Leader of Pakistan's largest theocratic party says women who are raped but cannot provide four witnesses should stay silent

Excerpt from http://blogs.tribune.com.pk/story/6709/the-jamat-e-islami-and-rape/
"According to Hassan, if a woman cannot produce four male witnesses present at the time of her rape, she be imprisoned based on Hudood Ordinance and Shariah Law. This, he claims is in the best interest of women who are raped so if she fails to produce the witnesses she ought to refrain from filing an FIR altogether.
According to Hassan, somehow, it is in the best interest of the society for a woman to stay silent after being raped, while the perpetrator roams free.
Every two hours, a woman is raped in Pakistan and every eight hours, gang raped. And after all this, we are confronted with the reality that in this land, where the taste of justice for many is nothing but bland and vapid, 70 per cent of the crimes against women go unreported."
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By the way, this is a Pakistani website so feel free to read the comments. As you can see, many Pakistanis are starting to embrace more liberal ideas and starting to disdain the clergy more than ever. It doesn't go quite far enough, for example, check the comments on this article: http://blogs.tribune.com.pk/story/6628/is-it-time-for-gay-rights-in-pakistan/ and you will begin to see religion interfering with honest progress to freedom. However, you will also see people arguing that Islam calls for tolerance and understanding and that one cannot possibly argue Allah did not create homosexuality... typical stuff.
Check the stats online you'll see that Pakistan rates extremely low on the rape scale - western nations are way higher. I thought when I read the figures reporting must be low and this comment from Hassan suggests such a position bears further consideration.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Oh, definitely. A woman is raped every two minutes in the US.
This is why I can't understand how Muslims can consider Americans sexually immoral because we don't force women to cover their legs.
Optimism is reality, pessimism is the fantasy that you know enough to be cynical
RF - it's because their morality is arbitrary and cultural while in the U.S. cultural morality is based on social ethics for which women have worked hard over a long period of time.
It's an extension of the golden rule, really, and we all conform to it. A beautiful woman should be comfortable in her physical beauty without feeling like she's under threat.
Describing visible female beauty as 'whoreishness' is one of islam's most self destructive bits of stupid.
What are the chances a thoughtful woman from a non-believing background will feel comfortable around islam and muslim men as a result of this false morality?
That's right - zero.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck