Superstition and how it hurts humanity, another example.

I was watch a show called "Seconds From Disaster" On the National Geographic Channel.
Now I caught it in the middle so I do not know where this terrorist attack took place, other than it was a region where Hindu's dominate. The suicide bombing killed 200 plus people. In south east Asia.
BUT here is what kills me. Because of the stupid fucking superstition Hindus have that the dead's ghost's spirits must be released by dumping the rubble and remains into the sea. And if they don't do it quickly the dead will haunt the affected blast zone. They wanted bulldozers to move the rubble right after to insure the spirits wouldn't haunt them. If the investigators of the crime had given into their demands, the murderers and collaborators would have gotten away with murdering 200 plus people. However, to the credit of rational people, the investigators convinced the locals to hold off on their ritual so that they could find clues to find the killers.
Yet another reason that superstition should be questioned. I am still as I type this watching the episode, but I am quite sure that, it is detailing the clues and forensics as I watch, the show will conclude with the capture of the collaborators.
These idiots would rather placate their superstition and pretend ghosts exist, that ghosts haunt them, and let murder's go free?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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Lol, ...dude, how many threads are you going to start today ? Did you drink a pot of coffee ?
Coffee? No, it was a combo of speed, meth and cocaine.LOL That, or I simply felt like it?
I also wrote a couple of poems not posted here on Infidel Guy in his "entertainment and media" section. I think you might see my name in that section a couple of times, just look for Brian37 in that section. And that is just there. I post on newspaper websites all the time too. Not my poetry, but just when an atheist topic hits a paper somewhere.
All kidding aside, it's merely my therapy. And if it gets someone to think, that's a plus too.
I posted this particular one because it shows that human evolution is at work here and superstition has never left any part of the world in our history, and that if we ignore it, it can harm us. Seriously, what if those investigators into that terrorist bombing simply said "Let the Hindus clear the bombsite now", there would be a half dozen terrorists still on the streets simply because Hindus thought ghosts would haunt them.
It's just another example of why it is important to question social norms.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at