Stupid piece of shit people.
This has nothing to do with religion, I just wanted to rant about STUPID PIECE OF SHIT PEOPLE. I have so many stupid piece of shit people in my life coming and going, leaving trails of destruction behind them, I've had it up to here! I'll tell you about the last stupid piece of shit person, maybe you can recalls some of the stupid piece of shit people in your life.
I had my liscence prohibited for 3 months for some silly tickets I had pending, so I had to hire on driver/labourers to drive me around to customers sites to do their flooring work. I've gone through 7 now in 3 months. The last was a real gem. Justin's the name, 22 year old hoped up on all kinds of meds for his depression, anxiety, adhd, a hole bunch of stuff. At first, this didn't let it concern me he seemed like a nice kid, a little messed up obviously with serious social problems, but he was better than others I've hired on. As the days went on I learned more, he is on welfare for his depression, apparently doctors have deemed him mentally unable to do normal work, but he seemed capable, just very strange. I ended up lending him hundreds of dollars which he ofcourse didn't payback when he said he would but did end up working it off cause I wouldn't pay him a dime untill he did. More days go on he shows up late consistently every morning 15-45 minutes if he shows at all. More days go on, we meet his girlfriends friend at the gas station while filling up on route to a job, it's 1 pm and shes rocking back and forth shaking like a crack head obviously high as a kite on opiates, awesome. At this point I'm like "oh fuck he's a stupid piece shit isn't he, I know it, it's coming." The next day he decides to tell me (his boss) that he has to go to court for prank calling 911 because he was bored while walking down the street alone one day and got busted, all while thinking it was quite funny. Yup he's a stupid piece of shit alright, here we go. So now I know he's one of them, and I'm just waiting to let him go for the right cause.
Everywhere I took him people said to me in a quiet voice "why is he so annoying?" "What's wrong with him?" Or my favorite "So is know?" I end up getting the contract to 25% of a 30 floor condo highrise. On day 1 the owner of the flooring company with the other 75% who got us the job says to me "Hey, leash your guy, he's running around acting like an idiot, saying innapropriate things to people he doesn't know, he's your resposibility keep him in the units." So I did. The next day he picked me up but told me in the morning he couldn't work. The next day he no-showed, the following monday he no-showed again and if I didn't take the bus to the site I might would have probably lost the contract. I called all day with no awnser he had all my tools in his truck, finally got in touch with his step mom who said they were up all night arguing with some old lady??? or something??? Just a bunch of idiot stupid piece of shit people all lies and silly stories I didn't even care. I said I had no choice but to let him go and needed someone more reliable and I would come for my tools. The next day no awnser, the next day no awnser, on and on, yup he stole my tools. Definetly should of thought of that and let him go after I got my tools back.
This guy will do this shit everywhere he goes in life, fucking everything up in his path, getting fired consistently at everyjob and taking what he can as he goes. I tried to take this kid on, teach him some responsibility, a well paid trade, teach him how to act around grown ups especially hard core oldtimer tradesman types (straight forward no bullshit). He just maid an ass of himself, no-showed a bunch of times and stole my tools. The old me would go down to his apartment, kick down the door take his car keys to get my tools, and knock him out on the way out. The new me might call the building manager and arrange a meeting at his home with the cops. Not sure yet. Anyways these people are everywhere, stupid pieces of shit like hords of intellectually challenged pigeons just waiting to take a giant turd on your life.
Hey you, ya you, all you stupid pieces of shit, go fuck yourselves.
Thanks for listening.
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Welcome to the world of ADHD. This guy is a classic case. It is a serious condition in terms of reliability in work and personal relationships. All the stuff he did was heavily influenced by his inability to focus and control his impulsiveness. Of course, that does not let him off the hook. It just means there are predictable reasons for what happened. I would recommend not hiring someone with untreated (or incompletely treated, as in this guy's case) ADHD for any position that requires timeliness, reliability, consistent people skills, major responsibility, etc. And I have ADHD myself, so I'm not just hating on ADHDers.
Well, lesson learned: It should have concerned you. Hindsight is 20/20. If you hire someone with ADHD, I would recommend starting them on something basic first, and give them a while (like maybe 3 months) to see if they can be reliable long-term. Only then give them something requiring more responsibility. And be ready to pull them back if they start to seem stressed out, or if they don't seem to be able to handle the new responsibilities. They're not like an average person who can regulate that stuff themselves.
The initial excitement of a new job is stimulating enough that he could perform somewhat normally for the initial period. However, as he got accustomed to the job, he lost that high-level of interest in it, and his ADHD symptoms started to creep back into the situation. Hence, the increasingly unreliable behaviour. People with ADHD tend to go from one job to another to another. It's a recurring pattern.
Yep, not a good idea.
It's not that he didn't want to pay it back. It's that he couldn't manage his own money consistently enough to actually pay you back. That's why he needed the money in the first place. The way you got the money back was about the only way you were going to get it back.
Yep. Classic ADHD.
Probably the only kind of girlfriend he could get would be one with her own mental issues.
It's not exactly 'stupid' in the IQ sense of the word. It's an inability to control or direct your behaviour consistently. Lots of ADHD people are actually pretty smart (if I do say so myself ), but being smart won't get you very far if you can't sustain the focus and consistency to apply that intelligence when and where it is needed. If that's a form of 'stupidity', then maybe it is, but it's not the same kind of stupidity as something like typical theism or typical ignorance. Those can be corrected with information, learning, etc. ADHD is something you have starting in childhood (and is relatively strongly inherited) and usually continues through adult-hood. You can learn to cope with it, but you can't learn your way out of it. Even medication only helps, it doesn't cure it.
Okay, thinking the 911 thing was funny: Yes that is stupidity.
Answers: 1) ADHD, 2) ADHD, 3) Yes, ADHD (and anxiety, and depression, etc.)
Now, obviously I don't know this guy, but one thing that's very common with severe ADHD like this guy has is drug abuse, especially things like meth, cocaine, and other stimulants. It is possible part of his money problems may have been connected with drug use, especially if his gf appears to have been a druggie. He might have sold your tools to get drug money.
Pretty much. Yep. Welcome to the world of ADHD.
Admirable of you, but a guy in that condition is simply unable to follow through on his end of the bargain. He probably sincerely wanted to "get it right this time", but his condition simply messed him up too much to actually succeed at 'getting it right'.
Well, now you know. Employ ADHDers with caution. They tend to be good at things that don't require a lot of responsibility, but instead require constant adaptation to fast-paced changing situations.
Lots of actors and comedians have ADHD (think of Robin Williams; although I'm not sure if he's publicly stated he has it, I surely wouldn't be surprised).
I used to be a computer programmer. I'm really good at it if there are no deadlines and it's a really tricky bit of code that needs some imagination to work out the solution to. But I suck incredibly the moment someone puts a deadline on it--which, in professional programming, is basically all the time.
Now, I'm doing tutoring. This is something I can actually consistently succeed at. No deadlines, no heavy responsibility (I don't have to pass the courses myself, I just have to help the students learn the material; it's up to them to do the work to pass), requires fast-paced adaptation to deal with all the students' issues in a 1 hour session, then switch to a completely different student for the next hour, and constantly changing subject matter, so it is always interesting to me.
I have no advice on how to deal with the guy, except probably the police thing is not a bad idea.
Maybe a better long-term plan, though, would be to develop a nose for unreliable workers, and hire people on in stages, like a 3 month 'probation period' or something like that, so that you are not depending so heavily on someone you don't know if they are reliable or not yet.
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Yep, been there. The only thing you can do is churn people through until you find a diamond then pay that person whatever you must to keep them. Perhaps be a little pickier in your hiring, but I have had several new hires look promising then turn out to be total messes. Kind of sad when finding an employee who will show up to work consistently and can be trusted with basic tasks unsupervised is difficult, but it is, especially when your hiring 20 somethings.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I hope you didn't misunderstand me I didn't mean stupid as in stupid. I just meant "stupid piece of shit," like a tool, a fucktard, a guy who just screws things up and then laughs about it.
It is interesting though, I didn't think much about the adhd thing I thought the suicide type depression he described about himself before his meds was more of a concern, I guess I just don't know enough about it, must have been under the casual impression adhd is a kids type thing you grow out of. I know better but I didn't think much into it, I just thought he was hyper and innapropriate. I felt bad for him at first but he has a twisted side, I can't feel bad for him anymore, he just went way to far way too many times. I think his life will be the worst punishment for him, it will be a big mess, I can'tt imagine where it will take him. I would honestly watch a reality tv show about his life, just to se what he fucks up next.
I think the problem is he can't feel bad. The disorder in his brain is lack of feedback. I think his condition is similar to that of a sociopath, he just doesn't feel bad when he fucks up. He lacks empathy for the problems he causes other people. I think you are projecting on to him how you would feel in his situation: embarrassment, sorrow, worry. He just doesn't feel these emotions.
He has learned that welfare and charity systems bail him out, so he'll never experience physical pain of hunger and homelessness. There is no hell, so I don't think your wish that he will be punished will ever come true. Sorry.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
That is possible, but I doubt it. The ADHD is enough to explain the behaviour. Living a life with untreated ADHD, you kind of 'get used to' being a fuck up and letting people down. It's not a case of 'not feeling bad', it's a case of 'oh fuck here I go again'. It's like a sorry desperation: Sorry I fucked your shit up, but I had to do it (or I couldn't do it).
This pattern of fucking other people's shit up unintentionally, but repeatedly, often develops into strong feelings of guilt and worthlessness (depression), or constant worrying about the next fuck up and trying to avoid it (anxiety), or both. Since he's got both anxiety and depression, I would not be surprised if it's from living a life of constant fuck ups due to poorly treated or untreated ADHD. That's where my anxiety and depression came from, for example. It's very common for ADHDers to also have anxiety or depression or both. They are called 'co-morbid' conditions, meaning that they are related to the primary cause of ADHD, but then develop into conditions of their own.
"embarrassment, sorrow, worry. He just doesn't feel these emotions."
On the contrary, I expect he feels them repeatedly, over and over, every day, and that's why he's both depressed and anxious.
The stealing of the tools is like this: "Well, here I go again. I really need the money (cuz I fucked up something earlier), and I either get the money and lose my job, or suffer the consequences and keep my job. The consequences are worse than losing the job. So, sorry NoMoreCrazyPeople, I'm gonna have to fuck your shit up. I wish I didn't have to, but I feel like I got no choice. What's one more fuck up in my entire fuck up of a life? Maybe next time, I can 'get it right' and not fuck everything up. I sure hope so."
Depending on how resigned he's become to being a perpetual fuck-up, he may make this decision very easily, or it might be a hard one. I suspect it's an 'easy' one for him, but it's not easy because he doesn't feel remorse. It's 'easy' because he's just so damned used to fucking up all the time, and this is just one more case of fucking up. He still feels sorry, he just doesn't think there's anything else he can do.
This is more-or-less the reasoning I've gone through in my many fuck-ups in life. Some were harder than others, but all of them weighed on my mind (and still do; I still have many fuck ups to make amends for). That weight led to my anxiety and depression. It's only been since I finally found out about my ADHD and started getting proper treatment that I've been able to put things in perspective and to finally start 'getting it right' a bit more than before. The anxiety and depression have noticeably lifted over the past year or so. I'm much more careful about not taking on too much responsibility, so I don't end up fucking other people's shit up.
Sounds to me like this guy's ADHD is probably worse than mine, and he's not actually getting very good treatment for it. He certainly hasn't begun to get his shit together.
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You should read my blog entries on people that are equally annoying and so damn retarded that they deserve to be tied up and intermitantly cattle prodded for a month up their asses.
With that kind of synopsis, how can I resist but read it. Sounds very insightful.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
My prescription is to spend an hour looking through the Darwin Awards any time you get overly frustrated at someone's apparent stupidity. There's nothing quite like it.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.