You Woudn't Know, By Brian37

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You Woudn't Know, By Brian37

You Wouldn't Know, By Brian37

You weren't gassed
By Germans
You don't know
What they went through

The cry often used
Which misses Ann Frank
And devalues others

I guess the Curds
And Shiites under Sadam
Wouldn't know
Because they are not Jewish

I guess
The Native Americans
Marched by Jackson
Wouldn't know

I guess the Christians
And Muslims in Africa
Wouldn't know
What genocide is

I guess blacks
Wouldn't know
What slavery did to them
Because they were not Jewish

And I so enjoy
Being an atheist
Being equated
To the likes of Stalin

No, I am not Jewish\
But I do know
What Ann Frank said
"Despite everything, people really are good at heart"

To forget the pain of others
Is to miss our common history
Our labels do not matter
Our ability to do good does

I do know
What humans forget
And when we do
History repeats

I wrote this because of a Jewish woman on another website. It pisses me off knowing how Jews were slaughtered merely because of label, to see a Jew take on the same "I am special by proxy of race and nationality" is the SAME CRAP that Hitler sold Germany which lead them to do those horrible things.

AND on top of that it devalues the suffering of non Jews in history, past and present.

When you hear Jews say "never again" it is not a lesson "Dont pick on Jews, but "don't let humanity do this to anyone". It pisses me off more when even Jews miss the message.

This poem was inspired by Furry's self centered bullshit that humanity unfortunately falls for that divides humanity.

Whether it is a rape of an individual as a crime. Or the murder of a Sikh mistaken for a Muslm. Or the Christian or Muslim genocide in Africa. Or Sadam's genocide of his own. The lesson ALL humans can get from life is that pain is pain and suffering is suffering and NO label owns a monopoly on it. THAT is the message every human should get from the Holocaust.

A rape victim is going to suffer pain. A surviving family member of a murder victim is going to feel pain. Numbers games on who had the most killed is a bullshit argument. 50 million people died in WW2 because an asshole singled out a label and convinced Germans that their label and their race was superior.

Pain is pain and suffering is suffering and humans have always had pain and suffering.

Labels do not make ANYONE, special nor does it entitle them to claim they invented pain.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian,You are a clueless,


You are a clueless, self-centered, self-absorbed, ignorant fuck-wit.

And that's starting to put things nicely.

For me to be lectured to by a heterosexual white male about what I do or do not know, is beyond outrageous.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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Let me get my hip waders, the bullshit is getting deep.

So... his sexuality, gender and race invalidate his opinion?
<cough> Bigot. <cough>

LC >;-}>


Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.

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FurryCatHerder wrote:


You are a clueless, self-centered, self-absorbed, ignorant fuck-wit.

And that's starting to put things nicely.

For me to be lectured to by a heterosexual white male about what I do or do not know, is beyond outrageous.

Why, because I won't treat you like you are special because you are Jewish? Because you the individual and not your "Jewishness" is what is important to me?

You should be flattered, I wrote a poem about a "Jew". Oh no, that's right, I wrote a poem about YOU.

Ignorant is pissing on the suffering of humans in our species history. The Holocaust was ONE act of genocide. Genocide existed before the Holocaust, and it exists today outside Jews. I have much more appreciation for the suffering of all humans than you will ever have.

I am NOT special because I am an atheist. A Christian is not special because they are Christian. A Muslim is not special because they are Muslim. And YOU are not special because you are Jewish. There is ONE species, that's it.

You did not invent pain or suffering. Humans have always had the ability to do good to others and to do harm to others.

"Never again" happens again because our species has repeated the mistake of forgetting that pain is not the invention of a label. No one owns a monopoly on pain.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Louis_Cypher wrote:So... his

Louis_Cypher wrote:

So... his sexuality, gender and race invalidate his opinion?
<cough> Bigot. <cough>

LC >;-}>

Yes, it does, and no, it has nothing to do with bigotry.

Here is your new word for the day -- "epistemology".

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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Louis_Cypher wrote:So... his

Louis_Cypher wrote:

So... his sexuality, gender and race invalidate his opinion?
<cough> Bigot. <cough>

LC >;-}>


She's better than me because she's Jewish. Lets not forget that Jews are the center of the universe, on a planet of 7 billion.

NO NO NO Muslims are the center of the universe.

NO NO NO Christians are the center of the universe.

NO NO NO atheists are the center of the universe.

No no no, blacks are the center of the universe.

No no no, Chinese are the center of the universe.

OH FUCK IT, lets just accept our seat of the back of the Jewish bus and let her drive, because only a Jew would know what human suffering is.

It's not like the Japanese ever oppressed other other Asians during WW2, what would those Asians have to complain about being subject to the Superiority complex of the Japanese Empire? Japanese never murdered anyone besides Jews during that war. I forgot, Jews made up the populations of the Pacific Asian countries Japan attacked.

And the Empire never mistreated those they captured.

What would the French or Italians know about oppression, it's not like France or Italy was all Jewish. I am quite sure even though the French and Italians were mostly Christian said "what would we know about oppression, it's not like we got our freedom taken from us".

And fuck Martin Luther King Jr. How dare he try to end segregation, he wasn't Jewish. I am so glad he didn't fight the superiority complex of white Christians, I mean, after all, it wasn't like those Christians were oppressing Jews, so that is not as important as Jewish oppression. Blacks weren't stuck in ovens, so slavery doesn't count. Economic disparity and separate counters and separate schools and separate bathrooms and being treated like a sub species means nothing because they weren't Jewish.

NO Luis, only a Jew knows what suffering is because Jews invented pain. I am sure the Curds and Shiites who survived Sadam's massacre couldn't possibly know what pain is.

I am quite sure since Harvey Milk's family and supporters couldn't know what pain is because they were just faggots hated by a heterosexual white majority. But they were not Jewish, so homophobia doesn't count.

No Luis, only a Jew knows what pain is because Yahweh invented it and only he gets to decide for 7 billion people what pain is and only his tribe has a monopoly on it.

She's got us dead to rights Luis.




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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FurryCatHerder wrote:

Louis_Cypher wrote:

So... his sexuality, gender and race invalidate his opinion?
<cough> Bigot. <cough>

LC >;-}>

Yes, it does, and no, it has nothing to do with bigotry.

Here is your new word for the day -- "epistemology".

DNA and evolution trump your dead philosophy. "epistemology" is how you excuse your superiority complex. You and I share the same DNA because WE share common ancestors. You have two arms and two legs and two eyes. You shit and pee like every other human. You will die like I will like every human has.  You are not special. Being "Jewish" does not give you magical super powers anymore than it would being a Muslim or atheist.




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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FurryCatHerder wrote:


You are a clueless, self-centered, self-absorbed, ignorant fuck-wit.

And that's starting to put things nicely.

For me to be lectured to by a heterosexual white male about what I do or do not know, is beyond outrageous.

"Outrageous" is being Jewish and missing the entire lesson humans can learn from the Holocaust.

I didn't miss the lesson of the Holocaust, you did. Humans should never be treated like that. Not just "only Jews should never be treated like that".


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:FurryCatHerder

Brian37 wrote:

FurryCatHerder wrote:


You are a clueless, self-centered, self-absorbed, ignorant fuck-wit.

And that's starting to put things nicely.

For me to be lectured to by a heterosexual white male about what I do or do not know, is beyond outrageous.

"Outrageous" is being Jewish and missing the entire lesson humans can learn from the Holocaust.

I didn't miss the lesson of the Holocaust, you did. Humans should never be treated like that. Not just "only Jews should never be treated like that".

I've never studied cognitive defects, so I'm unclear on how people come by severe cognitive defects, or how people with severe cognitive defects make mistakes.

Could you please tell me the precise set of logical steps you used to go from my initial reply to the conclusions you've reached?

Serious request.

Because if you don't suffer from severe deficiencies in cognitive skills, the only remaining explanation is that you're just picking a fight and I'll get around to that possibility after I manage to determine whether or not you're a fucking idiot.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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Now you want to falsely play

Now you want to falsely play shrink. Sorry, wont work.

A human is a human is a human is a human. Pain is pain, emotional or physical. Why people feel pain or cause pain on others does not change the fact that we are all human. That is what you refuse to accept.

EVOLUTION is why people feel pain. EVOLUTION is why humans hurt other humans.

Labels do not make ANYONE immune to life. Life is not magic, neither the good or bad humans do, BECAUSE we ARE the same species.

This isn't complicated. You want a pedestal because you have a personal favorite club and I am treating you as an individual and you want to make this about your Jewishness.

NO ONE IS SPECIAL on a planet of 7 billion.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian,No one being "special"


No one being "special" is 100% irrelevant to my question as well as the comment I made that seems to have you going off on a tear of stupidity this go round.

What I said is that what made the Holocaust =worse= was that =a= =group= was targeted.  That is, that the Holocaust was an act of genocide, not simply the deaths of 6 million completely random people.  Nor was it "worse" because it was the Jews and not Croatians or Serbians or Palestinians.

Let me tell you why you're so freakin' clueless -- back when you were going to church, did you ever attend religious services inside a walled and guarded compound with snipers on the roof to make sure that some crazies didn't attack you?  Because if you've never done that, or you've never had to fear for your safety BECAUSE OF IDENTIFIABLE CHARACTERISTICS, you simply lack the experiences -- epistemology -- to even =comment= on the subject.  You swim in a sea of privilege and you don't even know you swim in it.

"We're all the same!" is =beyond= racist, sexist, classist, etc.  It is a statement made from a position of PRIVILEGE because people who lack the PRIVILEGES you take for granted cannot afford to ignore the PRIVILEGES which you have and which they lack.  It is how the upper class can assert that the poor are just "lazy", because the "poor" are all "the same" as them and need to just "work harder".  Or how women "choose" to be paid less, or how people of color are to blame for their own oppression.

Yes, we are all HUMAN BEINGS, but we are not "the same" because we do not yet exist in a society where identifiable characteristics, including religion or lack thereof, are IRRELEVANT to how we are treated by society as a whole.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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FurryCatHerder wrote:you

FurryCatHerder wrote:

you simply lack the experiences -- epistemology -- to even =comment= on the subject

Ok, now I see what you meant: your personal experiences of being treated differently because you're Jewish give you superior knowledge on the subject. But really, the jump from "epistemology" to "personal experience" isn't all that simple....

FurryCatHerder wrote:

Yes, we are all HUMAN BEINGS, but we are not "the same" because we do not yet exist in a society where identifiable characteristics, including religion or lack thereof, are IRRELEVANT to how we are treated by society as a whole.

Well, it seems that both you and Brian agree that people should not be treated as superior or inferior merely because of a label or because of differing physical appearance. Of course, making that a reality will be far more difficult.


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blacklight915 wrote:

FurryCatHerder wrote:

you simply lack the experiences -- epistemology -- to even =comment= on the subject

Ok, now I see what you meant: your personal experiences of being treated differently because you're Jewish give you superior knowledge on the subject. But really, the jump from "epistemology" to "personal experience" isn't all that simple....

FurryCatHerder wrote:

Yes, we are all HUMAN BEINGS, but we are not "the same" because we do not yet exist in a society where identifiable characteristics, including religion or lack thereof, are IRRELEVANT to how we are treated by society as a whole.

Well, it seems that both you and Brian agree that people should not be treated as superior or inferior merely because of a label or because of differing physical appearance. Of course, making that a reality will be far more difficult.


But she wants a utopia where the international world treats Jewish as special, I'd say anyone who wants a theocracy thinks they are superior to others. Any non-Jew living in a Jewish theocracy would at best be treated as pets.

Or maybe you missed the part where she said she wanted a Jewish theocracy. Any Christian, Muslim, Chinese or Mexican who moved there would be house guests and pets from a political standpoint. Her attitude is that if us non-Jews don't like it, we don't have to move there.

She like Christians and Muslims thinks here pet god is the creator of the world and we are merely his property, so since she is part of the in group, she's willing to throw the rest of us humans scraps, if we are good pets and know our place we'll get a warm dog house and a comfy pet bed on the political floor.

Same stupid crap I get from Christians who claim America is a "Christian Nation".

So what she and believers of all labels miss, when I say we are all Humans, she still despite being forced to accept that, wants to set up government favoritism of one religion over another. I'd say ANYONE, be they Christian Muslim or Jew, who wants to do that, DOES think they are superior.

She's pissed at me because I wont support a Jewish state. She has no clue why I value a secular state and is too blind to see that she lives under the same Christian majority I do, and if were not for the founders, she wouldn't enjoy the religious freedom she does today.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Furry wrote: "Let me tell

Furry wrote: "Let me tell you why you're so freakin' clueless -- back when you were going to church, did you ever attend religious services inside a walled and guarded compound with snipers on the roof to make sure that some crazies didn't attack you?  Because if you've never done that, or you've never had to fear for your safety BECAUSE OF IDENTIFIABLE CHARACTERISTICS, you simply lack the experiences -- epistemology -- to even =comment= on the subject.  You swim in a sea of privilege and you don't even know you swim in it."


So you are saying the only white heterosexual male who can understand you is David Koresh????

LC >;-}>

Christianity: A disgusting middle eastern blood cult, based in human sacrifice, with sacraments of cannibalism and vampirism, whose highest icon is of a near naked man hanging in torment from a device of torture.

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Brian37 wrote:blacklight915

Brian37 wrote:

blacklight915 wrote:

FurryCatHerder wrote:

you simply lack the experiences -- epistemology -- to even =comment= on the subject

Ok, now I see what you meant: your personal experiences of being treated differently because you're Jewish give you superior knowledge on the subject. But really, the jump from "epistemology" to "personal experience" isn't all that simple....

FurryCatHerder wrote:

Yes, we are all HUMAN BEINGS, but we are not "the same" because we do not yet exist in a society where identifiable characteristics, including religion or lack thereof, are IRRELEVANT to how we are treated by society as a whole.

Well, it seems that both you and Brian agree that people should not be treated as superior or inferior merely because of a label or because of differing physical appearance. Of course, making that a reality will be far more difficult.

But she wants a utopia where the international world treats Jewish as special, I'd say anyone who wants a theocracy thinks they are superior to others. Any non-Jew living in a Jewish theocracy would at best be treated as pets.

You, sir, are a lying sack of shit.

That is, unless you think that anyone who isn't an American, but lives in America, would at best be treated as pets.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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Louis_Cypher wrote:Furry

Louis_Cypher wrote:

Furry wrote: "Let me tell you why you're so freakin' clueless -- back when you were going to church, did you ever attend religious services inside a walled and guarded compound with snipers on the roof to make sure that some crazies didn't attack you?  Because if you've never done that, or you've never had to fear for your safety BECAUSE OF IDENTIFIABLE CHARACTERISTICS, you simply lack the experiences -- epistemology -- to even =comment= on the subject.  You swim in a sea of privilege and you don't even know you swim in it."

So you are saying the only white heterosexual male who can understand you is David Koresh????

I was referring to the reality of life at my synagogue.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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FurryCatHerder wrote:

Louis_Cypher wrote:

Furry wrote: "Let me tell you why you're so freakin' clueless -- back when you were going to church, did you ever attend religious services inside a walled and guarded compound with snipers on the roof to make sure that some crazies didn't attack you?  Because if you've never done that, or you've never had to fear for your safety BECAUSE OF IDENTIFIABLE CHARACTERISTICS, you simply lack the experiences -- epistemology -- to even =comment= on the subject.  You swim in a sea of privilege and you don't even know you swim in it."

So you are saying the only white heterosexual male who can understand you is David Koresh????

I was referring to the reality of life at my synagogue.

So, damn it. Synagogues have not been the only religious buildings attacked. Muslims do it to Muslims in the Middle east all the time. Koptic Christians in Egypt had their churchs attacked. And Nigeria has had Church attacks recently.

And in Mosques get attacked too.

Now, that guy was NOT an Israeli soldier, he murdered unarmed people merely praying. I actually wrote a poem about that event. Don't know if I still have it.

More recently

But Jews would never do that.

My co-worker who is a Mormon, sweet enough lady. Doesn't even know what a bloodthirsty bastard Baylor was  and how he used Native Americans and threw them under the bus as well as throwing his own cohorts to the courts to save his own ass.

Why are Churches, or Mosques or Synagogues attacked? Because humans are humans and unfortunately people think their labels entitle them to do harm to others. Once you make your label special you set yourself up to allow, if not yourself, the society you live in, long term, to do the very same things you yourself were once a victim of.

The attackers in all these cases did just that, thought they were special enough to justify harm to others.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:FurryCatHerder

Brian37 wrote:

FurryCatHerder wrote:

Louis_Cypher wrote:

Furry wrote: "Let me tell you why you're so freakin' clueless -- back when you were going to church, did you ever attend religious services inside a walled and guarded compound with snipers on the roof to make sure that some crazies didn't attack you?  Because if you've never done that, or you've never had to fear for your safety BECAUSE OF IDENTIFIABLE CHARACTERISTICS, you simply lack the experiences -- epistemology -- to even =comment= on the subject.  You swim in a sea of privilege and you don't even know you swim in it."

So you are saying the only white heterosexual male who can understand you is David Koresh????

I was referring to the reality of life at my synagogue.

So, damn it. Synagogues have not been the only religious buildings attacked. Muslims do it to Muslims in the Middle east all the time. Koptic Christians in Egypt had their churchs attacked. And Nigeria has had Church attacks recently.



"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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FurryCatHerder wrote:Brian37

FurryCatHerder wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

blacklight915 wrote:

FurryCatHerder wrote:

you simply lack the experiences -- epistemology -- to even =comment= on the subject

Ok, now I see what you meant: your personal experiences of being treated differently because you're Jewish give you superior knowledge on the subject. But really, the jump from "epistemology" to "personal experience" isn't all that simple....

FurryCatHerder wrote:

Yes, we are all HUMAN BEINGS, but we are not "the same" because we do not yet exist in a society where identifiable characteristics, including religion or lack thereof, are IRRELEVANT to how we are treated by society as a whole.

Well, it seems that both you and Brian agree that people should not be treated as superior or inferior merely because of a label or because of differing physical appearance. Of course, making that a reality will be far more difficult.

But she wants a utopia where the international world treats Jewish as special, I'd say anyone who wants a theocracy thinks they are superior to others. Any non-Jew living in a Jewish theocracy would at best be treated as pets.

You, sir, are a lying sack of shit.

That is, unless you think that anyone who isn't an American, but lives in America, would at best be treated as pets.

First off, I don't speak for all Americans. I speak for me and YES far too many Americans do treat non-Americans like pets. I however,  think anyone who immigrates here legally no matter their label or national background deserves the same equal citizenship I have including the right to compete in our political office.

Now, if you think I am a sack of shit, then prove it. Would you under your Jewish theocracy, be willing to elect a non Jew or even a Muslim or secular Arab born in Israel to Israeli's PM? If the answer no, then at best, non Jews are pets to you. Just like the right wing of the Republican party here in the states at best, sees non-Christian citizens as pets.

You do want a religious litmus test for Israel just like Christians here have a religious litmus test when they vote. But fortunately for me there is no religious litmus test written in our Constitution.  I don't have an atheist test otherwise I would vote for Beyond Saving. I did vote for Obama who is a Christian.





"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Why? If you are not special, like you claim you want to say you are not, then why did you say I'd make a great Jew a couple days ago? Why did you advocate a Jewish state? Why did you say that Jews laws would apply fine with gentiles?


And HATE the word "respect". I don't want people to "respect" my claims. You don't owe me anything. You owe it to yourself to take yourself out of your compartmentalized box.

  I don't have any taboos I set up and ask others to placate my insecurities. I VALUE what can be proven, not what someone claims. And so far all you have proven to me is that human behavior is quite mundane in our species history.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:FurryCatHerder

Brian37 wrote:

FurryCatHerder wrote:

You, sir, are a lying sack of shit.

That is, unless you think that anyone who isn't an American, but lives in America, would at best be treated as pets.

First off, I don't speak for all Americans. I speak for me and YES far too many Americans do treat non-Americans like pets. I however,  think anyone who immigrates here legally no matter their label or national background deserves the same equal citizenship I have including the right to compete in our political office.

Now, if you think I am a sack of shit, then prove it. Would you under your Jewish theocracy, be willing to elect a non Jew or even a Muslim or secular Arab born in Israel to Israeli's PM? If the answer no, then at best, non Jews are pets to you. Just like the right wing of the Republican party here in the states at best, sees non-Christian citizens as pets.

In a proper Jewish theocracy, we have a king.  There is no PM.  If there was a need for a prime minister, G-d would have told us to have a prime minister.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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Brian37 wrote:Quote:KNOCK IT

Brian37 wrote:


Why? If you are not special, like you claim you want to say you are not, then why did you say I'd make a great Jew a couple days ago? Why did you advocate a Jewish state? Why did you say that Jews laws would apply fine with gentiles?


Right, because the only reason people claim identities is because they think they are superior to others.

Now I know why redneF got fed up and left.  You are completely incapable of controlling your behavior in a way that is acceptable within normal society.

Don't respond.  Or do.  I no longer care.  Just know this -- most everything you write about me is both wrong and highly offensive.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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FurryCatHerder wrote:Right,

FurryCatHerder wrote:

Right, because the only reason people claim identities is because they think they are superior to others.

Now I know why redneF got fed up and left.  You are completely incapable of controlling your behavior in a way that is acceptable within normal society.

Don't respond.  Or do.  I no longer care.  Just know this -- most everything you write about me is both wrong and highly offensive.


                                                                                                     Brian37 should be BANNED !!!

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FurryCatHerder wrote:Brian37

FurryCatHerder wrote:

Brian37 wrote:


Why? If you are not special, like you claim you want to say you are not, then why did you say I'd make a great Jew a couple days ago? Why did you advocate a Jewish state? Why did you say that Jews laws would apply fine with gentiles?


Right, because the only reason people claim identities is because they think they are superior to others.

Now I know why redneF got fed up and left.  You are completely incapable of controlling your behavior in a way that is acceptable within normal society.

Don't respond.  Or do.  I no longer care.  Just know this -- most everything you write about me is both wrong and highly offensive.

Stop your pity party.

I said SOME people treat their identities as superior, like you. I never said all people do that, nor all Jews or all Muslims or all Christians. I merely said labels DONT make one superior. Not even the label atheist.

The people who burned down the Churches in Egypt did not know how to control their behavior. The people who attacked the Churches in Nigeria didn't know how to control their behavior. You just got pissed that I showed you examples of Jews attacking Muslims. You have no problem pointing out the poo other labels fling, but wont face it when your label does the same.

I have never physically attacked anyone nor do I have any violent felonies. I have never defaced a Church or a Mosque or Synagogue. I'd say ANYONE WHO DOES even if it is an atheist IS NOT CONTROLING THEIR BEHAVIOR.

And I never said atheists were not capable of doing harm to others. If you can find me where I ever said that I'll concede this entire argument and drop it.

I said LABELS DO NOT make anyone superior.

It offends you, not because I am wrong, it offends you because I am not letting you get away with your superiority complex.

YOU said, not me, YOU said you wanted a Jewish theocracy. I don't see that as humble or treating non-Jews as equals. That is a pecking order any way you slice it. I don't see you as any better than a Christian here who says "Christian Nation".

HUMANS do harm t others PRECISELY because they allow labels to act as there morals instead of their actions. This has always been the case in all humans throughout our evolution. You are merely part of that proof.





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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

FurryCatHerder wrote:

Right, because the only reason people claim identities is because they think they are superior to others.

Now I know why redneF got fed up and left.  You are completely incapable of controlling your behavior in a way that is acceptable within normal society.

Don't respond.  Or do.  I no longer care.  Just know this -- most everything you write about me is both wrong and highly offensive.

Brian37 should be BANNED !!!

Muzzled is more like it.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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FurryCatHerder wrote:

 Muzzled is more like it. apparently you would prefer that he be censored or in some way be denied his right to present opposing, if not even offensive points of view ?

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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

FurryCatHerder wrote:

 Muzzled is more like it. apparently you would prefer that he be censored or in some way be denied his right to present opposing, in not even offensive points of view ?

No, I simply wish that he'd behave in a manner that doesn't drive people so bat-shit crazy that they LEAVE.

He has yet to acknowledge that he played any role, at all, in redneF's departure.  His approach to communicating with others seems to be dysfunctional at best and utterly counterproductive at worst.  On top of that, the amount of projection and other crap in his remarks is beyond the pale.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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Quote:In a proper Jewish

In a proper Jewish theocracy, we have a king.  There is no PM.  If there was a need for a prime minister, G-d would have told us to have a prime minister.

Unless I am getting my language wrong I do believe Israel's head of state is referred to as Prime Minister? I know currently they don't have a king, so what is their elected official called if not PM?

So apparently your God, at least so far, doesn't want Israel to have a King.  Let me guess, your messiah hasn't come yet.  5 thousand years is a long time to wait. Muslims are still waiting for the 12th Imam and Christians every year have some nut saying their king Jesus is coming.

This idea of a King is leftover crap from a feudal age when Kings were the norm in most of the ancient world. Why do you want to live under a king? Do you think reality works like kissing a frog to meet a prince?

The few westernized democracies that still have royal families such as Japan and England, are not real Royalty like Saudi Arabia. In the western world they are mere figureheads and could not dictate to the masses like the Saudi Royal family can.

So when you mean King, do you mean a fantasy land like England and Japan have with their props? Or do you, like I suspect, think a new age will be ushered in in your lifetime like a real King who can trump it's elected government any time it wants?

Of course he would be a good king I am sure, despite that when you look at the definition of a king it is rule by one, not needing consent of the governed.




"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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FurryCatHerder wrote:No, I

FurryCatHerder wrote:

No, I simply wish that he'd behave in a manner that doesn't drive people so bat-shit crazy that they LEAVE.


              Then that's an issue that is between Brian37 and whoever is supposedly miffed at him.  If they leave, that's their choice.    Doesn't concern you.


FurryCatHerder wrote:
He has yet to acknowledge that he played any role, at all, in redneF's departure.


Brian would you please acknowledge your part in redneF's departure ?   It would really make Furry feel better about you. 


FurryCatHerder wrote:
His approach to communicating with others seems to be dysfunctional at best and utterly counterproductive at worst.


         Are you fucking kidding me ?  Jesus, some of the shit you've said to me was waaaay over the line.  Also, you just finished a profanity laced diatribe against Brian just a few minutes ago !


FurryCatHerder wrote:
  On top of that, the amount of projection and other crap in his remarks is beyond the pale.


                                           Oh my God, the amount of money a good psychologist could make off of you.     LoL.


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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

FurryCatHerder wrote:

No, I simply wish that he'd behave in a manner that doesn't drive people so bat-shit crazy that they LEAVE.

              Then that's an issue that is between Brian37 and whoever is supposedly miffed at him.  If they leave, that's their choice.    Doesn't concern you.

Excuse me?


"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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              Then that's an issue that is between Brian37 and whoever is supposedly miffed at him.  If they leave, that's their choice.    Doesn't concern you.


FurryCatHerder wrote:
  Excuse me?





        If you've reached an impasse then feel free to address my other points....  ( PS I'm referring to your double standards regarding internet etiquette in case you need me to point you in the right direction. )





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Quote:Brian would you please

Brian would you please acknowledge your part in redneF's departure ?   It would really make Furry feel better about you.

I was the reason Rednef left, yes. I don't think that will make her feel better though.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:Quote:Brian

Brian37 wrote:

Brian would you please acknowledge your part in redneF's departure ?   It would really make Furry feel better about you.

I was the reason Rednef left, yes. I don't think that will make her feel better though.



                     least it's one less thing for her to whine about.

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ProzacDeathWish wrote:Then

ProzacDeathWish wrote:
FurryCatHerder wrote:
ProzacDeathWish wrote:
Then that's an issue that is between Brian37 and whoever is supposedly miffed at him.  If they leave, that's their choice.    Doesn't concern you.

Excuse me?

If you've reached an impasse then feel free to address my other points....

First off, when I make a mistake, I apologize, and that's something Brian37 is utterly incapable of doing.

Secondly, when people tell me I'm wrong (unless it's about believing in G-d ), I eventually go back and either check my sources, or else I start paying much more careful attention to what they are saying.  Brian37's been on this stupid "special" kick for days on end.  Any religion which teaches that people who aren't even members of that religion get some kind of "eternal reward" cannot, in any way, be accused of thinking it is "special" in a religious sense.  What makes a person "good" in Judaism is their behavior, NOT their religion.  A Jew who's an ass-hat is a "worse" person than an Atheist who isn't.  Israel has a memorial dedicated to non-Jews -- NON-JEWS -- who risked their lives for the Jewish people, and the concept of "righteous Gentile" dates all the way back to when the 2nd Temple was still standing.

Thirdly, I can't go back and read the rest of your points because the "reply" option doesn't let me look back.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Brian would you please acknowledge your part in redneF's departure ?   It would really make Furry feel better about you.

I was the reason Rednef left, yes. I don't think that will make her feel better though. least it's one less thing for her to whine about.

No, it's not, because if he actually believed he bore any responsibility for redneF leaving, he'd have cut the crap a long time ago.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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FurryCatHerder wrote:No,

FurryCatHerder wrote:

No, it's not, because if he actually believed he bore any responsibility for redneF leaving, he'd have cut the crap a long time ago.


I venture to say that you have precious few admirers here due to your abrasive, condescending personality.  Do you have any plans to cut "the crap" ? 

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ProzacDeathWish wrote:
FurryCatHerder wrote:
No, it's not, because if he actually believed he bore any responsibility for redneF leaving, he'd have cut the crap a long time ago.

I venture to say that you have precious few admirers here due to your abrasive, condescending personality.  Do you have any plans to cut "the crap" ? 

Depends on how long it takes before you decide to stop doing to me what Christians do to you.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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FurryCatHerder wrote:

ProzacDeathWish wrote:
FurryCatHerder wrote:
No, it's not, because if he actually believed he bore any responsibility for redneF leaving, he'd have cut the crap a long time ago.

I venture to say that you have precious few admirers here due to your abrasive, condescending personality.  Do you have any plans to cut "the crap" ? 

Depends on how long it takes before you decide to stop doing to me what Christians do to you.

Oh stop.

We are not condemning you for being Jewish. From day one we have constantly said this is strictly about your claims.  We treat your pet god claim like we treat any other claim of any other god. We are NOT singling you out because you are Jewish.

You are crying "poor me" because we are not giving you a free pass on your claims. That is not the same as saying "Jews are evil" or "Jews are all bad". 

Just because you are a minority in America, just like Atheists, does not mean we are going to give your claims a pass.

WE know full well what the majority of believers think of us being the most mistrusted minority in America.

You want to equate blasphemy and cussing to hate, that is your stupid baggage, not ours. NO PERSON, no religion, not even atheists, deserve taboo status.

I DO condemn your claim AS AN INDIVIDUAL, that 1. Your invisible friend exists at all AS A CLAIM. And somehow that a theocracy as under a dictator King would be a good thing.

I have ALSO condemned pantheism as a claim. I have also condemned Luminon's Mayan conspiracy garbage as a claim.. Your claims are not special.

If you insist on taking everything personally, don't torture yourself. No one hates you, not even me. What we do hate are people hiding behind their labels and demands of "respect" which in nothing more than a demand for us not to pick on their claims. I don't care if you believed in the Christian god, or Thor or Allah.

YOUR CLAIMS do not deserve a pedestal. NO HUMAN CLAIM ON ANY SUBJECT deserves a pedestal, even if I agree with the government protecting their right to make the claim. A free society is not built on demands of silence of others. Part of a free society is being civil EVEN in the face of being offended.

If I acted like you every time a believer pissed me off and offended me, there would be tons of believers in prision IF IF IF IF I took your attitude, which I dont.

I am mature enough, unlike you, to know that being offended is not the worst thing in the world. And I also know that since I like to bitch, I cannot deny others that same right.

And on top of that, this is not government owned. So since you don't own this website, and I don't own this website, NEITHER OF US get to decide what the rules are. Brian Sapient doesn't have to allow either of us here. He does because his attitude is a very informed journalistic attitude in letting it all in, and letting the reader decide. The rules are pretty hands off and limited  banning  spam, soc puppets and calls to violence(which is a crime anywhere). Other than that, those who obey those simple rules, he wants ANYONE to read and decide for themselves.

So if you think that I am that much of a dick, why not let the reader decide? You want to treat us like zoo Animals or mere pets and you are getting frustrated because we are not letting you do that.

You came in here with the same attitude we see from others "I'm not like the others" yes you are in that you have the same amount of evidence for your pet god claim as anyone else.

And "I understand what it is like to be a minority", so what. Every human is a minority somewhere in the world to other majorities in the world.  No one is special on a planet of 7 billion.

"Cant we all just get along", DUH AND CALL CNN! But that cannot be done by ANYONE by setting up taboos. Blasphemy against the state is what China has. Blasphemy against religion is what Iran has. I don't like either so don't go making demands yourself about what I can or cannot say about your god claim.








"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:I am mature

Brian37 wrote:
I am mature enough, unlike you, to know that being offended is not the worst thing in the world. And I also know that since I like to bitch, I cannot deny others that same right.

Slowly, and with feeling -- I am not offended by what you WRITE, but by the way you that KEEP ON WRITING THE SAME DAMNED THING.

You're a one-trick pony.  Find a new trick.

"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."

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FurryCatHerder wrote:Brian37

FurryCatHerder wrote:

Brian37 wrote:
I am mature enough, unlike you, to know that being offended is not the worst thing in the world. And I also know that since I like to bitch, I cannot deny others that same right.

Slowly, and with feeling -- I am not offended by what you WRITE, but by the way you that KEEP ON WRITING THE SAME DAMNED THING.

You're a one-trick pony.  Find a new trick.

So, I do repeat myself. And you ARE taking this personally otherwise you wouldn't be using Rednef to hide behind.

I repeat myself using your own words and claims to put a mirror to your face. It's called cognitive dissonance. To get you outside your compartmentalized box.

You believe in a god. SO WHAT.

You believe your god is the one true god. SO WHAT

On top of that you do believe your ARE superior because you are Jewish. Otherwise why claim that Jewish law is good for gentiles as well? If you didn't think Jews were superior, then why say "Don't move to Israel if you don't like it".

You want a Jewish theocracy.

You want to live under a king.

Those are things YOU said. Not me.

I'll repeat those things as much as I like.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Man, it's funny when Furry

Man, it's funny when Furry goes into self-righteous mode and resorts to direct insults for NO REASON other than to appease her own morals and feel all tingly in blatantly bullshiting.  Brian hasn't resorted to name-calling or any of that which is pretty damn funny.  Since he keeps his resolve, do the same, Furry.  I don't expect you to, though, since you haven't thus far.


In either case, I'll enjoy the show and watch as you dig your own grave!  *grabs popcorn*