Fade To Black Islam, By Brian37

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Fade To Black Islam, By Brian37

No link, but just heard this on the news. A Moroccan girl committed suicide after a judge sentenced her rapist to marry her. This poem is in honor of her and the hopelessness humans can get to emotionally when cornered by life. If someone can find a link, please post it. This is my retake on the Metallica song "Fade To Black" in honor of this poor girl who was treated like the criminal instead of the rapist.

Fade To Black Islam, By Brian37

A girls rights
Have no place
Even if
She gets rapped

Growing sexism
Breaking dawn
With rat poison
She was gone

Kept filling her
Because of what
A man did to her

He raped her
But off Scott free
The judge's sentence
Was for her to marry

Things are always
Bleak for them
Because of oppression
Of women

No one but me
Can save myself
But that is not true
We in the west want to help you

Death greets them warm
It eventually will
Sexism will die
It has no choice

This is a ode to Metallica "Fade To Black" which in my mind got a black eye from the fear mongers for merely expressing hopelessness no one likes to feel.

I hope Metallica doesn't mind me doing a remake in Honor of the poor girl in Morocco who committed suicide rather than marry her rapist.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog