God Saves My Brother in Law From Prostate Cancer

"...all the seemingly bad stuff that happens, when I look back at it I can see how it might have been far, far worse. Sometimes I'm struck by how kind God seems to be, how compassionate towards us.
I know that this doesn't deal with things like people who have awful diseases and die quickly because of them. It doesn't deal with the suffering of people who watch their children starve to death. Of people who cannot even begin to keep family members safe from war and violence.
I suspect that even in those heartbreakingly bad conditions, God is present. God is acting. And God is existing above and beyond the horrors and heartbreaks of our earthly condition.
That's what I think... the words of a woman who will rise at 5am to drive her best friend to hospital so he can have a major surgery so that the growths his body produces will be removed from places where they can make his life more difficult. And he trusts God absolutely in all of this, we both do."
By my Big Sister
Now, I love my big sister and I commiserate with her on this - her husband has had a string of health battles in the course of his life and remains resolute, upbeat and dedicated to serving others - he's a social worker - a former evangelical minister and a good guy.
But there's no mention of centuries of medical development, no credit to the surgeon, no recognition of a medicare system paid for by the universal empathy of the nation's taxpayers.
My sister has an outstanding case of confirmation bias. If the man died it would be part of god's plan, if he lives, all credit is to god (he was fine and is now at home on the couch watching the rugby, eating chocolate brownies and enjoying being the centre of attention).
Anyway, as I type this I can't help wondering if any one has heard how our TGBaker is doing??
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
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I called him a few weeks ago. He got his new bone marrow. Now he is dealing with anticipated side effects but he sounds well enough, so they are probably minor.
Thanks for that, Gene.
Thanks be to science.
PS - for the brother-in-law as well, AE.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
cj - the lord was all over this from the start. First testing BroinLaw with cancer and now rewarding him with impotence. Oh, how mysterious are His ways...
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Well, if he is that deeply religious, perhaps doing push ups over a bowl of Lourdes water will help.
minestrone over keyboard...
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Really?? Hmmm.......
I'll get back to you with the results of the experiment.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
"God did it" if he lives, "God did it" if he dies, is merely the credulous's way of saying "Life is a crap shoot and I'll insert a magic man in as the answer.
He got cancer because cancer is a reality. He didn't get it because of some stupid superstition. He got treatment because of doctors, not because of a magic man in the sky. He will die eventually in any case, cancer or not. Crossing your fingers with self inflicted superstition will never change the reality of life.
Facing reality does not mean a lack of compassion. Facing reality doesn't make one negative. Hitchens, for example to me, has to be the greatest example of accepting one's mortality without demeaning it with bullshit deities.
I cant fathom, now that I am an atheist, how one can demean life by trying to stupidly make up a non-existent fairy tale. It is because our species shed the tribal myths of the past that we have progressed. It is because of questioning and sheding superstition that this man, and anyone with any type of cancer, at least now, has a shot at surviving or extending their life. If we as a species clung to the past, he wouldn't have even known what cancer was, and those around him would stupidly blame it on sin or evil spirits.
When the fuck will our species grow up and shed their mental toys and become adults and face life as it is. I don't know if we ever will, but I am damned sure going to expose as many people to the myth of all god/s to at least maximize. as much as possible, rational thought.
Cancer happens, not because we want it to, but because it is part of nature. Tsunami's happen, not because we want them to, but because it is part of nature. Neither the good or bad in life that happen need comic book super heros to explain. We know what cancer is now because of study. We know what causes tsunamis because of study. Myth making will never hold a candle to the REAL study of life.
I feel for you. Whenever my mother has health problems, it makes me anxious, scared and depressed. Pain and suffering and death ALWAYS happen in life and will always be part of life. But I see no good reason to make up bullshit especially out of fear merely to placate emotions.
Everyone's time will come, be it old age, accident, war, crime or disease. This has always been part of our evolution and will always be the case until we go extinct.
It is sad and can be scary and painful, but facing it as it is without fictional super heros is much better and frees you up to face it with less fear and allows you to focus on real things, like loved ones and treatment.
I think it scares the believe that atheists don't want or need their pet gods to face the ultimate reality that we are finite. Cancer would scare me too if I got it, but delusions scare me more because cancer only affects me. Delusions affect entire nations and the entire globe.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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