Wandered over from the AFA

Hi all,
just wandered over from the Atheist Foundation of Australia (http://atheistfoundation.org.au/forums/index.php) . Sorry, something is blocking the link dialog, and its 1am, so I'll work out how to deal with that another time. I also hang out at RationalSkepticism.org.
Atheist, mostly liberal, mostly progressive. I'm into business and making money. I'm also into board games, RPG (especially Call of Cthullhu), singing, hiking (or as we call it in Oz "bushwalking" ) and computing science. Oh, and science of all stripes. And painting, drawing and reading sci-fi, and some fantasy. And..oh I'm moderately activist-ish.
Plays nice with others, even those that insist on speaking eejit and wooberish. Opposes evil. Recently took to wearing glasses. Not to disguise my secret identity (that never works) but because I'm getting on in years and I need them to read.
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If you feed the trolls, make sure it's unpalatable.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Another AFA shows up! Ta DA!!!! You will fit in nicely around here with all the other Aussies, Canuck me self. Post early and often.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
G'day, and welcome!. I live in Brisbane.
Been involved with our local Atheist Meetup group for quite a few years now.
Your handle brought back memories from my childhood - old sci-fi comic-strip hero...
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology
Welcome to the forums.
Tell a friend, mate!
Sydney boy, me. You'll have fun here.
Welcome. Pull up a chair and crack a beer. You will find that we are only mildly radioactive (blame that on the potassium we eat).