Hi from Sons of Belial
I am the founder of the not for profit organization known as Sons of Belial. I have been a member here for 4 and a half years however I have never completed the blasphemy challenge. I don't want to commit the unforgivable sin however I have drawn a pentagram of blood on the bible jizzed onto it them burned it for a number of years for new years. I am 24 years old and probably an agnostic christian. I used to be into devil worship and the darker side of religion then I accepted jesus into my heart. It was a great experience but that does not explain god. God is too vast or unique to even begin to describe let alone defend his existance. God for me is the father of coincidences and the one we can use as an excuse for the way things are. "If it was not gods will for me to have this personal helicopter I would not have it"
I am publishing another version of the King JAmes Version of the bible but with some added sections for a description of where the bible came from, why we have it today, who wrote it, why they wrote it and things like that. It is the first project for my not for profit organization the Sons of Belial.
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Man, I must have missed something in reading the new Testament, I don't remember Jesus saying anything about jizzing on the bible. You must have a hell of a back story to justify that ritual.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
Welcome again I guess, the forum is still here, just please no public jizzing
Why do we always attract the nuts? Something says this is a poser. Or a "rebelling" person just trying to be different to be different. Maybe I am wrong. But anyone who claims to be part of a group called "Sons of" comes across as cultish. Atheists are not part of any cult. At least not the ones I would consider sane.
Just so you know OP, being an atheist doesn't automatically make one lawless or evil. All the word means is the person claiming it holds no belief in a god or gods. Atheists don't worship a god, so we also wouldn't worship a fictional enemy of a god either. Satan to us is as fictional as a god.
We can be and are capable of being just as moral and law abiding citizens as any other label. Being an atheist isn't about "shock" value or looking to harm others or fucking in public. It isn't about being "goth" or bad as biker guy. All "atheist" addresses is the position of "off" when it comes to a god. It speaks nothing about an individuals morals or an individuals actions.
Atheists also don't limit their rejection of a god only to the Christian god. We reject all claims of magical fictional beings. You could claim Allah, Thor, Vishnu or Yahweh and it is all the same to us. Human inventions.
So I am wondering why you felt to make your first post so graphic? I don't "offend" or "shock" just to do it. When I debate, I do use harsh words and blaspheme, but not to say "Hey look how nasty I can be". I do it to make a point about an absurdity the believer is claiming, in order to wake them up and make them think.
So of course you are welcome here, but do not think we are all serial killers or barbecue kittens just because we hold the label "atheist".
Atheists I would consider rational are not atheists just to be Barny Bad Ass. There is only one reason and one reason only to hold the position of Atheist, lack of evidence. We are capable of being just as good and decent and caring to our family, co-workers and neighbors as any other label.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Welcome to the...wait, what? Devil worshippers actually exist!?!?111oneone?
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
Welcome to the site. I'm new here. Hope we'll have fun. Nice to meet you.
Well maybe devil worshiper isn't the right word for it. IT was more demonology and ritual magick. When I burned the bible it was just a freestyle celebration nothing too ritual about it besides the pentagram of blood. I have found a new meaning towards god and I understand he is the creator of both the seen and unseen. For a majority of the time the unseen is what presides over us and influences the reality we exist in the most. These include thoughts feelings temperatures and more. Only when you begin to understand the unseen does something begin to click and you think okay so this happened when this happened and you begin to unlock peices of the puzzle a little bit at a time. I was thinking and generally have the impression females are the superior beings, being a higher standard of perfect than males. However just this evening I was sitting and smoking a cigarette when I realized I was the one who has the power to percieve this perfection in another. Man was said to be created first but why would woman have a superior level of perfection closer to god when adam was already perfect. It just didn't make sense and I was lost the most just before I realized it was the opposite and god is in me. I am the one hwo has the ability to percieve for me and me alone and everyone else becomes secondary. It appears that everyone else has the same level of consciousness but I am the only one who is me and I have the ability to percieve goldike perfection. I am far from perfect but the ability to percieve a near perfect creature makes me superior because I am.
Join my quest for world peace through a not for profit organization at http://sonsofbelial.intcrnct.com
Hutch, have you ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia? You don't seem quite balanced, my friend.
Either that or you do a lot of LSD.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
You seem to be looking for allies here or recruits; we are mostly atheists; with a few theist on site for good measure. We have no more use for your type of theology then for any other type of theology. But your free to debate your POV, just take your meds first.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
Actually I am schizoaffective so I do have a lot of grandiose ideas such as taking over the world and often go for days without sleep. On the flip side sometimes I get so very depressed. Even still I don't think I don't have a right to express myself or continue philisophically. Sometimes our sicknesses make us unqiue and gie us an advantage in philisophical ways of thoughts opening now doors others don't have access to. Then again it is a curse causing life to be a living hell.
You know I've been thinking about the blasphemy challenge and I wonder if everyone who did it really is going to hell. I don't think that part of the book was translated correctly for some reason. And blasphemy isn't the same as simply saying you deny it. If you really want to complete the challenge and get a free trip to hell you have to say nasty things about it and curse the virgin mary and relate a bunch of spiritual things to poop. I think we should give everyone who wants a second chance and be offered better (condolence) prizes.
Then again I think about the mormon church is true or not. I know in my heart it is a cult and joseph smith was a con man but some of the things my parents say to me makes me think it could be true. I don't want to share any personal stories here but I left the mormon church officially June 6, 2006 while I was in the navy. I am now retired for disability reasons.
I'm sorry to hear that. Your life expectancy is greatly shortened because of it. I believe my step daughter may have schizophrenia because she often hears or sees things that aren't there. Every time she takes a shower she hears people laughing at her. And she can't sleep without all the lights on even at 16 years of age. Nasty stuff to have to deal with.
I was in the Navy from 1997-2003. What was your rate? Where were you stationed?
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Have you seen Mr. Deity? He used to be Mormon.
I support your effort to get any and all assistance you may need to make it through your day. Posting here may or may not be part of what you need to cope. Welcome, take what you need and that we are able to give.
-- I feel so much better since I stopped trying to believe.
"We are entitled to our own opinions. We're not entitled to our own facts"- Al Franken
"If death isn't sweet oblivion, I will be severely disappointed" - Ruth M.
I was a STG3 when I got out and I was stationed in San Diego.