Noony vs Furry, an invitation to PROBLEM SOLVING.
Now, both of you have had me blast both of you. I will NOT post in this thread and consider it ONE ON ONE. I may start another peanut gallery thread. But this one is between the two of you.
But keep this in mind. I hear constantly in the news how both sides want peace. And I am sure there are PLENTY in both camps who do.
However, it seems that it is a peace based on all or nothing and the submission of the other.
My postulation TO BOTH SIDES, is that neither wants to budge because of history of tradition and RELIGION.
"Just follow me" seems to be what the other side says will solve all the problems, which WONT happen.
So how DO each of you think this problem can be solved without the baggage of the past? Neither side can undo what has been done. Neither can get rid of the other.
I would like to think BOTH of you know ultimately no matter how much each side in this conflict disagrees, that ultimately we are still dealing with humans.
So without HE SAID SHE SAID, and with out "MINE" or "THEY STARTED IT"
What would each of you do if you could have the power to end this conflict right now?
I want each of you to talk as humans, not labels. As if BOTH of you were trying to arbitrate a fight between co-workers or friends or family members.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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It the partition map from ... The Royal Commission's Partition Plan.
And what might you pretend the Royal Commission's map had to do with the UN committee recommendation which presented a substantially different map?
So you use an inapplicable map which shows the few number of Jews getting what appears less than their percentage instead of the map that went with the resolution giving them much more than their percentage of the population.
Nor do you point out the Palstinians were to receive none of the land but rather it was to be given to all who considered themselves culturally Arabs meaning they could all sends their armies to claim it. Note also the Jews got all the good harbors as well as access to the Red Sea against the shallow port of Gaza.
Note also it was not the UN's land to partition, to divide up, or to establish who had to live under whose government in any way. Additionally the Jews began running terrorists organizations against the Palestinians in the early 20s, Hagannah, Stern and Irgun being the three major ones. Bombing markets to kill women and children because the Brits arrested Jews is shining example of jewish morality. But to the point, were people to choose to live under terrorists? Terrorists are murderers by definition regardless which god sanctioned it.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.