Can't wear anything bright - Is that bright?

I ride motorcycles and embrace hi-viz jackets. It is the way to go for my safety and for car drivers who are texting, yelling at their kids, talking on the cell know anything but driving. "If you hit something backup and try again" appears to be their motto.
One crazy person came completely in my lane while I was riding a straight-pipe Road King, the kind that make your ears bleed. So adding hi-viz gives me some kind of chance. (oh, I don't own any bikes with loud pipes anymore, particularly because of the aforementioned story).
So who are the crazy ones in this story below?
Eight Amish men have been jailed by a judge in Kentucky for non-payment of fines after refusing to fix reflective orange warning triangles to the back of their horse-drawn buggies.
The unusual suspects, whose mugshots have been published online, were arrested for misdemeanours. A ninth man was arrested but not jailed.
The group hail from the stricter Old Order Swartzentruber sect and objected to the bright triangles on modesty grounds, saying they were barred from wearing or displaying anything bright or colourful.
Members of the sect can affix reflective tape to their vehicles but refuse the orange triangle – a legal requirement on slow-moving vehicles.
After their arrest, the group subsequently refused to pay any fines as that would, in turn, mean recognising the law they refuse to obey.
Judge Deborah Hawkins of Graves County district sentenced eight of the men to between three and 10 days in jail for their refusal to pay up.
Local television station WPSD reported that a "concerned citizen" had paid the fine for the ninth man so that he could be with his sick child.
The case has been running since 2008 and the men have been represented by a civil rights group, but it was reported that their latest appeal was refused in June. William Sharp, their lawyer from the American Civil Liberties Union of Kentucky, invoked their constitutional right to religious liberty.
"This case is about the right of Kentuckians to freely exercise their religious beliefs and, by necessity, the limits of government's ability to impose a substantial burden on that right."
Because of the belief no bright clothing should be worn, the men were given dark-coloured jumpsuits to wear rather than standard issue orange overalls.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
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OK, so they are in jail but the state has to go out of their way to buy special jumpsuits so that they don't look like prisoners? I could have sworn that being in jail meant that you lost your rights. Here I have to wonder what jail is like when you are branded as an outsider to the other prisoners?
But yah, the Amish are like that.
Years ago, I used to play paint ball in Lancaster County PA. They have Amish compatible building codes. Don't think barn that will stand for a couple of centuries though. There is a reason why they keep having to build new barns and that is because they are actually not very good builders.
The place that I was playing was one of those ski resorts where the lodging is a little group of condo like buildings. One time, at the after party, I was one of a group of people staning on the deck when one more person walked outside. Straw that broke the camels back as the deck suddenly dropped three feet.
The next morning, we went back to see what had happened and it turned out that the deck was not attached to the building according to national standard building codes. Normally that would be half inch bolts every sixteen inches directly into the framing. In Amish territory, builders can use wire nails.
yeah, it so odd the depth of religion and how they just make shit up. As an SDA they told me how to think, how to dress, how to speak, treating others as complete morons. But the SDA never said anything about the color of your clothes, except Ellen White said every woman should have a red dress. It will make her happier. Even back in the day that struck me so odd and wasn't that a harlots color. Religion is just plain odd. They always are looking for new rules to separate themselves from "heathens". You can tell who is in and who is out. Makes for easier judgement.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
The Amish, and other reclusive sects are a hidden tragedy. Very few children are ever able to break out of their religious communities. There are some stories from ex-Amish and ex-whatevers, but they are quite rare, and they often tell of horrible social coerciveness and mind control (can't think of a better word) techniques used to make them into basically self-enforced prisoners. Few are able to even imagine how life might be better in the modern world. And for those that leave, they leave behind the next generation who are just as clueless and just as brainwashed. I wonder if there will ever be a way to reach them effectively.
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Ah SDA. I don't recall you ever mentioning what your specific cult was. My last one was Landmark Baptist and they have specific rules for both apparel and grooming. Funny story there.
When I joined up, I was your typical 20 year old dude with shoulder length hair and a beard. Now it is a known fact that all christian men wear black slacks, white shirts and narrow black ties. It is just a given, roll with it.
For the grooming, you need to know that we were only allowed free reading of the epistles. The OT and the gospels were advanced text that only pastor could interpret. When I was informed of my need for a hair cut, I asked about all the standard images of god jr. I was told that those are just paintings and that he really wore his hair short and parted on the right.
Bear in mind that I am left handed, so as a kid, that was how I parted. But Landmark Baptists part their hair to the right because the left is bar sinister. Granted, the word in really a hold over from Latin but still, sinister is a bad thing.
Also, the short hair thing in in the OT. “Here, let me show you” Pastor said and opened the book long enough for me to read a single passage that said something along the line of “the men cropped their hair short” before slamming it closed so that I could not see the context.
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Ah! Natural, I doubt that anyone can break the Amish without actually living with them. I don't know about the larger group but the Lancaster County contingent has a standard that once the kids are old enough to be fully brainwashed, they actually go out into the world at large for a couple of years.
That is probably where the ex-Amish come from but the general idea is that they come back once they have seen the clear errors of not being Amish.
That being said, I have toyed with the idea of going there for a vacation. Leave the computer and cell phone behind (not that they would work down there anyway) and go, well, natural for a while. I would not mind having to build a timber framed building. The general idea of going completely off the grid for a week or so sounds not so bad. Leave the whole mad world thing behind and all.
Just make sure you use the proper nails.
Parted on the right????

My parents were G&C so I had to wear my hair off the collar and up off the ears. Went to public school. All the other guys had long hair. I looked real goofy with a pile of hair on top and close everywhere else. Needless to say wasn't too popular with the girls.
I was told to stay out of Ezekiel. It is one screwed up book and contradicts itself. I think Jesus had a fondness for it because of all the "son of man" stuff.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
They have Rumspringa where youth 16-19 are allowed to go wild for a weekend. Sounds like few take advantage of it, but after 16 years of being brainwashed it would be quite difficult. You get free will for a weekend, whoop-dee-doo.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
National standard buildin code requires fairly large bolts which attach to the frame of the building. Amish building codes allow for cheap ass nails. Kinda makes me wonder if the building was safe to be in...