Gravity destroys your morals!

Brothers and Sisters in Christ (and all you smelly, unsaved heathens who pollute these Godly forums with your non-christian morality, non-christian science and other kinds of secular godlessness),
it is my pleasure to make my first contribution to these forums with an essay exposing one of the immoral, materialistic lies fed upon the unsuspecting public by devil-worshipping atheists. I am speaking, of course, about the faulty theory of gravity. I will tackle some of the more evil aspects of gravitational theory, and explain why it is incompatible with genuine, bible-based science, which is the only kind there is, of course.
1. A Fact?
Is gravity an accepted fact? Many public school teachers would like you to believe so. However, this is a ridiculous presumption, cooked up by Lucifer’s demons in the deepest bowels of Hell. Gravity is not a fact, but only a theory, and, as every True Christian® knows, the word “theory” means “vague, delusional speculation on basis of wrongly interpreted data.” This is in sharp contrast to facts, which are defined as “things whose truthfulness is beyond question.” There are currently several thousands known facts, all of which were already known before the year 1611 AD, when they were compiled in one single book, called “The King James Bible.” This means that genuine science must be based upon the Bible, and nothing else. Gravity, I will show, is not. In fact, every secular “scientist” acknowledges that gravity is just a theory, yet they keep insisting, with unashamed hypocrisy, that it is taught at schools.
2. Gravity is of the devil
The Bible clearly teaches that all things can be divided into two groups: things that are with Jesus, and things that are against Him (of the devil). The Bible testaments the falling down of many things, including rain, people, manna, millstones, walls, stars, Jezebel and Sodom and Gomorra (after being lifted and flipflopped in the sky…can gravity explain such a thing? I think not!), but it also documents the cause of these miracles. This cause, of course, is God, and not some lunatic naturalistic theory that is not even proven. As gravity has no biblical support, it is not of Jesus, therefore it is of the devil.
3. Incoherent ramblings of gravitationists
When asking what causes this supposed “gravity,” many gravitationists readily admit that they don’t even know for sure. They will then start blabbing about “curvatures in the space-time continuum,” adding extra, imaginary dimensions to make their models fit. Can you believe that? One of the favourite methods of lying atheists to support their hopeless theories is to add as many extra dimensions and physical “laws” as needed to rescue their models, completely ignoring that the Bible speaks of no physical “laws,” the only existent laws being those which God gave to Moses. Likewise, no other dimensions than the known three are described in the bible. The gravitationists say they can’t describe this “multi-dimentional” world, because they can’t even visualize it themselves, yet they claim to know for sure that it is “truth.” The main reason gravitationists bombard us with incomprehensible ideas like these, is to give the false impression that they have a clue what they’re talking about.
4. Backmasking experiment
Rigorous study by many respected Creation-Scientific institutes have proved demonic influence of the evil book of Isaac Newton, the Principia. Researchers let the first chapter of the book be read out loudly by four hellbound, godless Chinamen, with little grasp of Godly English, the language in which the only True Bible was written. They recorded it on tape, and consequently played it backwards. Of course, it was all Satan speaking, with the word “hell” occurring 148 times, “Satan” 133 times, “sex” 241 times, “gay” 101 times, “Obama” 238 times, “universal healthcare” 122 times, and so on. This is clear, irrefutable evidence of the demonic inspiration of gravitationist philosophy.
5. Gravitationism is a Hellish philosophy!
The bible clearly teaches the locations of Heaven and Hell, the former being high in the sky, between the clouds and the stars, and the latter being deep within the earth. However, gravity raises some troubling implications: it teaches that everything on earth is, in fact, drawn towards a point deep within the earth. This point, of course is Hell. So, gravitationism teaches that everything on earth tries to get to Hell! And this “everything” includes, of course, True Christians®. Can you imagine a more unbiblical doctrine? Hell is literally central in this philosophy, and Heaven is the place where everything tries to get away from. They teach this in public schools, folks! No wonder this country is going to hell.
If you want final proof that gravity is a lie of Satan, an easy deduction argument is enough:
Fact 1: Satan’s lies try to land people in Hell
Fact 2: Gravity tries to land people in Hell.
Ergo: Gravity is a lie of Satan
Fight gravitationism! Tell your neighbours about the repressed facts about this theory! Spread the truth!
God bless you (unless you aren’t a Christian, in which case He will torture you for all eternity, a punishment you deserve for picking the wrong religion).
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Ok, I take it back. Definitely a poe.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
What are you, a card carrying member of Landover Baptist Church, and your personal bible was hijacked from a motel room near Memphis. Has for your theory of gravity; suppose I hold a bowling ball directly over your head and let go. But don't worry about your skull it's only a theory.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Thanks, whoever you are. I needed a good laugh!
Good job!
I was about ready to take a nap but your style of writing kept me glued to this post ~ satire in the form of poe or poe in the form of satire... is poe a poe when it is satire? Oh geez, now I will never fall asleep...
Slowly building a blog at ~
Welcome True Christian®. Please stick around and continue your series of sermons. When it was time for the closing hymn and the triple amen I was seriously disappointed.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
This clown sounds a lot like Jean Chauvin...
think we all know who was responsible for that, the Godless liberals who cannot stand having their immorality shoved back in their ugly face!! The defenders of free thought, the Big Bang theory and evolution, are not only striking out at me, but at all Christians. . Last night, while I was sitting on my front-porch swing, gazing up at Heaven, President Bush appeared to me in a vision. He told me that my work was not yet finished, there were still many liberals who had not yet seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!! President Bush would not be in the White House right now if God didn’t want him there. President Bush was put in a position of leadership in order to wipe the devil’s religion of Islam off the face of the Earth, so that the Christian God can fill the world with His message of peace and love. President Bush has stated numerous times that he speakes with God in the Oval Office, he even asked God for military advice before the invasion of Iraq. Modern liberalism is the equivalent of atheism, liberals are in favor of killing babies, raising taxes, teaching evolution, and same sex marriage. Jesus is opposed to all of these horrible things
This thread has given me a good laugh
I like the solid underline bold text paragraph.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
umm... President Bush (Senior and Junior) are both alive. How can they appear in a vision? And I don't believe either one is in the Oval Office at the moment?
You need to update that load of crap.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
Love the Jesus avatar. Blue background pops.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
question. Does a being have to be lifeless in order to become a spirit?
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Dude, did the godless chinaman pee on your rug?
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Oh and dude chinaman is not the proper nomenclature.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Jean, is that you? Id10t.
Last I had heard from Jean, he was supposedly "dying". (What I think was just a bullshit play for attention).
Perhaps this is his ghost, sitting in heaven with god and continuing to mess with us.
Hopefully, god doesn't allow too much internet alloted time up there.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
I always used to regard antiATHEISM as inhumane, but now my own experiences have converted me into the most fanatical enemy of ATHEISM: ATHEISTS as born destroyers, not rulers at all; they had neither culture, nor art,nor architecture of their own, ‘the surest expression of a people’s culture.’ They are just calculators. That explains why only ATHEITS could have founded Marxism, which negates and destroys the very basis of all culture. With their Marxism, the ATHEITS hoped to create a broad mindless mass of plebs without any real intelligence, a gormless instrument in their hands.’
What is an ATHEITS ?
OH, you must mean an Atheist. Ah, A (without) Theist (belief in god).
The term Atheist, is not synonymous with Marxist.
Now as far as ATHEITS are concerned, I can't say I know a whole lot about them. They might be Marxists.
Tell you what, if I see or encounter an ATHEITS. I'll ask them.
P.S. If Jesus is love, does he love Atheits and Atheists and Marxists ? Hmm, the bible doesn't say anything about atheits or marxists. Perhaps you can help me with that.
Respectfully once again,
So Jean, is your new alter-ego a calvinist as well ?
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
atheists trolls. Look, you're despicable. Enjoy life in the dark. We in the light see things different. pres BUSH A great man, a godly talented man, a genius, a born superstar, a legend, a magician, and a unmatched humanitarian A slap in the face to the evil snakes in the grass that try to bring down a man who has surpassed greatness and became a international symbol of peace and hope and fame and stardom and talen
atheists trolls. Look, you're despicable. Enjoy life in the dark. We in the light see things different. pres BUSH A great man, a godly talented man, a genius, a born superstar, a legend, a magician, and a unmatched humanitarian A slap in the face to the evil snakes in the grass that try to bring down a man who has surpassed greatness and became a international symbol of peace and hope and fame and stardom and talen
How could we ever be lucky enough to end up with another President as wonderful and downright perfect as George W. Bush? How could Jesus ever favor us with another leader so brilliant and virile? How could The Lord ever possibly see fit to lavish upon the United States of America another such magnificent, heroic, brave, wise, bold, insightful, fair-minded, and benificent sheppard? That's why it's essential that we burn every copy of the constitution and immediately proclaim George W. Bush permanent lifetime Emperor of The World, with completely unlimited powers over all matters. It's the very least we could do.
I don't think you could possibly be serious.
Comes a point when you are too ridiculous to be mocked. Either sober up, get off the high, or rein it in a little.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
Whenever a theist questions gravity, they've proven themselves to be faking their theism. Questioning the science of gravity was started by atheists who were mocking theists for disregarding the reality of evolution. Theists may be crazy enough to have invisible omnipotent friends, they may even be crazy enough to believe the world is only a few k years old. Some are so loopy as to think the world is flat. But none of them doubt gravity. Simply because gravity was one of the very few things humans had a limited but semi-accurate understanding of when the religions of today were created. It has subsequently been accounted for in their religion. It's also one of the few sciences we have an intuitive understanding of from birth, since it affects us every moment of our existence.
So whenever a theist questions gravity, you're dealing with a fake theist, or someone who is REALLY insane.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.