Science self-test

Conor Wilson
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Science self-test

In case anyone is interested, The Christian Science Monitor has a 50-question science self-test at:


My dumb ass got 41 questions if you do worse, it's your own fault!  (I should mention: as near as I can tell, this test is relying upon *real* science.  For example: the answer the test lists as "correct" on the question of the age of the earth, does seem to in fact be correct, as far as I know.

Full disclosure: I made some right guesses.  Obviously, I also made some wrong ones.  Happy self-testing!



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Conor Wilson
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Heh, heh...oops

Okay, here's the real link:


I lied, earlier.




"Faith does not fear reason."--Pope Pius XII

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I think you gave the wrong link.  When I got there it had all the answers already showing.

Conor Wilson
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Try the new link

My bad.  I apologize.  I did indeed give the wrong link--the first time around.  The second link should work better.  (One of these days, I really will slow down and be more careful...)




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11 wrong. Surprised at how

11 wrong.


Surprised at how much I remembered - some of it from grade school.


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I got 33 of 50 correct, or 66%.  I was getting worried for awhile; I was hoping to get at least 30 out of 50.  That would've sucked if I only got 20-something.

I guess I have a ways to go for my Science Freak badge...

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Philosophicus wrote:I got 33

Philosophicus wrote:

I got 33 of 50 correct, or 66%.  I was getting worried for awhile; I was hoping to get at least 30 out of 50.  That would've sucked if I only got 20-something.

I guess I have a ways to go for my Science Freak badge...

9 wrong, but a few I got by process of elimination.  Not so much that I knew what the correct answer was, but I was fairly certain the other three were wrong.   I have gotten the Nitrogen question wrong (blushes... ).  

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I managed to get 43 / 50 -

I managed to get 43 / 50 - not doing physics at school cost me a few guesses, and I'm way too lazy to sit down and work out the number of nanometres in a centimetre.... I had a couple of lucky guesses on the 'space' ones, so I'm pretty happy overall. I knew there had to be a reason to memorise the first 20 elements of the periodic table....



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I knew how many nanometers and centimeters there were in a meter, but I messed up the calculation.  I guessed 1,000,000, I think the answer was 10,000,000. 

...Wait a minute.  I just finished a new calculation -- I know what I did wrong.  I wrote down a "1" with nine zeros after it, then I wrote a "100" underneath it with the last digits lined up.  Then I accidentally eliminated three digits from the nanometer number... I included the "1" from the centimeter number instead of just eliminating the two zeros. 


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Conor Wilson wrote:In case

Conor Wilson wrote:

In case anyone is interested, The Christian Science Monitor has a 50-question science self-test at:


My dumb ass got 41 questions if you do worse, it's your own fault!  (I should mention: as near as I can tell, this test is relying upon *real* science.  For example: the answer the test lists as "correct" on the question of the age of the earth, does seem to in fact be correct, as far as I know.

None of the answers for the Earth's age are correct.  I know that it is 5,777 years, plus 6 days of unknown length.

(Shlogging my way through the test right now -- will have results shortly ...)

I got 45 out of 50.  I missed =three= Biology questions (d'oh -- I hated biology in school and never took it in college), made a careless error on a Physics question, a blew the only Meteorology question because no one ever taught me what the roots of certain words mean ...

I am very embarrassed.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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 I hate that I got the

 I hate that I got the answer to this one only because of the bible reference.  


48. What element, which has the atomic number 16 and is a bright yellow crystalline solid at room temperature, is referred to in the Bible as "brimstone"?

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FurryCatHerder wrote:None of

FurryCatHerder wrote:

None of the answers for the Earth's age are correct.  I know that it is 5,777 years, plus 6 days of unknown length.


You should be embarrassed.



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Cpt_pineapple wrote:

FurryCatHerder wrote:

None of the answers for the Earth's age are correct.  I know that it is 5,777 years, plus 6 days of unknown length.

You should be embarrassed.

You're right -- the UNIVERSE is 5,777 years old, plus six days of unknown length.  Solve for the unknown

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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They should've had some social science questions in there.  Most of the science surveys are all natural science.

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Philosophicus wrote:They

Philosophicus wrote:

They should've had some social science questions in there.  Most of the science surveys are all natural science.

That's because the Social Sciences are Science the same way Papa John's Pizza is Italian food.

(Obscure Colbert Report reference)

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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In 1989, the US postal

In 1989, the US postal service drew criticism from paleontologists for releasing a stamp with what obsolete genus name, which translates from Greek as "Thunder Lizard"


Yeah, so, this had little to do with my scientific knowledge. I got this right cause I know Greek.


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46 out of 50

^^^ I got that one right because I remembered which of my treasured childhood dinosaurs stopped being a dinosaur Sad


46 for me.  W00t!



Questions for Theists:

I'm a bit of a lurker. Every now and then I will come out of my cave with a flurry of activity. Then the Ph.D. program calls and I must fall back to the shadows.

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42 here 

42 here 

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Question 4, at least, was

Question 4, at least, was American based knowledge. I only got it right by an educated guess that the non-existent brontosaur was the controversy. I'd never heard of any postal issues.

I stopped about half way through. Too many history questions. And my chemistry knowledge is apparently quite lacking. lol.
I did well on everything else though.

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