Local E-cig ban, grinds my gears.

Recently I read Dr Allen Carrs "the easy way to stop smoking." A very good book that really hits the smoker psychology on the nose. I was a heavy smoker for 13 years. The book got me in the right place mentally and I was ready. I also recently picked up my first eGo-T tank e-cigarette, and that was it, together I've been smoke free for almost 2 months now. With the e-cig I don't even miss analogue cigarettes at all, infact I find the e-cig much better and don't like the smell of lit cigarettes. You feel much better right away, you can tell this product isn't harming your body. Now what really pisses me off is that Health Canada has a ban on all e-cig products entering the country. Although all the doctors I have spoken to recomend the product, and the science shows they are at the very least significantly less dangerous than analogue cigarettes some of my packages get through, and some don't, my last got stopped by customs. Their logic goes like this:
Health Canada says e-cigs are banned because they are a relatively new product that needs more extensive testing and they may not be 100% safe in every way.
That is basically the jist of Health Canada's position on e-cig products. Now just think about that...WTF??? So the problem is testing? We have thoroughly tested analgue cigarettes and found them to literally be quite possibly the most fucking dangerous and destructive product ever made in the history of mankind EVER! But since we have the results, we can stock the shelves with cancer sticks??? But since the results aren't back "enough for us yet" on the e-cigs we'll ban them for now despite doctors orders. What a bunch of turd burgeling big tobacco ball sucking nob jokeys, I hope they choke on the money big tobacco paid them to keep this life saving product out of the hands of smokers slowly killing themselves with their dealdy product.
Not coming down on smokers here, I think if you want to smoke go ahead, I smoked for 13 years and it was a love hate relationship that wasn't working for me anymore, it was my choice, but governement organizations banning e-cigs and not banning analogue cigs is just blatant garbage, is grinds my fucking gears. And then Health canada will say no to e-cigs "bbbbut, try one of our sponsored products like nicorette inhalers, or patches, or gum, or powerful drugs like zyban shit and other perscription meds that are overpriced etc.. etc.. PAY US AND OUR PARTNERS MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!" These products are garbage, they don't work in the longrun, the only thing that works is a proper up to date powerful e-cig, and they know it. I believe e-cigs will replace analogue cigarettes for the most part in the next 20-40 years as the technology improves and awareness spreads, this is the best they've got to fight it "tests aren't back yet, ban implemented"
Screw you Health Canada and Big Tobacco
You can't keep it up forever, even doctors disagree with you, I have 2-ecig kits now that made it in the country and 50 bottles of flavoured liquid, I'm now going to go vape some SCREW YOU strawberry, then some BITE ME blueberry, some KISS MY ASS kiwi, then finally some FUCK YOU fruit punch. Have a nice day!!!
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But the government has to protect the children! Imagine if they pick up an e-cig rather than a real one! I mean what if they choke on it?
I think it is about not letting a new "drug" become like what ciggarettes were 50 years ago. They didn't know back then about the consiquences, at least not fully (correct me if I am wrong). I have tried the Ecig and I agree it is amazing it really feels like it has no affect on your body. But that is not enough to say it is harmless or even relitively so. I mean if it turns out that they cause cancer twice as fast or something yeah we really don't want it. It is there responsibility to prevent it from being used in mass before the results are in. They cannot ban smokes because of how far they have penetrated society.
However I do agree that it is retarded that they are happy for you to smoke something proven to cause cancer but deny you something which has no evidence or any harms (to my knowledge). On this basis alone I would say they should allow it.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.
Well, I have long suspected that Health Canada had problems which people from Canuckistan were failing to disclose. Now we know. You have to deal with stupidity just like Americans do.
“I can go to the doctor” is the usual refrain. Well, I can go to the doctor too. In a few weeks, Obama care will be viable for me and then it will not cost $50. My choice of doctors will be limited but then I never much cared for the old pill pusher anyway.
Back when I had health care, the fucker would only prescribe the newest and most expensive drugs. In my case, one of them has been a combination of two older drugs where the patent rights ran out long ago. By making a combined form, they get a second chance at market exclusivity. Doc refused to write two scrips though and I can only assume that it was because he got paid to write the one that he was willing to do.
BTW, you can't get zyban covered down here either. Not wanting to smoke is a choice. Paying for my eventual horrid disease is a medical condition. On the other hand, I can go to a doctor and give him a song and dance about how much the world sucks and get Wellbutrin, which is the exact same thing.
I agree, but the one difference is ecigs are extremely simple and the liquids recipy simple and open book. You can easily make your own. The liquid is comprised of either propolene glycol or vegetable glycerin base, water, flavouring, and concentrated liquid nicotine (if desire). You can vape 0% nicotine liquid aswell I have some in granny smith apple it tastes great, no kick though. The properties in the liquid are edible, except for the nicoteen ofcourse which is a posion and will always be dangerous to our bodies in larger amounts. The real danger in smoking is in the cancer causing carcinogens, all the tar and carbon manoxide from a lit smoke, not to mind the 4000 some odd chemicals in that crap. E liquid is just vegetable glycerin, flavouring, and nicotine if desired. The tests have been done all over, but I think the ingredients speak for themselves, in the very least it is a better option. I would think health canada if concerned about the health of the citizens would allow the product knowing that also it would cut down on medical costs in the future.
This is what pisses me off the most, "don't vape, but go to your local corner store and buy a legal product that has caused more damage to our species than a-bombs."
I know right, what if they hit eachother with them and began using them as weapons, oh my.
Wow, I wonder if they have liquid THC for e-cigs. That would be awesome. I always wanted a vaporizer but they were too damn expensive. Not that I can afford it these days anyway.
BTW, I've heard good things about Zyban. It helped a friend of mine quit who was seriously addicted in a hopeless way. Nothing else worked for her.
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It is similar with the use of sodium chlorite (a.k.a. MMS) for stimulation of immune system. It's banned by FDA and "experts" say it's deadly. But I've personally drank lots of that stuff regularly for months (properly activated) and I felt great. It helped me on some ocassions and my family too. My dad would have lost half of his teeth without it. Just a month ago I used it to cure my fever and throat infection.
And who knows how many good products are banned or persecuted, thanks to the "free market". Separation of church and state, fine, but where are we without separation of market and state?
Back to the topic though, I've smoked the Red man's revenge too, for a few years around high school. My max was 5-6 cigs a day, while still keeping it secret. I felt like a partisan around my own house. A love-hate relationship, really. The less we need, the better off we are. Eventually, the cigs don't gave me any pleasure, just a short break from the craving.
How do people around you react? Do they mind the electronic smoking? Does it mean you can smoke in non-smoking places?
He often smoked joints, but he also used a wooden pipe with a special piece of ceramics inside. He called this a vaporizer. Not sure how this works, though. In Canada you should have some street shops where they should know more.
If this doesn't work, you can try a small handheld vaporizer, or search online for some references.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Well, when you give government the responsibility to "protect you" its going to protect you from all sorts of stupid harmless things.
I'll join you in giving a big
to these micromanaging control freaks that run rampant in democracies around the globe.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I'm sure you could cook that up somehow, I'm sure you could mix a little coke in their too. Uhoh more amunition for big tobacco and health canada to load their guns with.
A proper tank systen starker kit will run you about $80-$90 and last years. After you have purchased the hardware the liquid will only cost you $10-30 a month, less if you buy in bulk. I made a $120 purchase direct to the manufacturer in china that included an eGo-t starter kit and liquid a plenty. I have so much damb liquid I don't think I'll ever run out, I would say atleast a years worth. So for $120 I set myself up for a year, and the following year will only cost me $60 in liquid. $180 for 2 years of hard vaping as appose to $300 a month x 24 for smoking a pack a day = $7200. The numbers speak for themselves. If you are a regular smoker you can't afford not to buy a vaporizer and make the switch.
Oh I know, I was just ranting. I know a lady it worked for, I know a couple people it didn't and I met many people who said it messed them up and they didn't like it. It's a strong drug some people have bad reactions to it, i'm sure it works for some and should be viewed as an option. I'm just uneasy about a pill that is powerful enough to take away your desire to smoke, I mean what is it doing up their to make that happen? I believe it is an anti depressant aswell, I'm also uneasy about anti depressant pills that moonlight as quit smoking pills, repackaged they could be... I'm uneasy about giving vibrant rambunctious 5 year old boys pills powerful enough to suck the life out of them so they can sit through 7 hours of boring education that doesn't take their interests at all into consideration. I'm feel uneasy in general about mood altering drugs, it works for some, I don't think it is the awnser for many to alter whats going on upstairs.
The problem is smokers (me anyways) aren't addicted to cigarettes, infact Ironically I hated them for years. What I did grow accustom to was holding something in my hand, and exhaling "smoke." That's really what smokers are looking for, that fun little friend that goes so damb well with a drink on the weekend, blowing o's, taking a minute for yourself, all those little pleasantries "smoking" proivides. They can just never be happy with that friend because they know what is it doing to them. With the e-cig you get all the desirable sides to "smoking" and none of the non desirable sides to it. If you are truly concerned about even the small chances of heart disease and such things due to over use of nicotine then simply vape nicoteen free liquid it tastes great aswell.
Hey man, we have it a lot better than the States. Health Canada is klicks beyond the FDA, which is why banning prescriptions from Canada is so hilarious (cheaper AND better quality than local stock, lol). I'm willing to wait an extra year or 5 to be that much more certain a product is safe for consumption.
Not that I've heard of this product before.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Yeah, it sounds like BS. The only real concern I've heard bout e-cigs is that it's possible to die of a nicotine overdose if you don't use them properly - and the fluid itself contains much more nicotine per mg than standard cigarettes - so if your kid was to drink a whole bottle of that stuff, it could be curtains for them. Still I think the ban is pretty ridiculous - there are lots of household products that could be fatal if ignested, and we don't ban those.
Optimism is reality, pessimism is the fantasy that you know enough to be cynical
60-something vet friend of mine has been wondering the same thing.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
Fun fact: Nicotine is the primary toxic ingredient in many pesticides.
Are you saying this is inevitable? You are aware there are plenty of exceptions to this rule, right?
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
You are right about large quanitties of e-juice, if consumed you will die child or not. That is why most reputable dealers only sell in quanties of 30ml bottles or less. From China however you can order a drum full which would kill many people, but so can bleech, hydrochloric acid, a bottle of moonshine, and guns. Anyone who leaves a litre full of nicotine filled e-liquid around kids is a complete idiot. As for the juice having a stronger nicotine content than regular smokes this is false, the user chooses his desired nicotine level from none = 0mg no nicotine at all all the way to XXXhigh-48mg which yes is much stronger than a cigarette, I vape at about 12mg, solid throat hit and I can vape all day without feeling the effects of too much nicotine in my system (unsteady hands, elevated heartrate) If you vape 48mg all day, that is probably not good for you. The most advanced products on the market are completely adjustable, you can even choose your desired voltage from 3-6 on a digital dial which changes the vapour production, floavour boldness, and throat hit. Vaping is going pro!
The global vaping community is so strong (check out www.e-cigarette-forum.com crazy active forum) and the technology so advanced I think it is kinda funny big tobacco is fighting it. If I were a man of influence at big tobacco, some young blood in their with those old out dated dinosaurs, I would advise to buy out the larger most reputable manufacturers of quality e-cigs, then stop paying health canada to ban them, then I would brand and market the crap out of them locally and become the leading most trusted distributor in canada. I would have an e-cig option on the shelves right next to my pack of smokes so I didn't care whether people smoked or vaped I still profited. I guess the problem is simple, vaping is worth less profit as it costs much less per person in the long run. And for that big tobacco will most likely fight untill it's dying days. I guess they ahven't calcualted that for every analogue customer they have half of them will die young from the product and so their average customers lifspan is much less, so I'd say it equals out, not to mind you are saving people lives, but who gives a crap about that in big business. Instead of taking market share from a rising product and staying relevant through the culture shift, they will fight, loose, and become irrellevant to the future "smoking" community once analogues are viewed by the majority of the population as horses are to drivers.
I don't know how much ethylene glycol does the liquid contain. Maybe you'd have better to get a pure ethylene glycol or glycerin somewhere and mix it in later. Also, watch out for the dosage. Joints burn a lot of the stuff, before it reaches you. E-cig burns nothing. Test it very carefully, have just one small toke and don't hold it in long, wait and see.
If you're impatient, just put the sticky buds into a blender, pour in the liquid, mix it well and let it dissolve overnight. Then get the herbal material out through a sieve (save for later if the THC didn't all dissolve), load up your E-cig and get away quickly, before the violet elephants trample you.
But generally, behaves like a drug, or a neurotransmitter. A small key that opens in brain a pleasant flow of comforting and stimulating neurotransmitters and doesn't damage anything.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Lum, would you care to translate that for those of us who are chemistry impaired.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
And make it quick! Kapkao needs a hit!
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Very well. Buy a bottle of pure 95% ethanol, not the technical one. Mix some of it with your best weed in a blender. Then let it stand overnight and put it through sieve. Let the alcohol evaporate, you should get a ganja resin. Don't worry with a filtration, dissolve as much resin as possible in some small amount of glycerin from pharmacy store. Then mix this glycerin into a small amount of VG-based e-cig liquid, preferably without nicotin, if you have some.
This advice is for educational purposes only and just on the top of my head, so you're risking these things: Destroying your weed, gluing your e-cig with resin, not getting high enough, getting high way too much.
As in everything, there is trial and error before you develop the right technique. Too much of resin, glycerin or e-cig liquid will give unsatisfactory results. Best use small and concentrated amounts, that way you can dilute it, if there's too much resin in there. I recommend to put aside an extra e-cig set for these educational purposes only and don't mistake it for your common daily nicotin e-cigs. It could ruin your day, job, car and life.
But look at the bright side: the autumn time of harvest is already here and in a couple of weeks farmers may bring the fruits of their work under the roof. If you can make an impression on a farmer with your plan, or have a harvest yourself, it's the right time to try it.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
That almost sounds like my oil recipe. Though using a blender is unnecessary and undesirable when making oil, and there are extra steps (ie: added chemicals/products) for which purposes I can merely assume.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)