Am I understanding this correctly

According to the story of Moses there were ten plagues. The tenth being the killing of the first born. In saying that, would that then would have the following killed:
1. 90 year old man who was the first born by his parents?
2. a baby girl who was one hour old and the first born to her parents?
3. Any person who was the fist born to a set of parents no matter how old they were?
If yes to all three then just the idea of worshiping a deity that kills babies for he is "displeased" is just revolting. What did a baby do? They had no choice in the matter. They are murdered because a deity is having a fit of anger? But he loves you? Loves you and murders you? That is just sick.
Gods do not directly kill people for they do not exist...
People who worship gods kill lots of people everyday......
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If one actually attempts the exercise of trying to understand the intent of the storyteller's creation one that cannot be excluded is this was an attempt at the Troma Team kind of story. Yahweh is a Toxic Avenger kind of god. Or perhaps a Dead Alive kind of story the purpose is simply to outdo all the other stories. In both cases this would be as entertainment value.
1) The idea of these stories as literally true or even inspired did not begin to exist until the fight started with the Gnostics. In fact that was the beginning of the idea of a creedal religion, one where belief matters. Christianity is about the only religion that requires the stories be believed. Islam, Judaism and certainly the formative years of Christianity are/were ritual/taboo religions. These stories would have been just for entertainment as were those about all the other gods.
2) When the Yahweh cult was invented it was imposed by force not only in Judea but by conquest upon the Galilee, Samaria and Iodumaea. Enforcement of the rituals and taboos was by the liberal use of public execution. Having the baddest god around makes the priests appear all that more threatening. Even animals must be conscious and know they are being killed and who is killing them.
3) Back then stories were not intended to be taken as literal. The Aenieid is a whole cloth invention of Roman descent from Troy. It was adopted as a fit and proper origin for the Romans without the least regard for it being a fabrication. Inspirational and motivational trumped factual.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.