God, Jesus and Sports

I'm a supporter of Tim Tebow. I followed him at UF (Go Gators!) and think he is a great athlete (although not a great QB).
But as I sit hear watching The Denver Broncos get completely FUBAR'd by the New England Patriots I'm happy knowing that he will be done for the year.
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Tim Tebow threw his hopes to Jesus. St.Thomas of Brady threw his hopes to Gronkowski, Welker, Branch, and Hernandez 6TDs. Let's face it those who rely on skill, team work and training, somehow, for some reason out do these who rely on fairy tales. You RRS types know I am going to be impossible to live with for the next week. "SUFFER!!!!"
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I was hoping that Tebow would say, "I want to thank my lord jesus christ for this loss. I didn't listen to his guidance and he didn't listen to my prayers. I guess he didn't want us to win".
As a Bronco Fan for 40 years I had to bite my tongue a lot during this season.
The hype ignored the other players who actually won the games. Decker, Prater, Thomas, Von Miller, Bailey, Dumervile.
But that's normal for the believers in the Jesus.
Denver is still rebuilding the team after the mess that Josh McMess made of it.
Note to Jeffrick - You get him back next year, that may not be a good thing.
I suppoted Orton as he was far more accurate and an excellent QB. The team just hadn't got it together.
I lived in Florida during the Tebow's college days, and didn't think much of him then. Originally from Colorado and returned last year after 20 years.
Florida college football I always found as a bunch of fanatics following teams that really had nothing to do with the fans.
They are all crazy, whether it is UF, Seminoles, Hurricanes or whatever. I never understood.
They fly flags bigger than their pickup 12 months a year. Get in fights with opposing fans, everywhere.
And generally, they never even went to school there.
I went to 3 universities in Colorado, CSU, CU, and Regis (Jesuit U). I have no alligience to any college sports.
But the Tebow has possibilities as a QB. He came in mid-season with an offense that was far different than what he did in college.
We'll see what happens after another year.
At least the Broncos won a playoff game and lost in the 2nd round. 24 other teams sat home with nada to do but watch.
Does the Jesus care only about the Tebow? Fantasies don't seem to care about anyone. Will this matter to Tebow? Nope.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
I was hoping he would get to the Super Bowl and then suffer a brutal defeat.
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My condolences concerning your ordeal with the agents of evil at Regis, my brother graduated from there but ended up ok, he is gay and an atheist!! I lucked out I went from Mullen to CU and so avoided the masters of deception altogether (the brothers, while they try hard, can’t hold a votive candle to the evil ones).
I also have retained my devotion to the Broncos for the past 40 years while moving around the country but really have a problem with the Tebow religious thing. I watched the game last night with an overly religious Bronco loving relative and just delighted in their defeat.
Tebow seems to be a great athlete (although not displayed much last night) but I think it would be much better for the sport and the team if religion didn’t overshadow personal excellence.
I grimance at Tebow's fantasy praising but cheer him on in any event. Everyone in the NFL has a crutch, it may be a dirty jockstrap or growing a beard. In Tebow's case it is his devotion to a fantasy.
Once I was a fairly observant Catholic. I saw Regis as a good thing. It actually helped me become an atheist. The more you know, the more you can refute.
But I went to Regis as a 2nd choice, I couldn't afford DU. I really wanted to go there, but it cost 1/3 more than DU for the masters program. I worked for Storage Technology back then and they only paid $1000 a year for continuing education. DU was $2000 a quarter and Regis was $2000 a semester.
Tebow as other religious nuts is welcome to thank his fantasy gods as long as he delivers the goods. I wonder how welcome a Muslim would be as an athelete thanking Allah after every game and getting on his knees facing Mecca after every TD.
Probably not so much.
It's still not clear to me how good Tebow is or not, another season will be needed to ascertain if he's good or just lucky.
OTOH, Vegas was very happy with Tebow last week as they made big cash when the Broncos beat the Steelers. As was CBS, they had the 2nd highest rated TV program since last year's Superbowl. The Pats - Broncos playoff likely made them even more, they probably raised the ad costs.
Would corporations use the religious nuts to make money? You bet.
Look forward to countless ads featuring the Tebow in the next year, not just in Denver.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
It's downright scary that sports are still being followed AT ALL. It's one giant, commercial-ridden, advertisement-polluted, drama-induced, scandal-happy cesspool of a dire mess now...
Even though I don't like the Patriots, seeing Denver get brutally raped like they were a high school team was good enough for me.
There are currently nine or ten Muslim players in the NFL now. One on the Vikings was fasting during Ramadan and the NFL took special care to make sure he got the time he needed for prayer and fasting.
Sports are going to be a part of this society till the day we destroy ourselves in a nuclear war.
Yea, from what I hear and see about his style of passing, he reminds me of Billy Kilmer(former Skins QB) back in the early 70a. Off balance wounded duck passes, but still manages.
I was glad to see him lose too. Just as a matter of how bad superstitious logic is. There is so much wrong with "God is on my side" even outside sports. But even more ridiculous with sports or any form of celebrity fame, such as acting or music or wealth.
Kathy Griffin(sp) "Suck it Jesus".
Just play the game and be glad that you are even in the NFL. He is so selfish and short sighted with his superstition. What about NE? God wasn't on their side Tim? Humn, maybe he was, and he wasn't on your side Tim?
And take into account the entire history of the NFL since the 1920s, and EVERY team will have their ups and downs. Not to mention TIM, that for every player that makes even second string, much less starter, there are literally millions, from the Pee Wee league age, on up through high school and college, who wont even play in a pre-season NFL game.
My advice to Tim is just shut the fuck up, stop peddling Jesus, and play the game.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
In 1981 when the Eagles played the Raiders in the Super Bowl, I prayed and prayed to god that the Eagles would win. I was a huge Eagles fan and I sat up close to the television and promised every thing if they would score, catch a pass or break a tackle.
I was an ignorant 13 year old kid, who had already started to question the existence of god, but thought for some ridiculous reason that god would intervene and save my beloved Eagles.
I was so angry after they lost. I couldn't believe god would let those bastard Raiders win. They were the wild card team and with a washed up QB, while the Eagles had the best running back in the league and the best receivers too.
I look back on this event and [double facepalm] laugh.
You could be telling my story. Me too. Every Skins game I would cross my fingers and toes and pray and pray. I gave up of course. In the end it is all a crap shoot and teams will have up years and down years.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog