Iranian women in college science, math and engineering

In the United States, only 20% of college students enrolled in science, math and engineering are women. And the evil "patriarchy" is to blame. However in Iran, a misogynist, theocratic dictatorship, 70% of college students in those fields are women. If it is patriarchy that keeps women down, then what's the explanation in Iran?
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Since they can't be strippers, I guess they have to rely on their brains.
There's probably more truth to that in Iran than meets the eye.
The most likely real answer is that Islam isn't hostile to Science the way fundamentalist Christianity is. Iran is pretty whacked (a woman can get a ticket for exposing her shins ...), but they don't hate Science the way the American Republican Party does. I mean, their president is an Engineer. Could you imagine what happened if we elected an Engineer? Oh, wait -- we did that already. Jimmy Carter was an Engineer and that didn't go over so well.
"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."
Herbert Hoover was also an engineer, how well did that go over? Did you ever hear about the great depression.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
How strict is Iran with it's women folk? Is that one of the Islamic countries that don't allow women to drive or to go anywhere without a close male relative?
If they are then maybe because so many of the men that get educated leave the country.
Educate them socially imprisoned womens!
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Iran is a Shi'ite Muslim nation, Saudi Arabia (where women can't drive ...) is Wahabi Muslim. Both Islam, but extremely different. If Sufis are the hippies o f the Muslim world, and Wahabis are the right wing extremists, Shi'ites are on the liberal side of Sunnis.
A lot of people are leaving Iran because the unemployment rate is outrageous. Achmadinijad has seriously harmed the economy both with his "regular" (internal) policies and with his crazed nuclear aspirations.
"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."
The Depression wasn't the product of Hoover, but his economic advisors sure helped it go completely wrong.
The Great Depression was caused by many of the same things that exist today, which is why we're actually in a Depression (Shhhh! The government doesn't want you to figure that out!)
The trigger for the Great Depression was a stock market crash that wasn't caused in the least by Hoover. Hoover made it worse using many of the same "Let business sort it all out!" policies that the Tea Baggers want to use today.
"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."
I was agreeing with your side comment that an engineer running a country was a bad idea; I'm an engineer myself, I can run factorys, hells bells I can build a factory from the ground up, just tell me what you want to produce. The base cause of the great depression was high investment - on credit- in the stock market, brought on by the booming economy of the 1920's. Early investors sold out for a profit in CASH. Later investors [ from all walks of life] bought and sold on margin [credit] for 5% on the dollar, even less as the prices went up. It was legalized gambling; but these investors forgot or totally disreguarded the REASON companys put stock up is that they need the CASH to operate and expand the buisness. The only CASH available was going back and forth on Wall St. The rest of the money was on paper. One day the bills came due [Oct.1929] investment houses and bankers had been putting off the CASH due date for as long as possible. Suddenly actual CASH was needed and it wasn't there. Buisnesses started to collapse like a row of dominos, they were looking for real Cash and all they got were IOU's.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Good answer I think it's part of it. A career in science and engineering means they don't end up in an arranged marriage or a marriage they can't get divorced from. It's probably seen as a path to freedom and independence.
Whereas in America, a lot of women believe they don't need to study or work in a difficult profession. They either believe they are entitled to have a man support them(either daddy or a husband) or else the government should support them. In America, there are a lot of women and men that believe you should study whatever you please and then the government needs to make all net wages equal.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
FDR's programs didn't work much either. He was in office for 7 years of the Depression, Hoover only 3. WWII was what got the unemployment rate down not any policy of FDR.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen