Which fundie blogger do you hate most?

There are a lot of fundie jerks on the internet, youtube in particular. About 3 months ago I happened on one who has a ridiculous video entitled "Evolution THEORY™ is Religion -- not Science"
All hearsay.
The jerk who did the video is 1GodOnlyOne. I wrote a reply that this must be a joke right and he replied
I've noticed that whenever the atheist senses a glimmer of truth in a video, which somehow manages to bypass the thick bony layers of his skull and register on a brain cell by some miracle, he immediately attempts to cover up the glimmer by asking if the video is a "joke."
That's weak, and it's also when I know that the video has worked, and that the seed is planted. Congratulations -- you have begun your journey out of the lies and darkness of atheist dogma™! It's only a matter of time.
I wrote a reply and was willing to engage him in a discussion but when I hit post it said I was blocked. I tracked him to his youtube channel and read stuff on his page including this.
This channel is Youtube's foremost stronghold of free speech. Free speech protection does not include the tolerance of hate speech, and hate speech is absolutely forbidden on this channel.
The definition of hate speech is as follows:
"Any speech that may employ disparagement or intimidation to incite violence or prejudice against a member of any protected group, recognized through race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, or religion."
No bigots allowed!
He had left a window open here and I replied that he lies on his channel. He is not into free speech. I wanted to defend evolution but he would allow anything contrary to his opinion on his video or channel even though it was in a public forum. He replied back that I was an asshole and that I had nothing to say and blocked me on his channel as well.
So that was it. I was pissed and then let it go.
Then out of the blue two days ago he replied again to my original post 3 months ago. Why I don't know.
Also, the blunt assertion of your personal belief that it could somehow be ignorant, without offering any reason, argument, or evidence for that personal belief, is completely impotent. How about an argument or some evidence? Oh, yeah -- sorry, I forgot, you're atheist: evidence and valid arguments are out of the question for an individual such as yourself.
has replied to your comment on Evolution THEORY™ is Religion -- not Science:
Fuck you, asshole. I didn't read more than 4 words of your ignorant post before determining that you're nothing but a retarded troll, blocking your sorry ass, and deleting your troll comment unread. atheist total fail
A coward is a total fail.
I would like you all to go to the video and blast him but it is not a good idea to give him any attention.I really see this as Fundies are on the run. I think this is a small example of what all these religious nuts are like. Hundreds of years ago when ignorance reigned they could get away with making up lies, but not today. They have to wall up their little worlds and not allow anyone confuse them with the facts. They have already made up their mind. Boy, he pissed me off and I am sure he would be delighted with that. But I know he has a sick little mind. Fuck 'em.
I do have one thing that gave me pleasure which I just did and that was to go back to the video post I made and deleted it. Hell yeah. Now he can just listen the echoing in his head and be satisfied that the voice in his head that always agrees with him.
So have you guys run across other assholes like this?
Don't you find this pretty common with dealing with fundies?
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
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If you spend any time on YouTube watching the debates between atheists and theists, you'll notice a couple of legendary Jeebus thumpers.
A few of them came pretty damn close to prison time for filing false allegation DMCA copyright infringement claims when atheists would make videos using clips from their arguments (which is legal under the 'fair use' clause).
That's how desperate they are to censor atheists, and attempt to avoid public embarrassment for posting ignorant arguments.
Some of the most ridiculed 'militant' theists on YouTube that I've seen are VenomfangX, ShockofGod, Nephelimfree. These people are really in their own little world.
Do you ever notice how many theists will attempt to distance themselves from other theists, when they hear their thoughts? 38000 Christian different denominations can't all be 'true'...lol
I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks
" Only on the subject of God can smart people still imagine that they reap the fruits of human intelligence even as they plow them under." : Sam Harris
The Christian god is truly pluralistic. It is like ancient cities each with their own local god.
I was a Seventh-day Adventist. When I was young I was in a car with older church members. As we were passing a Methodist church where the members were coming out, one of the elders looked at them, shook his head and with a tisk, tisk, tisk said "Those poor people they don't know they truth and don't know they are on the wrong road". Back then I was studying them like they were aliens. Now I only think of the arrogance of that elder.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
So how much pain are you willing to endure?
I have a link.
Religious nuts? you are an asshole.
point being????
Theists prove, without a doubt, that religions are completely divisive in nature, and by design.
As long as religions exist, there's no possibility for an objective basis to ground discussions, let alone societal systems, when peoples' perspectives are rooted in paranoid delusions of bipolar sky daddy's.
I keep asking myself " Are they just playin' stupid, or are they just plain stupid?..."
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy" : David Brooks
" Only on the subject of God can smart people still imagine that they reap the fruits of human intelligence even as they plow them under." : Sam Harris
I will bite. Please let me have the link.
Maybe with the right attitude I can see it as a laugh.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Some links are NSFW and for a good reason. This link is “make sure that the wife and kids are in bed, asleep, on the other end of the house” material.
Did you even read what 1GodOnlyOne wrote? If that ain't a nut I don't know what is.
He immediately went to the red-zone. Would Jesus want him to say "Fuck you" and do you now call me an asshole?
I hurl Romans 3:13-14 at you son of a window dresser:
Again I taunt you with James 3:9-11 you heaving lot of second-hand electric donkey bottom biter
I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough whopper! I fart and unclog my nose in your general direction! You mother was a hamster and your father smelt of eldeberries. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time-a
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
The single channel I dispise the most on YouTube has got to be 1GodOnlyOne
I should really consider him as nothing more than a reclusive pest, as he spews his idiocy across YouTube and even made up what he calls Atheist DOGMA™ and Evolution THEORY™ and why he should choose to put dogma and theory in capitals and pretend they're trademarks can only be to annoy everyone who knows he's one nail short of a jesus. If you ever attempt to have a rational discussion with him you had better say something useful straight away because he's not interested in talking as he says. He'll without a shred of a doubt say something inaccurate, peppered with the words "uneducated" and "moron" and then top it off with "athiest total fail" and block you as fast as he can. Here's a sample...
"You are a complete and utter moron. The atheist is not a protected group, so there is no such thing as hate speech against the atheist, you uneducated moron. atheist total fail"
In fact, on his channel page he says "I have ample scientific proof of God, and I will share it with you if you ask me to share it. =)" and so I asked him to share it, even masquerading as a Christian so he wouldn't have a strop, and guess what? Atheist total fail, he blocked me again. He clearly has no evidence and doesn't want anyone to find out. Woops I told everyone. Here's my reply to one of his signature atheist total fail responses.
"You're very eager to call every who disagrees with you an "uneducated moron" and maybe you use the phrase "total fail" a bit too liberaly? I'm not actualy an uneducated moron you see and if I were you I would probably use the phrase 'christian total fail', but I won't stoop that low. Also, are you aware that ATHEIST DOGMAtm doesn't exist? I go to a grammar school, get consistent A*s in science, I'm going through sixth form and then to University. What level of education do you have in comparison?" Needless to say, he did not respond because it seems like his only 'education' institution is his local church. He even has a video telling how "the atheist is not normal, he is exactly like a mental deficient or insane individual, in that he must be "handled"" and here's the link if you're up for a laugh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDTo6z1ZcxY&list=PLCD9D601452D46C8E&index=2&feature=plpp_video