Hello you heathens (-;
I have been a long time reader, first time poster.
I am writing a new article that I would like to get some feedback on if you would be so kind as to read it:
Thank you,
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Pretty long read. I skimmed over a lot of it, but what I did read I think that you covered the basic foundations of what being an atheist entails, why the mere concept of god is ridiculous and you hit on some points from the Bible that makes it hard for people who believe to contend that god is anything but malevolent, manipulative and stuff of myth brought on by generations of tight-knit fear.
Overall, very well done.
Thank you, yes I know it's long but there is so much to say that it's hard to say it in a few paragraphs.
Thank you for taking the time to look at it!
Looks good. Maybe it would work better as separate posts with an index of titles down the side like a lot of blogs including my own. You actually write well. The individual subjects are pithy. Your writing style is easy to read.
Oh on the martyr who first broke the wheel thru divine interventions and then was beheaded...if you read Judges 1 you will find Joshua could not defeat a town because they had iron chariots (something like that). Metals are gods kryptonite apparently.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Oh yes I forgot about the iron chariots that were too much for God to deal with, lol. I will add that thank you!
There is an index, but it's near the bottom. I will try to relocate it. I tried to keep each section very small, knowing the attention span of the theist is very small, and I tried to talk as non-confusing as possible (-;
God hates women
My go to text is Deuteronomy 22:28-29
Here are some others.
Ecclesiastes 7:27-29
Leviticus 12:1-5
I recommend you put this sentence first -
If you are woman God hates you. If you don't believe me for yourself in the Bible.
That is powerful.
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Thanks for the links and suggestions!
Eve is responsible for the fall of man. Lot's daughters get him drunk and fuck him. And as Hitchens rightfully pointed out the vagina is avoided in the birth of their super hero.
All the religions of Abraham were written in a male dominated era and women outside the book in reality were marginalized and treated like property. The books were written like that because they reflected the culture of the time.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
I'm an atheist and I too think that there is no creator, god or savior but I think your introduction is abrasive. You don't want any one who disagrees with your opinion to even bother reading the article. This is usually not a good option for a writer as you want more circulation with your piece. If your intent is only to speak to those who already agree with your opinion or those who don't currently have an opinion then your introduction is perfect. I personally suggest removing any insulting personal comments such as the "Jewish Zombie" section.
The other item which I would like to suggest clarification on is the use of the word "truth". I find this word often being abused as "truth" and "that which is true" is often a factual issue. 2+2=4 is true, the Earth is a roundish and is not the center of the Universe, this is true, but telling the reader that every thing you about to tell them in the succeeding article is the "truth" is quite omniscience of you.
Oh, and the very next paragraph you are being contradicting. You said in the previous paragraph that "if they wanted the truth" to read on. The very next paragraph you say,
"I do not profess to have all the answers, nor the truth. I simply will lay the facts out as we know them to be and let you decide for yourself what sounds more rational and logical. I cannot force you to believe anything, nor would I try. I would hope you possess the ability to weigh the evidence and decide for yourself."
But of course that will be up to you to decide..."
I'll continue reading and post again if needed.
How is the vagina avoided? Mary gave birth to Jesus, but God fucked her (with a holy spirit penis and sperm).
I can see that the "male penis" was avoided but Jesus had to come out of the vagina.
Good points and I can see where I might turn some people off, but there are parts of this that are more "my opinion" and parts that are more factual. Of course my parts are more subjective because they are my opinions, but for the most part I lay out the evidence as we know it and let the reader decide.
I will edit the part about truth though because I agree "truth" can be what anyone wants it to be.
Thank you
What do you think?
Before you read this-
You may or may not agree with what is presented here. I think it's important to ask yourself what you hope to get out of it? If the goal is to seek knowledge, even if it takes you places that you may find uncomfortable, then by all means continue. But if you are only interested in reading material that furthers your own self interest of propagating a belief that you have, and no amount of knowledge or evidence could sway your belief or cause you to reconsider , then stop now and save yourself a lot of time. You can continue about your day knowing that your mind has not been subjected to anything that might chip away at the safe little world you have created for yourself.
If there is no amount of evidence that could be presented that would sway your opinion or cause you to reconsider your position, then what possible reason would you have for trying to gain knowledge or further your education about this or any other subject? If you are convinced you know all there is to know already, then you should cease trying to further your education at all on any subject and just tell yourself you have reached the maximum capability and capacity of your mind, and it is closed for any further progress from this point forward.
If your beliefs are so fragile that they cannot stand up to challenge or the slightest scrutiny, would this really be something you would want to
continue to believe in anyway? Are your senses so delicate that you are not even willing to listen to someone Else's point of view, because the mere thought that someone might disagree with you causes an immediate desire to place both hands over your ears, and close your eyes while repeating loud chanting noises as to avoid listening?
However, if knowledge and understanding are what you seek, and you are bold enough to follow this road no matter where it might lead, then read on and ask yourself what makes more sense to you.
I do not profess to have all the answers, nor the truth. I simply will lay the facts out as we know them to be and let you decide for yourself what sounds more rational and logical. I cannot force you to believe anything, nor would I try. I would hope you possess the ability to weigh the evidence and decide for yourself.
But of course that will be up to you to decide...
I ment her vagina was avoided in the sexual sense, not in the birth sense. The idea of the unspoiled virgin was the motif of Mary. God did not "fuck" her because god has no physical penis to "fuck" her with. Jesus was born of a virgin, according to that claptrap myth via "POOF" of God.
Since there is no such thing as godsperm or even a god, and it takes a second set of DNA to make a baby, it kinda puts a damper on the "poof" birth magic baby story.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
sorry for the dubble post
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I believe Hitchens pointed out that religions consider "the vagina so offensive that the birth canal is a one-way street, nothing goes in but gods manage to come out'.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I would suggest pointing out the differences between strong and weak atheism.
You could add a section on "faith" as people who claim to have faith are basically announcing that they believe in that which they have no proof. Per the dictionary's definition of the word "faith".
I'd also point out that the "god of abraham" is only roughly 6,000 years old. There are other religions which are equal or older than judaism. So what makes their god first?
As for the "who created god" the strongest rebuttel I have for them is that many of them constantly claim that "the big bang" didn't come from "nothing". They say, you had to have "something" before it. So I throw that back at them and say, "you can't have something from nothing, your god had to have come from something".
I disagree with your statement, "Theists say that anyone that accepts God will be forever saved from a life of torture and misery. The problem with this is most of the world never heard of God". Only a few of them make this claim.
Most christians belief that animals do not have souls. Souls are reserved for humans only. I've also been told that "aliens" don't have souls either.
I disagree with your statement, "A theist cannot truly believe they have free will while at the same time believing God knows their every thought and action" because a person can have free will even if another person knows the outcome of a choice or action.
Where did you get your statistics on atheists having a higher moral standard than religious people?
Where did you get your statistics on governments with less influence from religion has less crime and war?
Define evil.
Historically speaking, the ego cause more suffering than any religion could cause.
I stopped reading after the "Then Why Call Him God?" section. My ADHD prevents me from being interested in any thing for more than a few minutes. Over all I think you gathered a lot of good factoids. I like the "god hates amputees". It's one of my favorite websites. Though, many christians have told me that they "have proof" people have been healed and grown back their limbs. Yet, when pressed for proof they can't provide sources.
Awe! I was sort of hoping it was all true.
Much better. I think others would stick around to read it.
"I disagree with your statement, "A theist cannot truly believe they have free will while at the same time believing God knows their every thought and action" because a person can have free will even if another person knows the outcome of a choice or action.
Where did you get your statistics on atheists having a higher moral standard than religious people?
Where did you get your statistics on governments with less influence from religion has less crime and war?"
A growing body of social science research reveals that atheists, and non-religious people in general, are far from the unsavory beings many assume them to be. On basic questions of morality and human decency — issues such as governmental use of torture, the death penalty, punitive hitting of children, racism, sexism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, environmental degradation or human rights — the irreligious tend to be more ethical than their religious peers, particularly compared with those who describe themselves as very religious.
I think it's obvious that countries were religion plays a large role are always at war. They have been killing each other in the middle east since the beginning of time. I really did not think I needed to show this as it is self evident
As for free will: if someone knows what you are going to do before you do, I would not call that free will. I know the argument is you have free will to change your mind, but it does not matter because in the end they still know what you are going to do. I guess people could argue this either way, but my position is still the same.
I apologise for being unable to properly critique this, but that's a hell of a lot to read. A superfast skim showed a whole bunch of bible quotes that I'd rather avoid for my own sanity, and I suspect the rest is quite similar to my own and others similar rants against religion.
One thing I did notice, that Digital alluded to, is the lack of references. For essay-like blogs such as this, it's highly recommended to include as many sources and references as you possibly can. I offer an essay I wrote as an example: http://www.rationalresponders.com/religion_endangers_humanity_and_its_future
It's quite possible you are already knowledgeable in how to do so, and simply weren't interested in doing so for some reason, but it really helps your argument to have a couple dozen sources included with the text.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Many countries in Asia, the Mediterranean and South America have started wars not based on religion but for strategic, logistical or racial reasons. Religion does not hold a monopoly on war. Yes, I do agree that today religion seems to be a major influence on starting wars.
A spectator of a game of baseball knows that their team will win the game, the pitcher is choosing their type of pitch based on the batter. The spectator knows that with one out and one strike away from winning their team will win, they are sure of it. The pitcher strikes out the batter. The spectator was correct and had no influence on the pitch thrown.
Per the definitions found on the web, provided any person is not being influenced or manipulated by external sources, any decision made is of free will. Personally, I don't believe in free will so...
Still I like your research and resources provided. They provide a strong foundation for your point of view. I read both articles from Cambridge and Pitzer.
In your section about do you believe in dinosaurs...
You state the church does not believe in evolution. The non-fundamentalist churches do accept evolution. the catholic and episcopal do. By church population more accept than do not. Of course they take a sudden break when it comes to homo sapiens. God set the evolution wheels in motion, chillaxed and when man was about to evolve he woke up and gave him a soul.
I carefully use the word fundamentalist maybe because I was one and where you wrote church I would have written "the fundamentalist believer"
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
And one other point on the dinosaur topic. Nowhere in the bible does it say the earth is 6000 years old. I have stumped a few believers to give me book, chapter and verse on that . And of course they don't read the book they so reverence (it is fricken boring afterall). It was Archbishop Ussher in the 17th century who went thru the genealogies and came up with 6000 years. This has to assume that the genealogies are 100% complete, but even a quick comparison between them in Matthew & Luke you see there are gaps. Some fundies says that one genealogy is actually Mary's line which is crazy, but hey, even still the length of the two don't match and one is too short for normal lifespans, i.e gaps.
And if I am talking to a fundie I say the Bible doesn't say the earth is 6000 years old, but instead you choose to believe some Anglican bishop? That causes a deer in the headlight look. But they hate evolution so much ... It after all shows how little mankind is ...
Religion Kills !!!
Numbers 31:17-18 - Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Such a very amazing link!
Watch Red Tails Online for FreeHi OPIE,
So are you an atheistic satanist or is the 666 just a joke?? Just trying to figure out what atheist denominational church you belond to. I'm not really into organized religion that's why i'm not an atheists.
Anyway, I found your article to vague. Also, the verses used are appareent contradictions, they are not contradictions at all lol. And also, you have to remember that the original autographs were inspired an inerrant, not the copies.
You have yet to describe the process of knowing via the 3 atheistic ways historically speaking.
You have not defined belief, knowledge, atheism in all forms of denominations, faith, God, etc, etc, etc. Since you are attempting to write on a philospohical level, you need not be lazy and look these up in Webster's, since Webster was not written for philospohy but general connotative meanings. You need various definitions of a sort for what you are trying to do
I've seen atheists win against stupid weak christians before so i'm being very objective even though i'm the most educated Christian you've ever met. By reading your essay it shows me that you have not gotten an education or gone to college and was probably brainwashed ina public school.
YOu need to isolate more in terms of meaning, scope and dynamics.
Hail Jesus!!!
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
No Jean, you are simply a delusional person who is full of themselves.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog