Bible question - I want to make sure I interpret this correctly

The story of Moses states there are 10 plagues. The 10th one being the killing of the first born.
Now the way I see it this statement means EVERYONE who was the first born who fell under the rule of the Pharaoh.. The person could be 80 years old or 8 minutes old. It makes no difference. Seeing how an 8 minute old human is killed for Pharaoh says "no" then this leads me to the following statement:
God killed babies for he didn't like being told no. These babies had no idea they had to die because a deity choose to kill them. They didn't know anything. Explain to me how this is defensible and I'm supposed to "love" a deity that does this and I'm even supposed to condone this type of behavior.
Am I missing something here?
Gods do not directly kill people for they do not exist...
People who worship gods kill lots of people everyday......
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Nope. That's pretty much it.
Sith Lord. You see the way it works is that these awful babies are not innocent! On account of Eve's parsel tongue kiss with the snake in the garden of eden many moons ago, all children are born deserving to die and to be tortured forever and ever in a lovely big lake of fire with shiny red demons to play with!
Next time you see an innocent child think of a terrible war crime, or a murder, or a rape, or whatever is the worst evil thing possible. You see, when our loving heavenly father looks down on the wee bairns from his bejeweled stratospheric deckchair, he sees sin-porn, not the fact they are only 4 days old. To god, the most innocent, blind and mewling newborn is disgusting and deserves to be slapped against the nearest outcrop of granite.
It's challenging, I know, but the reason you struggle with understanding this is pride, not your own morality. You think you know better than god but he is perfectly just and you are totally evil, blinded by satan and you must be tortured eternally because he loves you but cannot abide any arbitrary imperfections of any kind, even those he creates himself because that's their own fault.
The sooner you confess to god in prayer, that you are a worthless scoundrel, the sooner jesus will drench you in his sanctifying blood. Like in Predator, once you are bathed in jesus-blood, your heavenly father can't see your rotten humanity, all he sees is lovely, blue-eyed Sufjan Jesus with his guitar and leather wrist bands, the whole arrayed in honey-dripping Illinois harmonies. Thanks to jesus-blood you get to go to heaven and hang out with god while he tortures everyone else. It'll be like christmas with Hannibal Lector.
I can hardly wait...
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
My favorite bedtime bible story about our loving heavenly sky daddy & baby killing is this one.
2 Samuel 12:13-14
Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the LORD.” Nathan replied, “The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die. But because by doing this you have made the enemies of the LORD show utter contempt,the son born to you will die.”
King David sleeps with Batheseba who is married to Uriah who is one of David's best soldiers. David gets Batheseba pregnant and freaks out. His solution is to get Uriah back from war and have him sleep with Batheseba so he will think it is his child. No Murray Povich back in those days. But Uriah refuses because he loves his king and the kings war. War good, Sex bad. Now David has another brainstorm. He tells his commander to go to battle with some polytheists and put Uriah in front. When Uriah is sufficiently out in front, have everyone pull back and let those damn polytheists kill Uriah. And so it was. Well, Jehovah saw this and told his prophet Nathan who goes to David and points out his sin. All that happens, but as you can see from the above text god kills David's newborn. God's ways are truly mysterious unless you see it for the bullshit it is.
Another one is in my signature.
I rattle Christian anti-abortionists. They have no scriptural leg to stand on. There is nothing in the bible that states Jehovah/Jesus were against abortion. They have associated it with there cause as if commanded by Jesus. LOL. There were abortions going on during those centuries. A lot going on at brothels. Yet Paul was more concerned about hair length and women keeping their mouths shut.
We joke that atheist eat babies. It is Jehovah who has babies for breakfast.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Are you telling me the church lied to me when they said Satan and Eve had a platonic relationship?
Those bastards.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Have any of you ever checked out
It's gives a whole lot of references to absurdities found in the bible.
I'm a newbie here, so excuse me if you guys now all about the site!
FM, That is one of the best. Here is another good one, but I don't think it is being updated anymore, but therm again neither is the BuyBull.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
This is the Greek idea that children (and wives) were the property of the men. Thus it was a punishment for the men. It was loss of property.
It is also poetic or dramatic rather than literal as the odds of the first born surviving to the age of five was 50:50 so it could only have hit half the families so far as people go. Similarly for animals, first born is also likely first eaten. And then it would only apply to animals with single births. No one would keep track of first born chicken or pig. It is a horror story. You are not supposed to analyze it.
Ownership of chidren is contrary to the Egyptian tradition of more or less sexual equality and children not being property. It is another of those big hints which point to the Greeks as the creators of the OT.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
This thread was hijacked by a theist, sorry about that. Mods, you should have nuked that shit before I got here. I don't care how you get rid of theist commenting in this forum, just get rid of it!
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