BigThink: Atheism
Posted on: February 15, 2012 - 6:57am

BigThink: Atheism
Here are two videos from BigThink on Atheism
Robert Wright: Would an Atheist World Be More Moral?
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I am so sick of the morality argument. Human psychology and human behavior is a product of EVOLUTION, evolution is independent of labels.
Atheists can be both moral and immoral, not because they are atheists, but because there is only ONE species. Any human is capable of the same range of actions good or bad. Most humans seek cooperation because we are a social species, empathy is part of that evolution, but just like a cat backed into a corner, we can also get violent when we fear a personal attack or theft of our resources.
No label invented morality or will perfect morality because morality is a product of evolution, not an invention of humans.
If the world suddenly were all atheists, human problems would still exist. There would still be political differences and economic differences and we would still fight over resources.
The only thing "atheist" addresses is a position on the issue of a god. It says nothing about the person's education level, class, or politics, or worldview. All it says is that the person does not hold a belief in a god or gods.
Evolution existed long before the written language and it will exist regardless of any change to the national borders or numbers of a given group.
No human on the face of this planet is special because of the label they claim. They are special to those they are close to such as family and friends, but none of us are required to exist in the grand scope of evolution. Life will continue without us.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I am so sick of the morality argument. Human psychology and human behavior is a product of EVOLUTION, evolution is independent of labels.
Atheists can be both moral and immoral, not because they are atheists, but because there is only ONE species. Any human is capable of the same range of actions good or bad. Most humans seek cooperation because we are a social species, empathy is part of that evolution, but just like a cat backed into a corner, we can also get violent when we fear a personal attack or theft of our resources.
No label invented morality or will perfect morality because morality is a product of evolution, not an invention of humans.
If the world suddenly were all atheists, human problems would still exist. There would still be political differences and economic differences and we would still fight over resources.
The only thing "atheist" addresses is a position on the issue of a god. It says nothing about the person's education level, class, or politics, or worldview. All it says is that the person does not hold a belief in a god or gods.
Evolution existed long before the written language and it will exist regardless of any change to the national borders or numbers of a given group.
No human on the face of this planet is special because of the label they claim. They are special to those they are close to such as family and friends, but none of us are required to exist in the grand scope of evolution. Life will continue without us.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I love it when a person of one club points at another and says "Yea their club is silly". Yet your club was started in the same ignorant past.
I like what Epicurus said about the problem of good and evil, but I don't think because he raised such a good question, that every claim he made, or every tradition he partook in, back then, should be considered credible, jjust becuase he said some smart things.
You point the finger at others but don't want that mirror in your own face. It is like watching si fi fans argue over Captain Kirk vs Luke Skywalker.
Buddhism is a club, nothing more. And the person you call Buddha who started it was simply a cult creator that went on to become popular. It is still as much a placebo club to humanity as any other label.
You want to call me a hard nose, DAMNED RIGHT, because I see what you are doing for the mere evolutionary moth to the light bulb Dawkins discribes rightfully so as our evolutionary gap filling. There is nothing special about Buddhism, there is merely YOU liking it because it sounds pretty. Humans are not special and are no different. Far to often in life humans cling to what they like, before they seek to test and confirm.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Seems my other post didn't go through...
Evolution needs life to exist, life merely changes to adapt to the environment. Thus, evolution is a label.
Humans can be moral or immoral because of opinions like other primates are moral or immoral. Morality is only an opinion.
No, not all humans are capable of the same range of emotions, thought, action or words. They all are different based on DNA, the environment and how they use the information they have learned/or not.
Evolution only exists with life. Evolution dies when life ceases to exist.
All humans are special, all life is special. You've only put a label on it saying it isn't special. Yet another opinion.
Ah, clubs! Very useful in evolution. Yes, silly clubs. You and your clubs are so silly.
Good and evil are opinions. They don't really exist except in the eye of the beholder.
<finger pointing at myself> I look in the mirror every day.
Buddhism is a club, but so is Atheism. So is this website. You are part of a club.
Define cult? That's an ambiguous word to use. That's like calling a plant in your backyard a "weed". Weeds are any thing you don't like; so are cults.
Huh? Hard nosed? Nope. Hardlined? Yes.
Buddhism is a cult remember? It isn't special to you. It is a weed in your opinion.
Buddhism is a word. Nothing pretty about it.
Humans are different. LMAO. You think they aren't?
Humans are special, but then again, they are weeds to you. Nothing special about them to you.
You seem very comfortable with what you like. You have a tight hold on it and you seem to be clinging very tightly to it. Maybe when you test it a bit more you will find another life-raft to hold on to; until then you will justify what you believe in as being the one and only way any thing should think, learn, feel or speak.
Good luck with that...
I love the BigThink music, it's so inspirational. Anyway, on this Robert Wright guy; I want to read his book The Evolution of God. I'm just curious. I remember watching Wright interviewing Dan Dennett on the philosophy of mind and Dennett was trying to explain to him how ridiculous epiphenomenalism is, and Wright didn't get it. Eventually Dennett said, "Maybe if I say it slower you'll understand me." A strange guy, Robert Wright.
I don't think atheism is enough to make a more moral world, but it's a big piece. Religious belief is such a major distraction from real concerns. There are moral theists who are scientifically and philosophically literate, and they can make the world a better place. But even theistic evolutionists like biologist Francis Collins, who accept macroevolution (as the creationists call it) doesn't think that evolution can explain morality. A lot of atheists aren't convinced by the evidence for climate change. A more moral society is going to have to come from finding common purposes and taming our inner apes, among myriad other things.
Neuroscience, biotechnology, behavioral science, and ethics are key to boosting the morality in society. Fill me in if I left something out.