Why do atheists spend so much time discussing a "being" they dont believe exists?
Atheists have commonly said this life is the only one that we have therefore every minute is precious. If this is the case, why do atheists spend so much of their "precious" time talking about, discussing, arguing, researching and complaining about something they dont believe exists?
How many of you are on big foot, tooth fairy and Lepricorn websites arguing with believers that what they believe exists is false?
Now i suppose i will hear responses regarding the negative impacts religions have on society, however the last time i checked, the biggest mass murderers in history are atheists. I am not saying that atheism caused these mass killings, but am just pointing out that this reason shows that the objection is false.
So atheists, why do you spend so much time.
Talk about irrational........
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Nice spin. You get to pick and choose what you want. The Bible adds no value, nothing enlightening. It only reflects the views of primitive desert people. You only picked the flat earth (which mankind believed in until the past 500 years) and ignored the long list of primitive scientific views. That doesn't tell you something about this book. It is man-made, nothing more. Cmom, I thought you would know this. You need to read it more.
The earth is not flat, it is not the center of the universe, the sky is not a sphere than sits on the earth and god is overhead cuz there isn't any overhead, the earth does move, it is not stacked on pillars, bats are not birds, the universe is not 6000 years old, there are no fiery breathing dragons, no unicorns, insects do not have 4 legs but 6, man cannot create a building that touches heaven, seeds don't go into the ground, die and sprout, putting branches in the drinking water does not make animals have speckled or striped offspring, mixing holy water with biblical ink and having your wife drink it will not cause her belly & thighs to swell if she has cheated on and the whole logistics of Noah's ark is simply impossible.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
You are half blinded. You are only seeing the one side. You don't see the trail of blood. Being a catholic you certainly should be aware of its awful history. You will accept crap because you see nice pieces of corn in it. Doesn't the Pope, the Vicar of Christ, care about people? How can the Catholic Church be so in your face rich while taking money from people who live below the poverty line? Of what you know of Jesus, the one who said he has no where to lay his head, would you think he would be happy with this situation? The hypocrisy is unbelievable. I hate hypocrisy and religion is that light shining on a hill. And you are adding to that light as far as I can tell.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
And stars can't fall like figs to the ground...
Conigman, at least you don't take the Bible literally, but at least admit that there are false claims in there -- claims that were once believed. These descriptions in the Bible reveal their lack of understanding of the actual universe. We know they are false, but they believed them to be literally true. How would they have known the sun was the center of the solar system 1,500 years before it was proven? The Bible still has the false claims of the ancient people, and if you don't believe the claims you should take them out of your Bible.
I doubt you believe in evolution, but if you do, the Bible doesn't explain that either. They believed God created all the species in their present form.
In these verses, Jesus clearly states that the none of the laws will cease to be valid until heaven and earth are gone. Perhaps you'd like to explain to me why his statements don't mean what they appear to mean.
Also, these laws can't be "legally binding" unless the government you live under has passed them and enforces them.
The best that the text can actually be claimed to state is that the species that existed 5,777 years ago existed as they did ... 5,777 years ago.
The Six Days of Creation are not taken literally, as 24 hour days, within Judaism, which is where the texts originated. There are a wealth of Jewish commentaries on The Six Days of Creation and they lead to answers anywhere from "we don't know" to about 15.3 billion of "our" years. And no, that 15.3 billion figure =is= valid and it dates back a =very= long time (millenia) within the Jewish tradition.
This is a page from the people who put the "U" inside the circle on food -- http://www.ou.org/about/judaism/sheshet.htm
This is a page from an organization called Aish Ha'Torah -- http://www.aish.com/ci/sam/48951136.html Aish Ha'Torah is not a fringe group and are widely respected by Orthodox and Reform Jews alike.
The 15.3 billion "years" comes from some bizarre equation that someone put together hundreds of years ago -- 42,000 * 365,000. The "thousands" in there come from a Psalm, and the other numbers have other meanings, though the 365 is days in a solar year.
"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."
IMO, your post indicates a lack of understanding regarding the atheist position. Theists, especially christians, tend to set up "straw men" to attack atheists. A "straw man" occurs when a opposing view point is twisted in such a way so that it is vulnerable and thus refutable.
This is exactly what you did and the reason why atheists spend their precious time setting the record straight.
Why ? Because talking about sports and the weather eventually gets boring....
Blah blah blah blah
Bottom line.......Atheists know theists are on a"Good thing".
Atheists, because of there pride and refusal to let anyone be God apart from themselves, cannot believe in a supreme being. Because of this, they want to bring down others with them. Hence , the hatred, the swearing, the refusal to believe.
This game is given away from a mile away.......
Why should we believe? Convince us.
No, I do not think theists are on a "Good thing". I do not think basing your most important and guiding beliefs on pure speculation is a "Good thing". I'll explain: My actions are often based on my thoughts and beliefs. If my thoughts and beliefs are irrational, it follows that my actions are likely to be so as well. Therefore, I try to ensure my thoughts and beliefs are informed and based in reality; this allows me to make good decisions and take proper action(s).
Once again, you're wrong. The reason I do not believe that god(s) exist is because I have not seen any convincing evidence to suggest that they do. It is not because I think I am God, or a god, or some sort of lesser deity. I am a person just like you, and the reason I am posting on this forum is so that I can learn--about people, their ideas, and the world in general.
No you are the arrogant one. You KNOW. You are the one with pride, not us. The ground you stand on is shifting, weak and bloody, but you KNOW it is right.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Wow ! I'm a God. I never realized that. Sure don't feel like one, though.
I believed in a supreme being for around a quarter of a century. It should be obvious that I was quite open to that concept.
Damn, you've got us all figured out !
If belief in a supreme being is so good, is that why you believe in three of them?!?
Could I interest you in the Roman pantheon? It has lots more gods than Christianity!
"Obviously I'm convinced of the existence of G-d. I'm equally convinced that Atheists who've led good lives will be in Olam HaBa going "How the heck did I wind up in this place?!?" while Christians who've treated people like dirt will be in some other place asking the exact same question."
Your religion has led you to believe that if you repeat your preconceived but ignorant view of the world you can convince yourself that it is true. Keep in mind, you're simply deluding yourself. You aren't living in reality, you're in a fantasy world. Should you want to join reality, reread the thread and learn something.
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