Mommy Governments Veterans Day Gift Insulting
Mommy government passed a new law in the Senate today unanimously. Fuck you senate. I find the whole thing degrading and insulting. Veterans don't need special handouts. They didn't go serve over seas to get special benefits over other citizens. They are not less competent than others (in fact I would argue that on average a veteran is more competent). Veterans don't need special treatment or advantages. Our country was founded on the ideal that all men are equal and we should be striving to that goal. This endless series of laws that singles out one group or another for special tax credits and rewards needs to stop.
No person should get preferential treatment when applying for a job. Those decisions should be made based on the applicants ability to do the job relative to others applying for the position. No one should get a job because the government offered a $9600 bribe. Fuck you government and your condescending attitude. These vets survived through hell, they deserve to be treated with dignity as men and women, not coddled like helpless children. If you really want to help the military, increase the pay scale and stop treating war like a political tool. Using soldiers as a way to get political brownie points is sick and it really pisses me off.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
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I don't think people in the services get enough for dedicating their lives, and I agree this is bs. Best case scenario puts people out of the job market simply for not being a former member of the forces. So the idea it can help jobs is ridiculous. Seems more like a push to make service mandatory.
It may help a few vets, but since they already dedicated their lives to the government then the government should be taking care of them, not passing the buck to the corporate world.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Did you serve?
For someone who blows a load over tax cuts you sure aren't satisfied. Or is it just that Obama supported it?
The soldiers are not asking for a handout and the government is not giving them a handout. They are getting jobs. If anyone is getting a handout it would be the private sector in the form of a tax cut. For someone who loves money you sure do bitch hypocritically.
And it isn't like the soldier is forced to take a job just because the government is giving the business a tax cut.
So what you are saying is that if a vet came and applied at your job, you'd avoid the tax cut and simply not hire him/her? No one is asking you to hire a vet or forcing you to hire one. Ultimately their skills are what matter. All the government is saying IF IF IF IF IF IF, they are not forcing you to, but IF IF IF IF you hire a vet, you get a tax cut. No force involved.
"I love money!" so, what the fuck is your problem? ITS A TAX CUT, and it is one you don't have to take. If that is your problem hire the vet based SOLELY on their skills and on your tax return don't ask for the tax cut.
Seriously, by your standards police and firemen should have benefits for their families if they get killed.
I just think you will AWLAYS turn down anything your mindset doesn't get credit for.
Go spend some time getting shot at and avoiding IEDs, then complain about private business getting a tax cut. I am sure there are plenty of vets that would love to have a word with you face to face.
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It is an unfair environment for everyone. Vets will be hired despite a lack of skills and actual skilled people won't get the job they otherwise would've been a shoe-in for. I don't give a rats ass if they were dodging bullets (and I'll tell them so to their faces should the opportunity arise), they chose that life. The rest of us shouldn't suffer for it.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Yes in the USMC 2nd Battalion 5th Marines.
Both parties are equally to blame on this one. The vote in the Senate was 95-0 and the vote in the house will probably be similar.
The government is giving a handout specifically for a specific group of people. I love vets, I am one, many/most of my personal friends are. They are NOT asking for a handout. The government is giving them one anyway to use them as a political tool.
I don't blame the soldiers at all. The blame falls 100% on the politicians that use them, most of whom haven't served one day in the military.
The government is directly bribing private companies to give a preference to vets. I am simply saying it is not necessary and is insulting to the vets. Personally, I am more likely to hire a vet anyway because most vets are more dependable than your average worker. I don't need a government bribe to feel that way.
I don't think any group of individuals should get preferential tax treatment over another group. What about the people who wanted to serve in the military but couldn't because of physical issues? Do they deserve to be passed for work? The government has no place being involved in deciding who should and who should not get employment. If you really feel the need to reimburse soldiers more (and the pay for enlisted soldiers is shameful) then increase the payscale. My largest problem with the tax code isn't the rate, it is that politicians use it to reward certain groups over others which only harms our country by making us a bunch of factions.
I never spent time in war, but I am a vet. I served for three years before health issues caused my discharge. Many/most of my friends either have served or are currently serving. I just spent 3 hours drinking with a man who lost his legs in Vietnam. I donate more money than you make in a year to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation and a bit more to the Wounded Warriors. I am a Marine, and will be until I die. So I don't want any of my comments to be viewed as anti-military. Semper Fi to those who stand up and risk their lives for us. I have lost close friends in these absurd wars our politicians pursue and am lucky that I didn't lose my brother or my old brother in-law both of whom served with distinction and saw action.
I know that the soldiers who serve us do not ask for or require special treatment. They are the most capable, most intelligent and hardest working people in the country. My only point is that it is condescending political pandering to throw money at them like they are helpless children. They aren't asking for, and don't need special treatment. Judge them on their merits, and a military man will come out ahead of a college dweeb or one of those "occupy" protesters any day of the week. The Senate's actions are nothing more than using American's natural inclinations to support the military as a personal political tool. Fuck them. Our soldiers are not pawns to be used for political gain.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Don't vets already get quite a few benefits? Just a few that come to mind:
GI bill
VA loans
Recently, companies were offered incentives for hiring unemployed through the HIRE act which had a small window of opportunity for companies to benefit ~ but that was just for the common folk.
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