Ello form Hellish South Africa (pun intended)

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Ello form Hellish South Africa (pun intended)

Morning all


By way of introduction and a smidge of self explanation for the "full story"


I am a deaf bugger from SA who has been an athiest since about the age of 12/13. The shift occouered during the time we lived in Israel and I encountered the joys of the Abrahamic religions at their very worst.


Cut a decade or so into the future, and I ended up contracting Meningitis, resulting in a coma and being 'dead' twice (so the doc said). No lights appeared, no supernatural entities playing tug o' war with my so called soul, nothing. Technology and progress have brought me my hearing back in the form of an implant, not some inane skydaddy answering ludicrous parayers of hope. By the by as an aside I can still speak hebrew rather well and have used this in some debates fairly recentlly.


P.S. If Brian37 stumbles this way. There was an article in a south african news source a couple of weeks ago regarding the age old atheism vs Religion idea and I believe you may have made a comment, If so well done on being the most eloquent of the posters theron

Yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the bi9ggest mother%$&@#%$ in the valley and I carry a big stick
- Me

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Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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CaveTroll1066 wrote:Morning

CaveTroll1066 wrote:

Morning all


By way of introduction and a smidge of self explanation for the "full story"


I am a deaf bugger from SA who has been an athiest since about the age of 12/13. The shift occouered during the time we lived in Israel and I encountered the joys of the Abrahamic religions at their very worst.


Cut a decade or so into the future, and I ended up contracting Meningitis, resulting in a coma and being 'dead' twice (so the doc said). No lights appeared, no supernatural entities playing tug o' war with my so called soul, nothing. Technology and progress have brought me my hearing back in the form of an implant, not some inane skydaddy answering ludicrous parayers of hope. By the by as an aside I can still speak hebrew rather well and have used this in some debates fairly recentlly.


P.S. If Brian37 stumbles this way. There was an article in a south african news source a couple of weeks ago regarding the age old atheism vs Religion idea and I believe you may have made a comment, If so well done on being the most eloquent of the posters theron

Hitchens was eloquent, When I manage to string words together that just shows I have the ability to tie my shoes, and even then I have a problem. But thanks in any case.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Welcome, I think you would

Welcome, I think you would enjoy this website.  


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Thanks chaps

Thanks for the welcome all


Vastet: Gaming God squire? WoW or more adventurous titles (CoD etc) Sticking out tongue


Brian37: Hitchens was indeed elequont mate but In the context yours was the best post there, most of the time I'm surprised people here can form whole words. At any rate a pleasure to make yer aqquantence.


Ktulu: I like it indeed squire. The debates I've read thus far have been hugely entertaining and informative, I hope I can keep to the standdard

Yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the bi9ggest mother%$&@#%$ in the valley and I carry a big stick
- Me

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Never played WOW, though I

Never played WOW, though I have played War Craft 2, 3, and Star Craft. So I'm familiar with it to an extent. And I've played Runescape off and on over the years, so I'm familiar with the genre as well. I just don't have the money or the computer to consider WOW. And I have a few problems with the way Blizzard runs it as well, so I just haven't got much interest.

Not much into COD for a variety of reasons. In no particular order: the series focusses on a foreign power that I have little interest in for fictional escape purposes, I hear too many complaints about hackers & glitchers, and I find the graphics aren't sufficiently advanced for my sight to pick out people at distances from the backgrounds. I have no trouble in real life, or most other FPS titles, but in COD I too often get taken by someone I can't see. Which just pisses me off because I could see them in almost any other title or an actual battle, and would probably have sniped them before they got a shot off.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Other than those and a few

Other than those and a few other games I've tried or otherwise experienced and didn't enjoy for some reason or another, though, I'm generally pretty open when it comes to games. Used to love RPG's the most, but recent titles seem to have lost the magic. Currently I'd probably put strategy and RTS at the top of my favoured list. But I'll try anything at least once.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Ah I may have had to ask

Ah I may have had to ask console or pc first?... Currently addicted to WoW here, thanks to one of my best mates (May the fleas of a thousand camels infest his armpits for that) but generally much the same. I do like my RPG's a great deal skyrim being a good new title otherwise everything from fps, rpg, strategy, rts (the total war series is a good one there) and so forth. You may enjoy WoW squire, nice RPG feel to it with so much to do it's not even funny. It doesn't need a major pc to run it either, although I warn you it can be highly addictive

Yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the bi9ggest mother%$&@#%$ in the valley and I carry a big stick
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I like both for different

I like both for different games. PC's generally suck for RPG's, action/adventure, platforming, quantity, and costing a lot; but are generally superior with RTS, FPS, better graphics (well, sometimes), quality, and more options.

The thing with wow is that I have an anti-addictive personality. I can only play the same game so much before its faults overcome its coolness, or I just get bored with it, and I don't play it again for a year or three+.
WoW also costs too much. I could get 2 new games or 1 month of membership.

I chose Runescape out of all the MMO's because it's the only one that'll remember your character even if you take a year off and give them no $. I haven't touched it in a few years, but I know my level 116ish character and all his possessions are just waiting for me to log in.
It's also more versatile. I don't need 5 characters to get the most from the game, at most I'd need 2, and then only to see the end results of certain quests if you kill this guy instead of that guy kinda thing.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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More Pc meself to be honest.

More Pc meself to be honest. I don't always seem to prefe the old keyboard and mouse options, then again I havee er... blown the budget on pc components. Haven't yet had the chance to try  Runescape as yet, but the nest one may be the warhammer online, It appeals to my slightlyy odd sense of humour. Sticking out tongue


Generally though I have to fight to get the pc from me fiance, bit of a gamer herself, to the extent that I have the opposite probllem to most ganers heh heh. Well tis indeed a pleasuure to have "met" you squire. I think I'm going to like it here

Yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the bi9ggest mother%$&@#%$ in the valley and I carry a big stick
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CaveTroll1066 wrote:Brian37:

CaveTroll1066 wrote:

Brian37: Hitchens was indeed elequont mate but In the context yours was the best post there, most of the time I'm surprised people here can form whole words. At any rate a pleasure to make yer aqquantence.

First off, IF that was me, without a link, I cant tell. I post on many sites all the time. I don't keep track of every post I make. But under that name it is likely me because it is an atheist topic, it might be me. I don't know of other atheists that have that same handle.

What you will find at this site is the wealth of diversity and points of view and all the atheists here put a lot into their posts. I am just one voice. I feel all the atheists here do a damned good job of debating.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog

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Quote:It's also more

It's also more versatile. I don't need 5 characters to get the most from the game, at most I'd need 2, and then only to see the end results of certain quests if you kill this guy instead of that guy kinda thing.

You would have loved Ultima Online in it's hay day then. 

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Brian37 wrote:CaveTroll1066

Brian37 wrote:

CaveTroll1066 wrote:


Brian37: Hitchens was indeed elequont mate but In the context yours was the best post there, most of the time I'm surprised people here can form whole words. At any rate a pleasure to make yer aqquantence.

First off, IF that was me, without a link, I cant tell. I post on many sites all the time. I don't keep track of every post I make. But under that name it is likely me because it is an atheist topic, it might be me. I don't know of other atheists that have that same handle.

What you will find at this site is the wealth of diversity and points of view and all the atheists here put a lot into their posts. I am just one voice. I feel all the atheists here do a damned good job of debating.




That they do. I've been reading the various posts etc on this site for quite some time before I joined and I have to say that I am Impressed with the level of debate and attention to detail used by the majority of the athiests here. (The same can't be said for some of the theists who've posted but anyhoo)


Edit: Here's that link, my apologies forgot to add it earlier. http://www.news24.com/MyNews24/Atheist-vs-Believer-Debate-20120103

Yay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the bi9ggest mother%$&@#%$ in the valley and I carry a big stick
- Me