always have been short and stocky.  Even when I wasn't overweight, I was by no stretch petite.  You can imagine the names I was called by my "friends" in grade school.

Being perfect in name and appearance is no guarantee of that a child will not be bullied.

And if a parent complains about the bullying, they can expect to be bullied by the other child's parents.  After all, where did the kid learn it from?


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 Americans and their names

 Americans and their names - a foreigners politically incorrect rant

Well, half the kids in that invisible-sky-daddy-blessed country have first name after the surname of some dead man. There are crowds of Luthers, Kennedys (female name), and other names which sound like surnames, but I never learned about the dead men involved.

Although, there is a surprising lack of Bacons (a scientist and statesman), Hookers (an army general, suitable name for girls), and Garfields (20th American president).

The rest of parents take either inspiration in native-American tradition, naming people after savannahs and storms, (not volcanoes or hurricanes) or vocations like tayloring or hunting or pharaohing. (yep, to satisfy my antropologically-pedagogical interests I watched several parts of the Kid Nation reality show) Or they reach for Bible, and if they find apostles overused, they go for some names of ancient Jewish tribesmen. Archangels are a fine choice too, except it would be fun to name a boy for once Azrael instead of Mike, Gabe or Rafe.

Generally, in primitive cultures (like gypsy ghetto) the custom is naming children according to heroes of their new favorite TW show, presumably during which they were conceived. A couple of years after airing a succesful serial, the local dump yards and tourists' pockets were swarming with little Esmeraldas (Mexican soap opera), Sandokans and Vinnetous (see Carl May). 

And there are of course middle names, which is a good way here to distinguish a foreigner or a historical character.


Sorry. Just ranting. My name is the local equivalent of John, much to my dislike. Not only it is extremely common, it's also a highly modified name, so much that it's original form is not normally used, because it sounds a bit archaic or awkward. This is why basically I have no fucking idea how people should call me. With every new friend I meet, I introduce myself, which sounds very formal. So next thing we must do is to somehow together choose some colloquial form of the John name which we're both comfortable with and which is not used in reference to any Johns around. I find this process really annoying. If I ever share my permanent address with a little new citizen, I will try to pick a normal name, but not too normal, abnormal, archaic, overused or used as a surname. And I will rely upon the mother's intel on her friends' newly named kids, so that in collective there won't be an IP address conflict. At least, if my children will curse me, it should be over my perfectionism, not sloppiness. 

Here naming a child is not an easy business. Unless you're a foreigner or you can come to the office with two dozens of your relatives (which is a traditional gypsy custom for acceleration of administrative dealings) the officers will not allow you to give your child a crazy (or American) name. There is a book written by some smart lady with several university titles, which basically contains all names permitted in this country or their versions. If you decide on some unusual name (like because your spouse is a Nigerian immigrant) then you may have the name approved by the court. I think this is a fine custom and saves many children from unnecessary torment from the hands of their classmates. As for the necessary torment, that's about as much as anywhere else. We don't have school shootings because of gun control, not because local kids aren't little monsters. (specially the jocks)


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Luminon wrote: Americans

Luminon wrote:

 Americans and their names - a foreigners politically incorrect rant

Well, half the kids in that invisible-sky-daddy-blessed country have first name after the surname of some dead man. There are crowds of Luthers, Kennedys (female name), and other names which sound like surnames, but I never learned about the dead men involved.

Although, there is a surprising lack of Bacons (a scientist and statesman), Hookers (an army general, suitable name for girls), and Garfields (20th American president).

The rest of parents take either inspiration in native-American tradition, naming people after savannahs and storms, (not volcanoes or hurricanes) or vocations like tayloring or hunting or pharaohing. (yep, to satisfy my antropologically-pedagogical interests I watched several parts of the Kid Nation reality show) Or they reach for Bible, and if they find apostles overused, they go for some names of ancient Jewish tribesmen. Archangels are a fine choice too, except it would be fun to name a boy for once Azrael instead of Mike, Gabe or Rafe.

Generally, in primitive cultures (like gypsy ghetto) the custom is naming children according to heroes of their new favorite TW show, presumably during which they were conceived. A couple of years after airing a succesful serial, the local dump yards and tourists' pockets were swarming with little Esmeraldas (Mexican soap opera), Sandokans and Vinnetous (see Carl May). 

And there are of course middle names, which is a good way here to distinguish a foreigner or a historical character.


Sorry. Just ranting. My name is the local equivalent of John, much to my dislike. Not only it is extremely common, it's also a highly modified name, so much that it's original form is not normally used, because it sounds a bit archaic or awkward. This is why basically I have no fucking idea how people should call me. With every new friend I meet, I introduce myself, which sounds very formal. So next thing we must do is to somehow together choose some colloquial form of the John name which we're both comfortable with and which is not used in reference to any Johns around. I find this process really annoying. If I ever share my permanent address with a little new citizen, I will try to pick a normal name, but not too normal, abnormal, archaic, overused or used as a surname. And I will rely upon the mother's intel on her friends' newly named kids, so that in collective there won't be an IP address conflict. At least, if my children will curse me, it should be over my perfectionism, not sloppiness. 

Here naming a child is not an easy business. Unless you're a foreigner or you can come to the office with two dozens of your relatives (which is a traditional gypsy custom for acceleration of administrative dealings) the officers will not allow you to give your child a crazy (or American) name. There is a book written by some smart lady with several university titles, which basically contains all names permitted in this country or their versions. If you decide on some unusual name (like because your spouse is a Nigerian immigrant) then you may have the name approved by the court. I think this is a fine custom and saves many children from unnecessary torment from the hands of their classmates. As for the necessary torment, that's about as much as anywhere else. We don't have school shootings because of gun control, not because local kids aren't little monsters. (specially the jocks)


Holy shit Lum, this was just a silly observation and a silly comedy rant. Damn dude. Don't take life so seriously you'll never get out of it alive. Laugh a little.



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Brian37 wrote:Holy shit Lum,

Brian37 wrote:

Holy shit Lum, this was just a silly observation and a silly comedy rant. Damn dude. Don't take life so seriously you'll never get out of it alive. Laugh a little.

Sorry, I'm often like that when depressed. I have a plenty of reasons for depression, but they only resurface according to the "stars". When I get depressed, I open my astrology software and somehow there is always a planet transiting in tense aspect to my natal Lilith, or vice versa. Works like a miracle. I'm curious about this summer's Venus - natal Lilith conjunction, (Leo, 1st house) last year it was really bad. Fortunately, all the big and slow planets are safely on the other side of the sky.

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Luminon wrote:Brian37

Luminon wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Holy shit Lum, this was just a silly observation and a silly comedy rant. Damn dude. Don't take life so seriously you'll never get out of it alive. Laugh a little.

Sorry, I'm often like that when depressed. I have a plenty of reasons for depression, but they only resurface according to the "stars". When I get depressed, I open my astrology software and somehow there is always a planet transiting in tense aspect to my natal Lilith, or vice versa. Works like a miracle. I'm curious about this summer's Venus - natal Lilith conjunction, (Leo, 1st house) last year it was really bad. Fortunately, all the big and slow planets are safely on the other side of the sky.

Lum, I really am not going to press this issue. I have throughout my life suffered from depression too. But really man, I don't see how you can scoff at the woo of others RIGHTLY and then at the same time think that the stars pull your strings like a god pulls a theist's strings.

If that is what it takes you to get through your depression, by all means, us it. But I simply see your woo as merely the same placebo you use that other theists use to get through their bad days.

I simply accept that life can suck sometimes. I allow myself to feel what I feel and I use other people as sounding boards to vent, to get through the bad times.

IT IS OK to feel bad and life can suck sometimes. I just don't think you need to use unsubstantiated personal likes as a crutch to get through the bad times.

Bob Spence and a couple of other friends can tell you what a mess I was blaming myself when my mother was in the hospital and it took me a couple of months after she came home to get back to normal. Even today I still stress about her health second guessing whether or not I should intervene or let her make her own decisions.

The bottom line is that you cannot cross your fingers or use lucky horseshoes or 4 leaf clover thinking to avoid reality, and sometimes it deals us some bad shit and no mater what we all die.

WHAT YOU CAN DO to cope, is to accept that you do not have control over everything that happens in your life. You can only control how you deal with what you chose to do in dealing with it. I don't think you should pin your hopes on a god or stars anymore than I think it is wise to depend on the lottery for wealth.

Just do the best you can and when you feel bad, find someone to bitch to. But after you bitch and cry, move on.

I don't care what you believe, that is all any human can practically do. I have been where you are at, but time does help and it doesn't have to be the end.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:Lum, I really

Brian37 wrote:

Lum, I really am not going to press this issue. I have throughout my life suffered from depression too. But really man, I don't see how you can scoff at the woo of others RIGHTLY and then at the same time think that the stars pull your strings like a god pulls a theist's strings.

If that is what it takes you to get through your depression, by all means, us it. But I simply see your woo as merely the same placebo you use that other theists use to get through their bad days.

I simply accept that life can suck sometimes. I allow myself to feel what I feel and I use other people as sounding boards to vent, to get through the bad times.

IT IS OK to feel bad and life can suck sometimes. I just don't think you need to use unsubstantiated personal likes as a crutch to get through the bad times.

Bob Spence and a couple of other friends can tell you what a mess I was blaming myself when my mother was in the hospital and it took me a couple of months after she came home to get back to normal. Even today I still stress about her health second guessing whether or not I should intervene or let her make her own decisions.

The bottom line is that you cannot cross your fingers or use lucky horseshoes or 4 leaf clover thinking to avoid reality, and sometimes it deals us some bad shit and no mater what we all die.  

It probably means no difference for you (although it should), but I don't know when I get depressed. The point is, if I basically perform blind tests which show, that this kind of depressed mood and astrological point of Lilith go hand in hand. There's of course more evidence.

For me, not ignoring these evidential circumstances means to be rational. I can not accept your worldview (stuff doesn't exist) without becoming irrational in my daily life. I'm not responsible to people or books, I'm responsible to my senses and I am obliged to make opinions based on empirical observations. 

If I scoff at other people's beliefs, it's because their beliefs are not consistent with what they observe, among other things. The least anyone can do is to think and behave consistently, according to what they observe. 

Brian37 wrote:
 WHAT YOU CAN DO to cope, is to accept that you do not have control over everything that happens in your life. You can only control how you deal with what you chose to do in dealing with it. I don't think you should pin your hopes on a god or stars anymore than I think it is wise to depend on the lottery for wealth.

Just do the best you can and when you feel bad, find someone to bitch to. But after you bitch and cry, move on.

I don't care what you believe, that is all any human can practically do. I have been where you are at, but time does help and it doesn't have to be the end.

No, I can't control everything in my life. I only see, that it is possible to control more than people usually think. Nope, the stars and other methods don't give me hope. They are only tools to make my life's SWOT analysis. (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) If business can use SWOT analysis, so can our lives.

But the problem is something not under my control. I live in a very empty and boring place and I can't move away for at least a year, and even if I could, I don't know where I'll get the necessary social skills and interests that keep people together. Furthermore, my emotions don't react to almost anything that normal people react to, so much for collective fun. I need to gather important skills of self-expression, romantic relationships, social life and control over environment generally. And there is so little change in my life, that I don't see how it can be trusted to bring me these experiences in any near future. This life is no fun so far, just a waste of valuable time.
It is the total awareness of these facts, that brings the depression. 


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Seriously Lum, consulting

Seriously Lum, consulting stars WILL NOT and has never solved depression problems. What you have going on in your head is right there, and nowhere else. I would advise you NOT to seek mental health through astrology AND I would also advise you not to use a website either.

If you need help, bitching at friends for sounding boards is normal. But the best way to get help is to seek professional help.

I cannot help you, but neither do stars.

Go to a professional trained in psychology.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:Seriously Lum,

Brian37 wrote:

Seriously Lum, consulting stars WILL NOT and has never solved depression problems. What you have going on in your head is right there, and nowhere else. I would advise you NOT to seek mental health through astrology AND I would also advise you not to use a website either.

If you need help, bitching at friends for sounding boards is normal. But the best way to get help is to seek professional help.

I cannot help you, but neither do stars.

Go to a professional trained in psychology.

I don't consult stars to solve problems, only to see the problems clearer. And I do not need a professional help, it's not a clinical depression, it's a very justified depression, which will cease after several days. 
All I need is a change in life, preferably to find a collective of intelligent young people of both genders and some common interest to hold us together. Not on the web, I mean. 


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Never did care for my

Never did care for my intials "RJ" sofa king common and my last name is almost a latrine, awesome.

Faith is the word but next to that snugged up closely "lie's" the want.
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