Such a shitty morning...
The best way I know how to express myself is through writing and I felt this sad event was one of the bigger issues I should talk about.
This morning, we had to put our fifteen year old cat to sleep.
She was apparently in declining health for the past month and a lot of other things we didn't realize were as severe as they were. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever had to witness watching her being put to sleep. Despite her waning health, she fought back because that's what she did; she didn't back down from anyone. I'm very proud of her for being an extremely valued member of our family for so many years. We always knew she had a screw lose and she had mannerisms that sort of made you go "whaaa?" I think it was those things that makes it so hard to see her go, but I know that we did the right thing because she was in pain and it was either that or watch her slowly slip away and we didn't want that and I'm sure she didn't, either. It's hard to focus on the good times right now, but I know that we provided her with all the love and care that we could to make sure she lived a long lasting, fulfilled life; it just hurts right now as it probably will for awhile. I'm a big animal lover and this hit me right in the heart.
So, anyway, I didn't want to put anyone in a depressing mode or anything, but I thought talking about it would help me out and I wanted to see if any of you have any stories to share about your pets.
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I'm sorry to hear about your cat. I had to put down a few pets myself, it is part of life. I know it is fresh in your memory and nothing will help but time.
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
Yeah, I know it is a part of life, but I guess I'm not very good at dealing with this sort of thing. Thanks for your condolences, though; I appreciate it.
I'm sorry to hear about your cat's demise. I love animals and I especially love cats. I currently have six and all are rescued / stray. I become very emotionally connected to my "babies" and I always grieve when they pass ( in fact, I cry like a baby. )
It's a painful tragedy and not something that I can quickly recover from, so I think I understand your sense of anguish. Again, my sincere condolences.
Sorry to hear of your loss. It's always difficult to let a loved one go.
I lost my best friend back in April of 2011. She was an adopted German Shepard who was by far the smartest animal I knew; and even smarter than most humans.
She got cancer and it was slow and eventually made life very difficult for her.
I cried harder for her than I did for any human I knew who passed. She was the best friend who always waited at the door for me to come home. She slept at the foot of the bed and loved to go on runs with me. She never left my side even with out a leash.
Which is an interesting subject to bring up.
If we can have "doctor assisted" death for pets, why not humans? Oh. I forgot. We have souls. Good grief.
My cat always did strange things like fetch q-tips, licking around the tuna to get to the mayo and burrowing under the covers to sleep among other really odd things, but it's stuff like that that really made her a special pet. Cats have always been my "kryptonite" when it comes to animals so, it made this especially hard to deal with not to mention thinking back on how long we've had her. She'll be greatly missed. I hardly ever cry, but when I do, it pours and today, you could have built an ark for the tears that flowed.
I'm sorry about your pets that you've lost, too, guys. It really helps that you all shared your stories and grief about past losses, though; it means more to me than you know, really.
I've had a long hair tuxedo in declining health for 4 months because of a soft-palette abscess. He seems to be perking up.
Of course, he still doesn't groom.
edit; and yes, his coat is in pretty shabby shape at present.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
Damn, that sucks
I've had cats that have died, too. When I was ten my cat was put to sleep, and my parents didn't tell me about it until they got back from the vet. I didn't even get to say bye. I didn't take it too well, but I got over it. Around the same age we had a cat that had kittens, and I got attached to them; then we had to get rid of them.
My sister's dog got hit by a car when I was 12, and when I got home from school I saw my sister, my parents, and her friends standing around the body; there was a blanket over it and I didn't notice. They were sad and crying and I said "What's wrong?" Then they said, "The dog got hit." I went in my room to cry so nobody would know.
When I got older, in my twenties, I had three more long time cats die. The first one died of old age, and my sister held her until she drew her last breath. We stayed up late to be with her. The second two had to be put to sleep because of sudden illness.
I have a new cat now that I've had for years, and he's my buddy. I know he's going to die someday, but there's nothing I can do except make him happy.
A kitten is the cure. A vet is the best source. Many happy hair balls to come from the new fur ball.
Good fortune.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
Ah, their cat personalities are so unique and sometimes even downright funny.
My girlfriend had a cat that loved to eat cantaloupe. I once had a cat that loved to eat potato chips.
It's funny to me because I would expect that these domestic cats which are cut from the same predatory mold as the big cats ( ie, strict carnivores ) are enjoying themselves by eating all kinds of food that I would think they would have no taste for.
Burrowing ? I have a cat that like to do the same thing. If I throw down my heavy winter coat on the floor the next thing I know Mako ( an alpha female ) is curling up in it and making herself comfortable.
Also if I leave my sock / underwear drawer open she jumps right inside and starts taking a snooze. I love that rotten little flea bag.
Haha, yeah, it's funny how much cats gradually become completely domesticated and start acting more and more like humans and sort of shedding that feral mode. Funny stuff.
I wouldn't feel too bad, 15 years is pretty good for a cat. Most cats don't live that long.
....depends on whether they're inside cats or outside cats as to their longevity. I had an inside cat that lived 17 years. My outside feral cats don't usually make it that long due to their exposure to myriad hazards.
As for me, I always feel bad at the passing of my animals whether they live a long life or a tragically short one. When they die I'm losing them forever. That's what bothers me the most.
Heh. Tuxedo kittens are always friendly, more energetic than most Grammar School underachievers/misbehavers I've known, never domesticated and willing to hunt vermin... down to the last offspring! Srsly... I'm surprised Moogey didn't catch someone's pet ferret, some days. He doesn't just 'charge into battle', either. If it's close to his size and mass, he'll hang around a bit, waiting for some sort of gimp or obvious lack of intelligence, etc. He isn't the 'Brawler', however. That title belongs to a medium-hair'ed tabby that started out as something of a physical underachiever with perpetual cross-eyes and hip dysplasia. Yes, this guy actually tries to eat Moogey's sport kills! (tree-/garden-dwelling rodents and 5cm~ moles commonly found here)
(hint: born and bred to sport hunt... since Bronze Age.
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
Yes I know many cats live longer than 15 years. I had a cat that lived to be 21 which is very rare but does happen. When it died I'd had it nearly my entire life so I know it doesn't feel good at all. I'm just saying that if you have a cat that lives to 15 you should be happy because it's the upper limit of the average lifespan of a cat.
There are twists of time and space, of vision and reality, which only a dreamer can divine
H.P. Lovecraft
....okay, duly noted.
( edit: a 21 year old cat is truly amazing. )
While decidely off topic from losing a pet dogs have evolved to survive on between 40 and 60% non-meat foods. Cats have been around barely a quarter the time and supplement their diets with song birds. They vary from 10 to 20% non-meat foods. It is a matter of selection and evolution.
As to potato chips it is most likely the salt and the cantaloupe the sugar. There is a difference between what they eat and what they can live off of. Just because it is eaten does not mean it is digested for nutrition. Why just cantaloupe? Probably introduced to it as a kitten.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
Yes, perhaps.
Probably a Zionist plot.
Ah, yes. Cats eating Cantaloupes and the existence of Israel both the result of international jewish conspiracies.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel. makes perfect sense.
What does not make sense is people saying there are no international jewish conspiracies when zionism is an international jewish conspiracy. The existence and continuation of Israel is conclusive evidence of its existence.
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
Nony, don't build up to a conversation/remark about your historical rhetoric in a thread about animals when someone makes a tongue-in-cheek remark about Israel or Jews. Just...don't. At least don't do it in MY thread; take it elsewhere.
Exactly. My intent was not to segue into such unrelated topics. It was meant as a throwaway comment, not an invitation to continue beating the dead horse of international conspiracies. Take it somewhere else.
Anyway, I just returned home with three different types of dry cat food and two kinds of wet cat food because I have a cat who is losing weight at an alarming rate. Been to the vet 4 times with him already.
Four fucking times and they STILL don't know what's going on?? Do they even have an idea?
I did an internet search on his symptoms and necrotizing stomatitus seemed to describe his condition pretty accurately but she never came out and made an actual diagnosis. She also suggested that I purchase some Royal Canin brand cat food but I did an internet search on them also and they've been involved in a class action lawsuit because some of their pet food products were not monitored for quality control and were allegedly responsible for the needles deaths of quite a few pets. Obviously I'm a little reluctant to subject my cat to such iffy odds.
I think it's time to find a new vet.
We were a little upset that the vet that put our cat to sleep didn't sedate her first and actually asked if my cat has always been so pissy, fighting back, etc; not in those words, obviously. I was busy crying my eyes out at the time to even say anything to shut him up because it was such a stupid comment. You're about to stick a needle in her arm and euthanize my fifteen year old family pet, you moron; you think she's going to be happy about it?? Anyway, we'll be getting another cat or two soon, but right now we're still in mourning, but in the meantime, we decided to switch vets for our new cats. The guy is a good vet, but he's much older now and I think he's just done.
Anyway, I'd probably find a new vet in your situation, too. If you've been back four times and still no real diagnosis, I'd switch ASAP.
Sometimes I wish I reacted like a biker dude that I used to work with. In that case if that vet was indifferent to my beloved companion animal then he would need some serious facial reconstruction after he woke up in a pool of his own blood. Fuck him.