a supernatural question
Some people experience supernatural/unexplained stuff , like seeing ghosts or shadowy figures, or seeing a kid pass but turns out there was no one there, hearing voices, etc, alot of these r hallucinations r other natural thing, but what about the few authentic testimonies where indeed a person did see something supernatural, how do u explain this? im not sayin this means God is real, im jus saying do u think there r other forces/beings in other worlds/dimensions or that an afterlie might be possible, or that these people r seeing there dead relatives attempt 2 talk 2 them or someting. ?
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Welcome to the forum truth.
Some people experience supernatural/unexplained stuff all the time. Of course it is reasonable to believe that in spite of having proved every one of them wrong, there are those "few authentic testimonies" which are completely and 100% reasonable, there is no need to explain this, you just accept it. Of course there is the Randi prize
http://www.randi.org/site/index.php/1m-challenge.html , but the fact that nobody came even close to beating the statistical odds is by no means any reason to believe that save those deluded, everyone involved in the paranormal BS is a charlatan.
You need no proof what so ever.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
Thanks, its good be here.
but i feel like some force is trying to communicate with them or somthing ,there has 2 be a purpose as to why some people see certain things, ive personaly havent seen or experienced anything supernatural/unexplained, i hope i do soon, but my mom who is a strong catholic told me few months ago, she was in chruch n there was no one there nor any roses, then she sudenyl experienced the smell of roses, few seconds later she smelled roses again, she says is because its the virgin mary making her precense known to her, sumtimes wen we talk about it she cries a bit.... i do believe what she said hapned 2 her did in fact hapned 2 her, but im tryin 2 figure out wat is the cause u kno wat im sayin, either it was God/mary,etc or sumthing in the brain caused it/etc... what do u think
I used to be a christian. - Now I am an athiest. I used to use drugs. -Now I do not. I used to have hallucinations. -Now I do not.
I used to be susceptible to the power of suggestion. -Now I am not. So all this being said, I have seen the world with more than 1
perspective. What you consider to be an "authentic testimony" is open to interpretation. If I saw something extraordinary and
another witnessed the same thing then it deserves an explanation, although any good illusionist can make more than one person
see the same thing, either with the power of suggestion or by diverting attention. And humans are really good at seeing what they
want to see. You might see the Man on the moon- I see mountainous crater formations. I definitely believe in the possibility of life beyond this
planet, but nothing has led me to believe "beings from another dimension" as you put it. A good friend and I were night fishing out on a
lake in Ontario. I had a very powerful spotlight I was using to point out satellites going across space. The view of the Milky Way is
incredibly clear up there. While moving the spotlight I came across an object which we would never had noticed otherwise. It was
stingray type shaped with a white bottom. It moved very slow and steady and would pause every ten seconds or so. It made no noise
and had no lights. It was only about 100-200 ft above us and we could see it very clearly. So my testimony is confirmed by another, but
all it proves is we saw a craft that was not a conventional man-made craft and had unusual ballistics. We both personally believe that it
was not likely from this earth from what we know about conventional aircraft, but there is really nothing to prove it.
So I don't "believe" in aliens, but I think it is very possible and extremely likely. You definitely won't see me going around preaching
about aliens like christians do about Jesus. If he did in fact exist, he might have just been a very talented magician. There are many
who will probably tell you that it is possible to make the statue of liberty disappear because they saw it on tv or they know someone
who was actually there. And as for the people who talk to their dead relatives, there are forms of mental illness that are treatable but not
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
wat u saw cud be some advanced secret technology the gov is hiding from us, or some type of being or force unknown 2 us but oviusly inteligent n it had a purpose i think, it appeared 2 u guys for a reason maybe maybe not, wat do u think if we supose its a being ,wat do u think it wanted u guys 2 think or do? maybe theres a race out there if u will, that is slowy geting humans 2 get used 2 them or something, something big may happen in the future involving them, because wat u guys said is not that uncommon
My advice to you is to STOP WATCHING cable television.
Did it ever occur to you that people sell shit because they want money? And did it ever occur to you that just because someone truly believes something, only means they believe it?
The ancient Egyptians TRULY believed that the sun was a god. Do you believe that the sun is a thinking being?
PT Barnum said it best "There is a sucker born every minute"
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Everything Brian said is correct. To prove it- you have no basis on which to "believe" any part of my story. You didn't see it.
I can't prove it. I might just be some nutbag. All you should "believe" is that my story is possibly true in that it doesn't have
any outrageous claims that defy all reason. And if you do believe it there is nothing more to read into it. There doesn't have
to be an underlying purpose of why we saw it or why it was there. It was JUST there. It is a fact to me and a possibility to you.
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
I have searched for explanations most of all my life and didn't find them in science and religion. That's why I'm not religious and why I think science is still missing something big. But proving things without giving a solid guarantee of evidence beforehand is very diffcult. I'm not currently in position to do so. I hope to learn, work and investigate, until I'll be able to start a project and maybe make a career on this. I don't want to spend my chance on obstinate skeptics or lost footnote in a study. Or worse, contribute to development of new weapons in this unstable world of today. I think of myself more as a social philosopher than neurology scientist and frankly, I think working for change of social order is more important today than the supernatural.
Btw, what you write about the smell of roses, it is indeed associated with the presence of St. Mary. Just as the smell of jasmine is associated with the recently deceased Indian saint Sathya Sai Baba. I had read a book written by a man who talked about Sai Baba with his friend and unless he changed topic, he emanated a strong jasmine smell from the heart area. But I haven't experienced anything like that, yet.
I do not doubt that all things which happen must have a rational explanation, but we must be prepared that in some cases this explanation may require discovering new natural principles.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Just because you're new to the forum, I feel the need to tell you that was a completely sarcastic post. Also, the lol speak is.... not funny
I'm perfectly ok in reading phonetically if there is a reason. But 2 dewit just cuz, it not 2 good! I has no reespekt for lol speek. Please refrain if you want to be taken seriously.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
What kind of phenomenon are you reffering to
What are we suppose to do when we encounter something that doesn't have a rational explanation?
You should try a web site/podcast called "Strange Frequencies Radio", they spend a lot of time dealing with the paranormal investigations. They started out about 5 years ago has true believers but are now rational skeptics {NOT disbelievers} any questions on the paranormal would be best put to them, they have a live podcast Sundays 3 to 5 PM [Eastern time] with an open chatroom. James Randi and other skeptics have been guests and also true believers so give them a shot. http://www.para-help.com/sfr/
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I'll go check it out.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
The other day i saw a guy that had a special camera, when he took a picture of someone, their aura would also show. I dont know if its true or not though.
If you had to summarize quantum physics and what quantum physicists deal with on a daily basis, how would you summarize it?
Or there are "fake" cameras, which measure your bioelectric signals on thumb or palm or something and then the software displays your "aura" accordingly over your camera image on the computer screen. I don't say this can't be useful for anything, but obviously it isn't the authentic aura. I tried this kind of camera once, but that was when I was a child and I don't remember what it was about anymore.
If you think you understand quantum physics, you DON'T understand quantum physics.
Frankly, most of this occult stuff with energy can be understood. It's the least supernatural of all the supernatural things out there. I think it will be the first supernatural thing embraced by science in the next decades.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Interesting stuff. I dont know too much about auras so i cant comment.
I had a feeling it was a joke, but wanted to know your answer anyways.
I think so too.
What are your thoughts on The Third Eye?
What does spirituality mean to you? What is true spirituality?
What do you think happens ater we die?
The best information I have is, that The Third Eye is an energetic structure which forms after the pineal gland and hypophysis are both activated and The Third Eye forms between them, in overlap of the fields they radiate.
Furthermore, people do not understand what it means to be clairvoyant or how it is supposed to be like. I know just one person with whom I am sure she is extremely clairvoyant in the best sense of this word. And I know of many people who perform the other, primitive, unstable and animalistic form, the astral clairvoyance, which is much more common.
I see the life as a succession of lifetimes in which we solve old problems (and cause new ones) and face new challenges and learn new skills. Which is quite in contrast with all the atheists here, who see the death as non-existence. Some are worried by it, some aren't. I have experienced the non-existence. I know how it feels, to not exist, because for a moment I once achieved it in meditation. For a moment I did not exist, my body existed and all else, but there was no I, no person of my name. It was a very unusual feeling, very strange, but it was not bad. So I know it's nothing to be afraid of. I simply don't think this is what the death does to us, that's all.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
As for you rational and skeptical folks reading this, see what kind of needs and questions other people may have and what kind of answers I provide.
- Where did we come from? From animal evolution, I suppose. Every kingdom grows from the one below it. Although it's interesting to learn about the millions of years of Atlantis and Lemuria, in case more evidence shows up. In any case, these past races would be vehicles for incarnation experience, not our biologic ancestors.
- Why there is something rather than nothing? I think the basis of reality is "something" and there never was, nor can be, such a thing as nothing. Nothingness is the illusion we imagined as the opposite of something with our imperfect senses. So there is something, because it's the only possibility.
- Mysticism? Experiencing, feeling, adoring and identifying with God (or usually the soul) and then in return with the rest ofthe world. Mysticism is what you get when religious people evolve
It's a path of development, or a part of it, very popular in old times, because it doesn't require intellect. Nowadays it's not so popular, many people go through intellect and occultism, which is the path of knowledge and its practical use. Occultists are more like scientists and it could be said, that esotericism is theory, occultism is practice.
- Catholic saints? Well, it's funny when you see what kind of things have their saint patrons. But there is a kernel of truth, certain highly evolved individuals can help us, even though they don't live in physical bodies anymore. But that would be on another hours of lecturing.
- Kabbalah? All true esoteric systems refer to the same truths, but I consider this one is very archaic and obscure.
- Esotericism? That's my hobby. It's a philosophy of evolving your consciousness. And a huge body of knowledge too.
- Sufism? AFAIK, it's mystical form of Islam, just like Rosicrucianism is mystical form of Christianity and Kabbalah is the mystical form of Judaism. AFAIK, one sufi, Rumi was his name, wrote a nice poem about his belief in reincarnation. Which adds Islam among all the great world religions, which once believed in reincarnation.
- Christianity? A religion based on ancient legend of human ascent towards divinity, through certain symbolically described stages. It was told again and again in our history, fitted to local culture. The older stories of Horus, Mithras, Dionysos and others are just the same. But then came emperors Constantin and Justinian and they totally corrupted Christianity. They made it a tool for dumbing down and controlling masses of people and invented lies of eternal torment or eternal reward for kissing God's ass. Which was probably taken from Greek religion, btw.
- Islam? Maybe I risk my life by this, but Islam is fake, just like Christianity. Mohamed's teaching isn't that bad in itself, but it got corrupted by ancient tribal laws that we know from Old Testament. Much of this sadism isn't even in Koran, it's the worldly law Sharia that brings us the bronze age manners into the 21st century. And I think it was also influenced post-mortem by one 18th century Islamic fanatic who wasn't much taken seriously at the time.
- Atheism? Another hobby of mine. Atheism gives people freedom from corrupted religions and somehow also the ability to make the best podcasts ever. A very reasonable and self-evident position. If I didn't have etheric perception and whatnot, I'd be a classical atheist. Some atheists classify me as heavily agnostic atheist, which is also correct, for all practical purposes.
- Ghosts? A human that loses dense physical body (dies) and then loses most or all of etheric body. Those who lose all etheric body, mostly stay in astral world, but the partially etheric are for some time "earthbound" and can be considered as a kind of parasitic vermin and a form of environmental pollution. However, they're only vestigial remains of a former person and usually have very little in terms of consciousness.
- Magick? It is a system. I see that Crowley was an initiate, but far from a great one. There is much truth (practice) in what he writes, but he wasn't safe from being misdirected in method and purpose. It's all very subjective, influenced by mythology, Crowley's own personal style and lack of seeing the big picture and specific ethical direction. And anyway, it is possible to do greater works than his without any chalices, swords and chalk pentagrams on the floor.
- Purpose of life? For all practical purposes, it's the evolution of consciousness, which is very individual, all we can say about it globally it's trying to manifest your full potential while staying in harmony with others and the environment. I don't know which challenges you face in life, I have mine and they're quite a handful.
- Illuminati? I'm sure there must be some elitist groups of men in expensive suits who influence the world or think they control it by their old-fashioned ideals. They certainly can't stop the unprecedented global changes we see today and probably they can't even understand them. As for many rumors and conspiracy theories running around, they're often spread by some very crazy people.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Good post Luminon.
Regarding Catholic saints, when one reads some of their stories about their lives, alot of them say they saw Jesus, did miracles, were shown heaven and hell. Are all these stories one big lie?
Ayahuasca/DMT, Astral Projection, Agnosticism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Sacred Geometry, Jainism, Taoism, nature spirits, spirit guides, exorcisms including Catholic and Muslim exorcisms, alien abductions, what does philosophy mean to you, David Icke, William/Bill Cooper, monasticism in Catholicism and Buddhism, prayer, meditation and quantum fluctuation.
How do you meditate, what position and how long?
What occult/spiritual/esoteric practices do you do?
Luminon always has great posts.
Lol, not really, but sometimes he does. Sometimes he's far off on the left field wearing a pink dress and chasing butterflies with a net. I still have a lot of respect for his intellect, I just think he has a problem with saying, I don't know, and has a very active imagination. To each his own.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
His way smarter than the average person.
One has to throw away all the veggies in what people say and just find the meat. After all, were just humans. We are imperfect beings.
Yeah, I'm a know-all, guilty as charged. But as for my imagination, I think the right word is a very active perception. My imagination is nothing compared to fiction writers, who create a new world in every book. But I trust in my senses and they deliver me some unexpected surprises.
Truth, before you start reading, would you please return the favor and write something about yourself? Your nationality, age, gender, who do you really work for, I can't read that from your mind with my tin foil hat on...
I don't know what miracles are authentic, these were medieval ages, after all. But I heard of interesting historical records, when one bishop served a mass in one city in front of many people, but many witnesses saw him attending an event on the same day a hundred km away, or so. This is called bilocation, but a Hindu philosopher would call it mayavirupa, the skill of creating an illusory body, projecting a part of your consciousness into it... On this topic I'd recommend you the series of books by Kyriacos C. Markides, who researched this kind of things on Cyprus, with a famous local mystic of the Orthodox Christianity. I can agree with him on lots of things.
Ayahuasca/DMT? I don't think drugs are useful. Their very nature is basically disruptive, pathologic. What you see on drugs is the result of tearing your natural defenses. The reason why they are not useful is, that their effect throws you into the astral levels in a drugged, unfiltered, unprotected state. And astral levels are by their very nature emotional, illusory, deceptive, possibly dangerous and relatively low, which means you don't get to the most important stuff. But don't get me wrong, I love DMT, Ayahuaska and so on - in music! I listen to Shpongle and all other Hallucinogen's projects and other music inspired by these drugs. Correction, I think drugs can be useful to cure extreme materialists, to shatter their narrow little material worldview and to give them basics of spiritual literacy.
Astral Projection? A really good Israeli psytrance band
But seriously, I think it's obvious. It's a form of travel in the astral body through astral world. And I already told you my opinion on the astral world. This is why I never bothered with learning this discipline. But I recommend you the series Far Journeys by Robert Allan Monroe, they're the best books on astral projection out there. Also because he eventually went far beyond the astral levels.
Agnosticism? Another reasonable and harmless position. Nothing wrong with it. Less fun with discussion, but more open-minded.
Buddhism? I appreciate Buddha, he has some good quotes, but the whole religion that grew around him kind of puts me off. I think in our time, with our knowledge and variety of personalities and unprecedented global problems it's kinda out of place. But each to his own.
Sikhism? The guys with turbans, right?
Judaism? You've got to see this video
Sacred Geometry? Nice to look at. I actually did some experiments with scripting a "turtle" program - a program that draws lines on screen according to scripted rules. No matter what I did, certain geometric ornaments always kept showing up. (pentagrams, hexagrams, etc) There is a hidden order in mathemathics. For example, on my own I re-invented some well-known geometric fractals and created many trippy animations.
Jainism, Taoism? In your place I'd look them up on Wikipedia.
Nature spirits? I've got zero experience with them. Esotericism says something on that topic, but so far I never needed this information in practice.
Spirit guides? Mostly astral dwellers of very varying quality, from quite useful to downright criminal individuals with the worst intentions. Mostly they choose people with emotional affinity who don't ask many critical questions and believe their pretending to be this or that famous or holy person or alien.
Exorcisms? I didn't know Muslims have them too. I don't say they can't sometimes work, they would work on me too, I'd scram right away from such manners, ghost or not. But it's an awfully harsh and primitive treatment, downright medieval. My mom worked as a past life regression therapist and also to remove the discarnates from a person. (the basic technique is very similar) And she didn't use exorcism. She made a contact with the discarnate, using the victim as a medium, and persuaded the discarnate to leave the person for the astral realm.
Alien abductions? I think this one is totally fake. It does not make a sense, it's only scary. There is a perfectly natural explanation for these (sometimes the brain produces DMT in sleep or something like that) and esotericists say this is an astral (dreamworld) experience, not an actual reality.
Philosophy? I think it's a wonderful way of asking questions. Not answering them, though. We've got observations and science for that. When philosophy tries to answer questions, it usually ends up as mental masturbation.
David Icke? Supposedly he has many reasonable ideas, but it's all spoiled by his crazy claims of evil reptilian aliens wearing the skin of White House and Pentagon representatives.
Bill Cooper? I don't know this gentleman.
Monasticism? I'd say people had their past lives full of these monasteries so they can get out in this life and do something more useful. Real life calls. (how ironic from me writing that on a computer) Also, I'm kind of pissed at the Buddhist monks, since the creator of Helherron, one of my all time favorite games dropped game development and became a monk.
Prayer? I stopped praying as a child, it felt silly talking to myself. But for religious types it's natural, only if they'd talk less and listen more. To each their own.
Meditation? Damn, it's practically a science! Highly important for human development. It's the way to build the contact between the soul and personality, or its first beginnings. But there are many kinds of meditation, some better, some worse, some individual. From the individual, a modern man driving a car (intuitively foreseeing collisions) or quietly fishing, that is a meditation. Or a businessman contemplating possibilities and opportunities, that is a meditation also. Each to their own. Even religious prayer, if it is quiet and contemplative, is a form of meditation for religious types.
Quantum fluctuation? I don't know. As a rule of thumb, do not say anything quantum on an atheist forum, unless you can say it in mathemathics also
There are old powers sleeping or lurking and you don't want to wake them up. (I mean rarely visiting forum members like Deludedgod who actually know something about it)
As for the method, I do the Transmission Meditation, brought by Ben Creme. I get into a group (or start at the proper time when I can't make it to the group) say the invocation, I meditate, that's it. In my opinion, this is the most effective meditation ever, for technical and esoteric reasons. If Mr Creme can be trusted, and I think he can be, it's a hostorical opportunity to get to some extra high energies without (relatively) almost any work on your side and do an equivalent of Laya yoga on a master level.
TM is not an ordinary meditation, lots of things happen there. I think it's the best opportunity for an average person to experience the subtle energies and thereby get more open-minded towards their existence.
I always equate the spiritual with the progressive, not supernatural. For me, the progress, the spirituality is in becoming a normal person. My goal is to feel and express a wide range of emotions, to socialize and cure my permanent loneliness, to appreciate ordinary life and lives, to understand common people, to communicate on their level, and particularly, to develop the ladies' skills. I really suck at this one area. Women... Not that I'd be a stereotypic nerd afraid to talk to women, not at all, but you know how some people are "naturals"? Well, I'm not. It's about emotions, instincts, reflexes, that drive romantic life - or just the way how friends in a walking group maintain their places and distances like fish in a shoal. You'll never notice it, unless you lack these skills. If I'm a proverbial angel, then I was kicked out of the proverbial heavenly gate into the dirt, yet I try to levitate back through the window, refusing to cut my wings and walk among people. I am a great sinner of lotus eating, I don't walk among people, I hover always alone five feet above the ground and only steer a little not to bump into them. No wonder they don't like it. Mister Cloudlet they call me, endearingly. But there is no returning to the proverbial heaven unless and until I cut off my wings and get dirty. And that's easier said than done. It can't be done by force. All my spiritual practices and therapies that I have an access to (thanks to a supportive community) go to this purpose. And I've already got much better, changed and more aware over the years, but it's still many years to go, a steady progress, one step after another.
You can take it as a warning not to push things too far, so you won't end up like me. I may be an expert on the occult, but precisely because of that I neglected the living skills that most of us take for granted. (and likely for many past lives) My only excuse is that I know about it and don't make a virtue out of it, as many false gurus do.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
First of all, Tony was never ever a Chrisitan (I John 2:19), but rather a professing fake Christian.
But these ghosts are actually manifestations of demons. In fact, the theorums of Scripture have ghost meaning spirit. Ghost is an old English/Shakesperian word for spirit.
Sincethe theorums found in Chrisitianity have the dichtomony of evil spirits and godly spirits, and since ghosts are via deception, it would only imply that ghosts are indeed demons. I John 4:1-4.
these demons can actually manifest as family members, or whatever.
I've studied Mormonism for over 20 25 years now and Mormons constantly report seeing their dead relatives in the temple. This makes sense since the temple rituals are based on Masonic and WitchCraft influences. These appearances usually happen in the celestrial room.
Which again would make sense with what Scripture's theorums.
If you're seeing demons ("ghosts"
then you should be concerned. You could easily be demons possed and harmed. I've been in countless demon deliverance and excercisms to know. Many incredibly strange stories regarding that.
Would any of you atheists like to go to an excorcism with me? I mean, it's not real anyway so when the demon leaves the original host body for yours, I mean, what difference does it make. it's just a mental disorder anyways. lol.
I would love to bring one of you in such a session.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
I tis an incredible leap of ignorance to go from unexplained to supernatural.
As to your question of why people tell of seeing leprecauns and mermaids, talking animals and honest politicians, and the entire realm of nonsense things it appears to me whatever applies to your god applies in equal measure to leprecauns and all the rest. I don't see where you think you might be going with elevated reality TV and ghost stories to more than entertainment.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
A waft of air bringing a small in her direction even if someone's perfume or a few petals from flowers removed earlier or even if completely unexplainable is a far cry from her explanation. Even if you run with the supernatural both men and women used rosewater before regular bathing was common so all the saints are candidates.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
As it is not reasonable to jump to the supernatural as the first explanation neither is it reasonable to assume everything unexplained at the moment is an X-File.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
Who told you that crap and why did you believe them?
What EXACTLY are you talking about? But if a theorem the word is not being used correctly.
What EVIDENCE do you have for that assertion? Please recite specifics.
Tell you what, video equipment is dirt cheap these days. You tape an exorcism showing real events which can only be explained as supernatural, put the results on Youtube where we can all see it, and then we can all join you to see it in person.
One really has to explain to me why, if these exorcisms are what it claimed, Youtube is not filled with videos. Some folks are so into that there could be a few reality TV shows. But every time something even remotely approaching an exorcism is shown it is something like on the god network where nothing of interest happens.
Why is it the interesting stuff never happens on camera? Why does the RC ban filming exorcisms so we have to deal with reports of miraculous events without documentation of them?
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
Mouse Dude,
The Theorems of Scripture are those doctrines that flow down from the Axiom of God and His Word.
Some evidence is found in the following: Acts 19:6, I John 4:1-4, II Corinthians 11:14-15. etc, etc, etc.
lol, it doesn't happen on camera because 99% of all Christian today need their diapers changed before they go to church. They have been bitten by the bite of liberal atheism and can barely move, let a lone do an excorcism.
And secondly, usually the priests are doing it and the priests and the Roman Catholic church is pagan non church cult. So priests don't have a habit on video taping.
I know of very little protestants that are not mentally retardard that can do this. I'm not talking about the charismatic people they are the mentally retarded.
But yeah, no video tape, you need to sit right next to me so i can see how you will react. You need to see a person suddenly collapse on the floor and speak in some AFrican JuJu language only to bang him head on the floor until his head gushes with blood and has the strengh of 10 men.
I've seen it many many times especially due to my knowledge and experience with satanism and the occult.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
A theorem is a statement which has been proven based upon previously proven statements. An axiom is a proposition whcih cannot be proven within the system upon which it is based.
The word proof applies to exactly two fields of human knownledge, math and logic. The legal meaning refers to evidence not proof.
Therefore there cannot be a theorem as it cannot be proven. Doctrines are the rantings of fruitcakes who are taken seriously by nutcakes. See "fruity as a nutcake" from Search for Spock.
Perhaps you could be specific as to exactly what you think is evidence. I have no interest in pretending to read your mind.
So the good stuff does not appear on camera but only appears in the stories told about the exorcism. At least Betty and Barney Hill were honest about it. It is not all that hard to tell a con game when you hear one.
Mind if I bring the cameras? And of course live feed to people outside while filming? Better yet, how about if I arrange it as performance art and you folks can do it in a park in public?
But if the best you are promising is glossolalia and a siezure it is hardly worth the effort. Those things are a dime a dozen. Standard holy roller stuff.
BTW: How is the langauge identified? What is the translation? You mean it never is and it is just gibberish shit like Solomon used to do in the temple when he was dancing naked?
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
If you think Bible or Christian theology is any representative guide to what is out there, then you've got a lot of practice in driving square peg into round hole. Look at the diversity of species in our nature, do you think that the "super-nature" will do with only angels and demons? Yeah, I too heard many stories of exorcism from various pastors, specially Pentecostal. But it was like they did exorcism every other weekend, like they produced it. They made it look like demon possession is more common than common cold!
As for people having a strength of 10 men, that's a little exaggerated, but true - we normally use only about 1/3 of our muscles. It's a safety measure of our brain, using all muscles at once would tear them off the bones or break our bones, so it only happens in critical situations. It's not a demonic strength.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Hey Mickey,
Correct, that would be an acceptable definition of a theorem. Another one would be
An idea that has been demonstrated as true or is assumed to be so demonstrable.
Since I have not shown you my argument in short, then you are kind of like a mouse without his cheese. lol. The assumption part only works with first principles since ALL first principles in logic are assumptions.
As a physicist, are you then a Rationalist capital R or an Empiricist? I would assume the latter, in that sense, your understanding of proof and evidence would be against mainstream phony "science." since empiricism has won the day.
Mathematics is the enemy of empiricism.
But proof to me is via the epistemology of dogmaticism which is a purely Chrisitan epistemology and is the only one that has not been refuted and actually can conduct true knowledge, and thus conduct true science.
But since I start with God axiomatically, my use of Scripture theorems.
The proof found in the evidence is the demonstration of the argument as a whole.
What must be, in order for what is to be what it is.
absolutely, bring an entire camera crew. The one I was in once had the local channel whatever News come in. But they left before anybody got nuts. I have absolutely no problem with you taping the excorcism, just don't drop your camera lol.
You seem like you kind of suck at being a physicist though, no offense.
I must sleep and will continue to educate you when I arise.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
I was about to go to bed but the Lucia/Lucas Trust Luciferian dude responded.
Observed lol. wow. But yeah, that's understandable, that seems to be of the greatest deception and was actually performed by a witch with King Saul in the Bible. They had a seance most scholors render that as a demon as do I.
drawing square peg with a round hole. In all other theories of knowing lead to probability. in Christianity, all that is outside of Scripture is probable, all that is inside is absolutely knowleldge which can be used to conduct actual true science. Like I've said before, I believe through Scripture one can arrive at calculus but that would be involved to write upon on a blog.
Pentecostals are in the loon category of freaks. They don't really count.
The power of the demon are actually being used as well, not just human muscle. In one "excorcism" sara she was 16 and a high priestess of witchcraft. I was with a Chrisitian girl. Sarah was hurting herself immensely. The girl I was with held her legs down and the body shot up and froze for about 5 or 10 seconds and stared right in her eyes. The girl was a Chrisitina and not harmed, but the demons recognized the spiritual warefare and they were terrified.
Anyway, Scripture is the only way to know, every thing else is probable.
Lucifer worshipper satan worshipper dude, you're incredibly creepy. What do you mean who are your people? lol.
But I guess to help you understand, demons in your mind would be like the forces flowing through the World Trade Center. The Force be with you is rooted in the occult. Except it's not a force, but an entity that is evil and rotten to the very core.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
No. It is a technical term. It has only one meaning. Make up a different word and define it.
I have not noticed an argument from you as yet. I have only observed misuse of technical terms.
As I said, I am a scientist. I am neither the R nor the E. My understanding of proof and evidence is the scientific understanding of the terms. I have no interest in whatever gibberish you indulge in.
Proof is also a technical term. You can and do misuse it. In fact it only applies to math and logic. Your glib use of gibberish, incorrect use of well defined terms, only shows you have no rational thoughts to convey.
Which god and why that god? Generic arguments for god do not say which one or how many. Who told you about the one you chose and why did you believe the person who told you? Please be specific in your response.
Proof is not found in evidence. Again you write gibberish. Proof has a well defined meaning. Misusing it does not enhance your fabrications.
Again, how would you know?
But if you are not promising anything in the exorcism that is more than holy roller crap, what is the point? I want to see floating in air, vomiting pea soup, something that at least shows it is not the usual scam you believers run.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
1) What if I just farted a full-sized Lamborghini out ouf my ass.
2) It's not in Scripture.
3) Ergo, it is probable. Yay!
Scripture is the only way to know? Yeah, because it says so right here on the napkin... I mean, in the Scripture. Nevermind that the demons and Satan are made up.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Hey Mickey,
I agree it's a techical term but has more then one m meaning. That being mathematic and that being syllogistically logical. But if you're that unaware, I'll accept the first one as well, I have no problem with that. Though the definitino I gave which is a correct definition is a little more fine tuned to how I use it.
So on this one, you're wrong, there's more then one definition outside of mathematics.
That is correct, I have no argued the transcendental argument for God's Being because it was 3 or 4 in the morning and my eyes were about to pop out. I have just discussed and educated you accordingly so far. You have not made an argument either. I have explained this argument and gone through it a billion times on here. Though my technical use is correct, evidently you're only educated in one thing and forgot there are other subjects of thought in academics. lol.
My epistemology is not yours. I am not a capital R rationalist. And It was 3 or 4 in the morning. lol. Since God is axiomatic in HIs Being He need no proof. However the evidence (not the proof that was a typo of tiredness) is reflective from the theorums as related in reality. Thus again What must be, in order for what is to be what it is.
I know via the theroums of Scripture.
-Holy Roller crap lol. Actually, it's very logical via the understanding of Scripture. And I have seen it myself. If you were with me you'd crap your pants and cry to mommy. Actually, the demons may harm you so that may be dangerous for you.
Well, come on over Mickey, I'll buy you a beer and we'll go to an excorcism.
I'm listening to Metallica Enter Sandman, I haven't heard this song forever. Pretty cool.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
What does the evidence suggest?
(when in doubt... think like a detective)
Before you go calling me a fake, why don't you tell Mr. truth the truth about you pretending to be someone else Joachim Validian. Taking advantage
of susceptible minds is a classic christian maliciousness. Professing first hand accounts of demons and ghosts backed up by scripture is simply
loathsome ad offensive. Going to one of your voo-doo sessions would be much less believable than even watching the exorcist. - or do they have
make-up and special effects artists at your hocus-pocus sessions? I'd be willing to bet you have had supposed demons exorcised from your
own self as well.- just to put on a show.
Even you don't believe that crap and you know it.
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
Hey Tony,
I'll say this once. Some guy at work has been screwing with me. He knows me well and it's a public computer. I had no idea he was not my idea.
However, you are fake Tony, I'm not saying it, the bible is. you're a liar tony, you were never a Chrisitan. Going to Church and eating watermelon at your grandma's church picknic is not what a Chrisitan is.
Thus you're a liar and a fake according to I John 2:19, not according to me, but the Bible.
Actually, I use the word excorcism since that is what is recognized. I do not call it an excorcism on a technical basis since it is based on Roman Catholicism.
And indeed demon possession is real. i have been studying the cults for years. I have gone in places that only by the grace of God I was able to get away with my it with getting killed. I've seen things happen.
But i don't base knowledge based on experience since that is logically impossible.Thus according to Scripture, absolutely there is demon possession and via the deductive reasoning of what must be, in order for what is to be what it is, my encounters have demonstrated it thusly.
But you were a fake chrisitian all your life, what do you know?
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
If I recall you have had two fake "Hi I'm New" posts here in the past week or so. We don't forget that easily. Nobody believes you. I could
tell from your writing that it was you. Nobody could sound even remotely like you. You have no credibility at all. Denying your lies just makes you look stupid.
You should confess your sins to Jesus Harold Christ your Lord and Savior.
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
Your a bit of a know it all, lol
I understand what you mean when you say you need to develop the ladies skills. I dont have ladies skills myself.
I wish i wasnt so socially disfunctional.
I did a intro about me under Introductions.
Jordan Maxwell, Michael Tsarion, channelings, NDE's, aliens/extraterrestrials, Theosophy, UFO's, Mystery religions, Druids/Druidism, time travel, dreams, other dimensions, secret societies, Freemasonry, indigo children, purpose of new world order, Shinto, satanism, New Age movement, divination, psychics, astrology, tarot cards, astrotheology, Kundalini, Manly P. hall, 4th/5th dimension, Gnosticism, witchcraft/wicca, Merkaba, advanced ancient civilizations and why do we forget our past lives.
You should use the "quote" function with your replies. Its easier for us to know who you are replying to. Sometimes it can get confusing after a thread
gets more than a few posts. Usually if there is no quote included it looks as if you are just replying to the original post. Hopefully with the upcoming new upgraded site
things will be a bit more user friendly.
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
Jordan Maxwell? Never heard of him before, but from his website he looks like an active thinker and investigator, maybe a little too active. The problem with such people is, that they're often right, but not always. Sometimes their conclusions are wrong or irrelevant and without further research you can't know which ones. It's just another thing to be taken with a grain of salt - or not at all, if you value your time too much.
Michael Tsarion? Again, I've never heard of him before and he seems pretty much the same, but a step less credible and more... marketable. There are lots of conspiracy theories, but not much evidence and actual insight into esoteric matters. I think it's rather aimed to stir emotions and make money.
Channelings? A very problematic thing. There are two methods of channeling, emotional (astral) and higher, mental. Astral channeling is vague, imprecise, emotional and unreliable. At its best, it provides writings which are uplifting, positive and inspirative, interesting for a common person in esotericism, easy to comprehend. But at its worst, astral channeling is the same - only scary, incorrect, or equally mixing truth and lie.
Then there is mental channeling. This one is much more rare and has a potential of being infallible. If a channeling gives a clear, precise, technical information, it may be true. The ability to smell and distinguish astral influence in sources of information is one of necessary skills of an esotericist.
NDE's? Not much to say here. Clinically dead is still a long way from being actually dead. I can't say what exactly happens, there are too many possibilities. I don't know how much is the brain's hypoxia, how much is the soul intervention (when people say they saw Jesus or heaven or something) and how much is the astral hallucination.
aliens/extraterrestrials? I believe it is impossible to comprehend extraterrestrials and UFO without the knowledge of etheric levels of matter. We probably aren't visited from any far away star. But on etheric levels, which I have researched with great interest and some evidence, there may be whole invisible biospheres, civilizations and space craft right here on planets and moons of our solar system, which are otherwise hostile to life. But that is a really big topic.
Theosophy? Thumbs up! It's my first and foremost source of esotericism. I greatly recommend the writings of AAB, HPB and HR to all serious and determined (and experienced) readers. However, I think the founders of Theosophy were greatly enlightened people, but their followers and others not really so. The three women I approve (less or more within the limits of their time and scientific level), plus Ben Creme who I believe to work under the same source, but I don't trust entirely people like Leadbeater, Olcott, Besant, or even Steiner.
Mystery religions? They vary too much. Some of them had a true esoteric core, some just got into the kinky stuff. Anyway, today we live in a time when "secrets are shout across the rooftops." I don't think we miss so much of mystery with excellent sources like Theosophy.
Druids/Druidism? AFAIK, Celtic religion. They seemed to be into the astronomic stuff, sort of, but nothing that we wouldn't know from Zeitgeist already
But then Roman Empire pressed on them and instead of stars they turned their sharp sickles to human jugular veins and mass human barbecue in a giant wicker figurines.
time travel? I do not believe in the classical notion of interactive time travel, due to how my esoteric sources describe the nature of time. (very peculiarly) The way we perceive time is an illusion, caused by a microscopic time lag in sensory processing of our brains. It changes depending on state of consciousness. And my esoteric sources describe the time differently. It should be theoretically possible to view all past times, but not travel into them. That is, because there is nowhere to travel. All that there is, is the present moment, or all present moments there ever were. Something like that they say and I don't really understand. They say the future events precipitate into the present moment, but by behavior in the present we decide, which ones and how soon they precipitate. That much is obvious.
dreams? Depends on the person. With most of people, it's the brain clearing its memory buffer and that's the basis of dreams. Other people instead go out and experience something that looks like a second life in astral realm I suppose. Such a "second life" might involve fun and adventuring, but some day when I get more virtuous, also more often learning and service. This is really how my dreams look like, not much things from the waking life. And not much useful either. Although, there are very rare and helpful types of dreams, very vivid ones, which involve symbolism. For these you should watch out. Some warn you about your present or future issues. Some symbolically depict obstacles that you have just overcome in your life. The language of symbolism is diffcult, but possible to decrypt.
other dimensions? Again, I don't have a mathemathic license to talk about that. But I do not believe in "multiverse" or "alternative worlds". That's just too much wastefulness for the universe as we know it. I believe, that the dimension is a property of material particles, as in string theory. Such particles then differ in their material properties. For example, particles with their strings vibrating in 3 dimensions we know as physical and dark matter (etheric levels). One more dimension might mean the astral matter and so on. These material worlds then interpenetrate each other and interact only weakly. They all share the same world, the same space, only by their "dimension" they choose how to "ride" the ultimate, n-dimensional space. Again, this is a big topic.
secret societies? You know probably more about them.
Freemasonry? It seems to be a modern remnant of some ancient religion on esoteric basics. Today it's mostly a club for the rich. Theoretically, after great reforms and cleaning it might become a path for certain type of a person, but not any time soon. I don't think it's involved in any conspiracy.
indigo children? Hard to tell, on this one. My esoteric sources say, that there is a beginning of a new sub-race of the presently living people. (whatever the sub-race actually is) As such, pretty much all weirdos like me might be that
But then there are pseudo-scientific claims, like that their DNA glows blue under polarized light. My mom talked with a real geneticist about this and the geneticist never heard or seen anything like that.
purpose of new world order? I hope you don't mean these shamefully exaggerated conspiracies and scary rumors. There is a new world coming and it needs a good order. The tinfoil-hat-wearing nuts do not know anything about economy, sociology, science and other necessities of creating this order.
Shinto? No idea. I think in today's Japan it's rather folk cultural and ceremonial religion, not that they actually believe it.
satanism? I have read LaVey's Satanic Bible. Satanism is actually a naturalistic humanism, harsh but logical and just philosophy. But it's stylized into a childish revolt in spite of Christianity, instead of standing on its own. You know, a naked woman instead of altar, whisky instead of mass wine get it?
New Age movement? A vague, astral-ridden medley of gullibility, low intellect and good business. However, most of esotericists came from there, we all at some point gained interest in such things through the astral and the New Age. The term itself was I think coined by AAB, though with different intent.
divination? A method, of seemingly non-causal obtaining of knowledge. Highly dependent on personal talent and practice. It's surprising how astrologers use it, when they stare (cluelessly) at the wheel of radix - and even more that Christians use their Bible for divination like it would be the I-Ting Book of Changes.
psychics? Again, most of them are astral, therefore untrustworthy. Choose wisely, by their fruits ye shall know them. Although I wouldn't be surprised if discarnates in astral world would draw straws and who picks a short one, must incarnate and act as a channel for the rest of the group, and so they do the business
astrology? Lots, and lots of bullshit and misconceptions in there. It works - only rather differently than people think, including astrologers themselves. There is a potential technical explanation on how it works too... But the point is, whatever the astrologic influences are, they are just influences, they impel, not compel and they don't say what you are, but what kind of influences there is in a given situation. There is no telling of how you or other things will react to them. Sometimes I think the only horoscope I can understand at all is mine. But what I understand of it, works perfectly.
tarot cards? Another method. Depends on the person doing it and the motivation with which it is done.
astrotheology? Never heard of it before, seems partially plausible. But of course, it's not an explanation for everything.
Kundalini? Here watch out please. There are groups propagating the Kundalini yoga, the method to raise Kundalini energy for claimed downright miraculous results. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS, EVER. This is the most dangerous and wrong path you can take. If you do it wrongly, nothing happens. If you do it right, you'll get insane for the rest of your life. We had a group of this yoga in a nearby city and two of them went insane. Shortly said, if this energy goes through unprepared channels and chakras, it destroys them and with that your nerve system gets damaged. And nobody can say if you're prepared, so never try to awaken it by yourself. If it happens spontaneously during meditation, that's natural (that is, by the supervision of the soul) but otherwise stay away from this.
Manly P. hall? Never heard of him. Sorry.
4th/5th dimension? Again, lots of New Age astral drivel. People throw dimensions around like dimes to beggars, but nobody knows what this means. It's just astral imagination and channeling, full of emotional talk and little internal consistency. For all practical purposes, I use something like this dimensional chart.
Gnosticism? I've got no idea. Reputedly, they lurked around in the time and place of Jesus and preserved some really weird dissident evangelia.
witchcraft/wicca? Never met them personally, but they sound like a bunch of anachronistic/medieval astrally oriented New Age folks. It's nice they care for Earth, but otherwise I don't think they do anything useful.
Merkaba? Again, lots of New Age hogwash. What they describe as Merkaba of supposedly miraculous properties, I recognize as causal body. It is indeed quite a nice thing to have, but it's a very technical, esoteric thing, without practical use for almost anyone. The New Age movement just takes a random, mysteriously sounding word and distorts its meaning into something awesome, but totally nonsensical and different from original meaning. Like matrix. Before the Wachovski brothers' films, nobody used the word but engineers.
advanced ancient civilizations? Here I'm unsure. I have read Zecharia Sitchin and Theosophists. Both speak of ancient advanced civilizations, but probably not the same thing. Anyway, if you mean Atlantis and so on, that is quite an interesting story and very informative. People tend to idealize Atlantis as technically and ethically advanced. But the story says, there were just several enlightened priest-kings and masses of people were too simple-minded to misuse technology, too animal-like, to think or do anything but to obey as trained animals. In this way much progress was done, because the priest-kings led them wisely in their task - to develop the emotional equipment, called astral body. Eventually so much development was done, that some individuals developed a mind of their own and started ordering around their fellow men for selfish purposes. Then there was a great war of good against evil and the rest is archaeology. The only heritage we have is the emotional nature of humanity, who are today still mostly Atlanteans in their consciousness. So basically the story says. I don't know how true it is, but in essence it says a lot about human nature and astral nature and teaches us not to idealize these things.
and why do we forget our past lives?
Because we're unable to remember them, obviously. Let's take it from an allegorically-philosophically-esoteric point of view.
The soul, or the causal body, is the storage of individuality, of incarnatory experience and karmic bonds. But essentially, it is like a spaceship with archives. This world, this physical universe is like an unconquered hostile planet, where we incarnate as astronauts going on a mission. We do not yet have it all mastered here. The soul only explores and tries to develop a better vehicle, that maintains memory between missions and can also receive instructions. For countless centuries, the vehicle does not respond at all! It is entirely busy with frantic incarnatory experiences, the illusory maya game of the world. Only eventually it suffers enough to turn away from the world and search for a higher guidance. This the soul takes this as the first sign of contact and possible beginning of two-way communication. The link will be slowly, painstakingly built over a few dozen lives through meditation, selfess service and practical, active using the soul's instruction and power in the daily world. The personality is literally a vehicle, with sort of a techical equipment and wiring, that is eventually after much development able to express the soul quality to a still greater degree. Which doesn't guarantee that the person will be nice to others or will have some powers or something. The usual sign is the ability to influence lives of others on a large scale, like geniality, art, leadership or other form. The vehicle gets quite powerful and in some cases may actually temporarily misuse the soul energy for its own purposes. But eventually the battle is won by the soul and such an ensouled person is near the local relative earthly standard of perfection.
But you asked why don't we remember our past lives. Firstly, most of us aren't developed enough, to have such an access to the soul archives. Secondly, most of us aren't developed in the particular skill of remembering past lives, or the Western civilization is just a bad environment for that. (in certain cultures children aren't scolded for "making up stories" ) Thirdly, the soul remembers past lives, the personality just isn't well-equipped to access them. We may somewhat remember (or be influenced by) some recent or the influential, but the rest is just buried in the subconsciousness. And perhaps it's better that way. We could spend lifetime in reviewing our past lives, not living this one. We could waste time by speaking Bengalese and having a hard time learning English from our new (and unpleasantly surprised) parents. We aren't ready to consciously handle all bad things that happened to our past incarnations.
Anyway, there is an interesting research and evidence, gathered by Dr. Ian Stevenson.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
How are you so smart John? How many hours did you spend learning all these things. It's nice to know there are still smart young adults out there who dont just drink, sex, party, but instead focus on more important things in life.
Can you give us some good websites/forums/links that deal with esoteirc knowledge, religion, truth, and or spirituality.
What are your thoughts on Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine by HPB.
Regarding dreams, a person once said... dreams are answers to questions we havent yet learned to ask...
Big Bang Theory, human evolution, dinosaurs, do you think we could be living in some type of matrix like in the movie The Matrix where the human "woke up" and the machines sent him back to the matrix. What are your favorite books/movies/quotes. Why is the human body badly designed, what are some of its flaws and does this prove that we were not intelligently designed by a Creator/God. Do we need "God" to explain anything? Do you think if aliens came, they would view us as ants, i say ants because ants have highways, cities, and even wage wars against eachother, aliens would view us the way we view ants, insignificant. Marian Apparitions.
The following 2 questions are more important if you will, anyone can answer these ones, how do you explain what is on the picture, and if you want, explain the other pictures on that website. http://www.holylove.org/photo.php?id=117&cat=33 What natural/scientific explanations are there for these pictures?
What is the rational/natural explanation for what they claim on the site. Mainly that the image of Guadalupe, when you use special technology you can see images of people. It's probably all new to you guys but for me its not, i have a Catholic mom.. who has introduced me to alot of interesting things... http://www.truthsoftheimage.org/tr/en/claims/11figures.html
You should use the "quote" function with your replies. Its easier for us to know who you are replying to. Sometimes it can get confusing after a thread
gets more than a few posts. Usually if there is no quote included it looks as if you are just replying to the original post. Hopefully with the upcoming new upgraded site
things will be a bit more user friendly.
When do you think they will upgrade it