If You Saw Jesus What Would You Do?

Say Jesus walks down your street. You're in your robe at 7 a.m. What would you do? Would you wave and say howdie neighbor? Would you ask him to toss your paper for you?
Just curious. The same question would also apply for an angel which would be more logically applicable in the real world.
After all, in Hebrews 13:2 it says that you probably have entertained angels without knowing it. But with if you did know it all of a sudden.
So Mote It Be,
Joachim Vadian
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Probably say "How's it hangin"?
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. - William S. Burroughs
I find it extremely difficult to answer this question.
1 - jesus never existed for me. he's a myth
2 - hypothetically, i'd have a couple of hundred questions for him.
I did on a 'shroom trip many years ago. We could not look each other in the eye. I don't know what his problem was.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
I'd tell him to get the fuck off my street before I call my Jewish friends to come hang his ass. Didn't he learn anything from the last asshole that
tried this 2000 yrs ago?
2. If I start seeing angels I'll know I'm having a flashback from all that acid I took
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
I grew up in the 60's, so seeing a long haired bearded JC look alike walking around in a robe isn't that weird. Today I'd remind him it isn't the 60's so go shave and get a job. If I start seeing angles I would cut out the drinking fast, hard drugs I never bothered with, not even joints or beer. But I do know far too much about wines.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
How would I know it was Jesus? And how would I know I was talking with an angel? The verse in Hebrews you quoted even says we have probably talked to angels without even knowing it. Assuming I could know that it was Jesus, I would have an interesting Socratic dialogue with him. That would be fun.
Of all the characters in history, Jesus would be my number one choice of a person to talk to. My number two choice would be that putz Paul of Tarsus. I would want to go back in time to talk to Jesus just to see how charismatic, intelligent, wise, loving and hateful he was. He probably wasn't very charismatic by today's standards; your average televangelist probably has far more charisma, based on centuries of accumulating knowledge of human behavior and what interests and influences people.
The part about his intelligence and wisdom would be the most fun for me. I would interrogate him in Socratic fashion, something he most likely would be familiar with, seeing how Socrates was around 400 years before Jesus and there were many Hellenistic cities around where Jesus was raised and did his ministry. I predict that Jesus would babble on about sending me to Tartarus and depriving me of eternal life if I challenged him, and he would be mad because I wouldn't ask for forgiveness for the sin of not being his slave. No surprise there, but it would be fun (depending on my mood).
Paul of Tarsus would be fun, too, but probably far more annoying. You might be wondering why I wouldn't choose someone like Galileo or Newton over Jesus and Paul. Well, I have contemporary researchers like Lawrence Krauss and Neil deGrasse Tyson to talk to, who could give me far more information about the universe than Galileo or Newton. The same goes for philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle -- I could probably teach them more about philosophy than the other way around, but it would be cool to tangle with Socrates (if he existed) just for the experience.
I'm with Beach, he's just a myth.
BUT since we are playing "lets pretend".
I'd tell him to tell his daddy, which would be him too, that he is a fucking prick allowing us to suffer then blaming us for the game he set up, but didn't have to.
But since he is a myth, I'd chalk all this shit in life up to "shit happens", good things happen to bad people, bad things happen to good people, but ultimately all human superstitions and myths will die with our species when it goes extinct because their wont be any future generation to sell the myth to.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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How would I know . . yada yada Well, yeah. I would strongly recommend a follow-up to the OP's original question various points of view etc.
I cannot imagine if ANYONE on the board is worthy of such an encounter. However If I understand the OPs question well enough. To me, Obviously someone either has or is about to be knocked unconscious (Childish? Not so much; ashamed? A little).
Jesus wasn't so important that we wouldn't be worthy of an encounter with him. Do you think he was God? Maybe the all-great Creator of the universe would be too good for us, but Jesus was just a man.
You're vague here. What do you mean?
This is what Joachim Vadian asked us.
Hmm Wonder what Kellym78 is doin' right now?
If I am being vague I apologize. Philosophicus The part you specified has two meanings. Turning back toward the OP, in case you hadnt noticed, unwittingly Joachim Vadian's (OP) innocent remarks ARE too akin to a madison avenue technique to pump you for information. In similar situations you'll find an empty chair where dana once sat.
Just outline in detail how it might be we knew it was jesus and not some creep from the housing commission down the road. And don't quote any more of Hebrews' bald assertions if you don't mind.
"Experiments are the only means of knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." Max Planck
I'd realise I was dreaming and gain the power of a god until I woke up.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Why is Paul of Tarsus a putz? Is this an inside joke? I don't get it. Of all the people to be mad at, I would just assume Paul or somebody else. Is it just because he wrote the most books in the New Testament?
Well it's an interesting thought. The Bible does say that we may have entertained angels without knowing it. But nobody would be nice to Jesus. Offer a beverage or perhaps a free room for the night?
I understand Jesus is an excellent scrabble player.
But if perhaps you called all the jews over to beat up Jesus, lol, I'm sure there would be no trouble with Jesus kicking their ass. Because Chrisitans say the next time Jesus comes there's going to be a bad ass sword.
I had to tattle on u Jean. Joachim Vadian?? How clever. I personally don't mind feeding the trolls. I find your incessant ramblings
entertaining. Starting off with stupid questions was pretty good, but you just couldn't play uneducated forever.
Just keep on your side of the fence. We're all good over here.
And come on tell the truth.-you're a woman aren't you? Nothing wrong with that. I know quite a few highly educated women.
I don't think anyone here would take you any differently if you were. In fact, I would be even more intrigued.
Respectfully, Tony Jeffers
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
Greetings Jean Chauvin,
That was very slippery of you indeed, but surely you did not think you could elude us forever. I could not just allow you to dwell amongst
our ranks wearing our beloved Atheist badge. I see Sir Sapient has given you a new badge.
I declare from this day on you shall be known throughout the land of rational responders as "JOACHIM VADIAN- exalted ruler of the
Theistards and faithful servant of our Lord Jesus Harold Christ. Amen." I find you a gallant adversary, but I must say your disposition
is that of a woman scorned.
Respectfully, Tony Jeffers
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia