No floor number 4, 13, 14, and 24 in vancouver highrises.

I've known this for a while being in construction, but I was just reminded of it today. I don't know if this is anywhere else but in Vancouver, here residential highrises are built with no floor 4, 13, 14, 24, or 34 etc... This is because they are supersticious numbers, 13 for Westerners, and enything with a 4 in it for Asians. I never really thought much about it years ago, but today (spending the last few years growing my rational mind) I found it particularly funny that entire buildings worth $100,000,000 are designed around peoples stupidity. Floor 13 has always been avoided, but as more Asians (no idea which countries do the #4 thing) came to Vancouver and bought up real estate developers noticed they wern't buying on floors with a 4 in them. Now 4 is just avoided completely to not minimize potetial buyers. My personal opigion (and this is just my opigion), it is fucking retarded. So wtf is the logic? If you believe floor 13 is really bad luck, then isn't floor 14 floor 13 in a building with no 13th floor? I count up 13 windows, and that's your floor, yet is is called the 14th floor, so your ok, no bad luck their? I don't get it!
Why are people so damb retarded?
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I actually looked into that a while back when a product that I use went directly from version 3 to version 5. It is from a Shinto association that 4 is the number of death, so Primarily it is Japanese. And yes, I agree that it is dumb.
The superstitions themselves are dumb, but the reaction is anything but. The owners are clearly well aware of the impact superstitions can have on their finances, and have taken steps to reduce the impact. I'd do the same thing. It's not like they believe the superstitions themselves (though I'm sure some do to some extent), they just believe there is belief in superstitions, and remove indications that the superstitious avoid.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Oh ofcourse the buyeys thinking about resselling, and the developers aren't the superstitious ones, for them it's just about maximizing profit and the speed of unit sales, it's just business. I just think its funny in general that such silly things are encorporated into such massive projects worth so much movey. I guess I just think "really, their are enough superstitious people today in Vancouver that developers actually have to take them into consideration." I guess it just always surprises me when I find out about another huge group of people who believe in silly things. The elevator thing, it's like asking the visiting tradesman to not leave ladders leaning up against the wall incase someone might walk under one and and bring the site/building bad luck, and this order is coming straight from the developer.
I just find it funny.