Ancient Gay Marriage

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Ancient Gay Marriage

When I started to hear christians say "marriage" is between a man and a woman, I chuckled. Who are they to say so? Marriage was not then what it is today. Marriage then was a man going to a father and saying, "I have three cows and two swine that I offer you for your daughter". The daughter didn't even have a say in the matter. It wasn't like dating today or the phony baloney which you saw in "Braveheart". Men traded women as if they were cattle and they did not have the same rights as women today experience.

This article explains about a discovery of two male saints which apparently were gay and married long before the discovery of america. It shows that gay marriage existed long ago and that the republicans/conservative do not hold a right to have the word marriage exclusively used for men and women who get married.



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digitalbeachbum wrote:When I

digitalbeachbum wrote:

When I started to hear christians say "marriage" is between a man and a woman, I chuckled. Who are they to say so? Marriage was not then what it is today. Marriage then was a man going to a father and saying, "I have three cows and two swine that I offer you for your daughter". The daughter didn't even have a say in the matter. It wasn't like dating today or the phony baloney which you saw in "Braveheart". Men traded women as if they were cattle and they did not have the same rights as women today experience.

This article explains about a discovery of two male saints which apparently were gay and married long before the discovery of america. It shows that gay marriage existed long ago and that the republicans/conservative do not hold a right to have the word marriage exclusively used for men and women who get married.



Every time you rightfully point out the bad use of logic of others I see the same thing that causes them to falsely accuse you of hating their traditions and beliefs, I keep wondering why you have such a problem with me doing the same thing you do to others.

And I keep telling you the evolutionary reason as to why. NOW in all seriousness, your SCRUTINY is a good thing, but you need to lose your own fear and aim that scrutiny at your own predilections. READ Victor Stinger's "New Atheism" It covers the issue of morality and why our social norms and personal predilections are not inventions like a car or computer.

Understanding that labels don't constitute an individual automatically being moral helps humanity avoid this bullshit you rightfully condemn in this post.

Bartering women was an unfortunate  social norm in most cultures in ancient times. And fear of the minority was always the unfortunate  norm. Now I damned well bet that in Tibet and most of the Buddhist world EVEN TODAY, it is STILL illegal for gays to get married. That is because of EVOLUTION because ALL minorities are seen as "other" and to say Buddhism as a whole avoids what humans have always done is absurd.

Show me, the widespread acceptance of gay marriage in the Orient and Asia which is mostly Buddhist. OOOPS.

Here is what I do that you dont do. I include atheists as part of our evolution and not above it. You are happy to pick on the labels of others but squirm when someone picks on yours.



"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:Every time you

Brian37 wrote:

Every time you rightfully point out the bad use of logic of others I see the same thing that causes them to falsely accuse you of hating their traditions and beliefs, I keep wondering why you have such a problem with me doing the same thing you do to others.

And I keep telling you the evolutionary reason as to why. NOW in all seriousness, your SCRUTINY is a good thing, but you need to lose your own fear and aim that scrutiny at your own predilections. READ Victor Stinger's "New Atheism" It covers the issue of morality and why our social norms and personal predilections are not inventions like a car or computer.

Understanding that labels don't constitute an individual automatically being moral helps humanity avoid this bullshit you rightfully condemn in this post.

Bartering women was an unfortunate  social norm in most cultures in ancient times. And fear of the minority was always the unfortunate  norm. Now I damned well bet that in Tibet and most of the Buddhist world EVEN TODAY, it is STILL illegal for gays to get married. That is because of EVOLUTION because ALL minorities are seen as "other" and to say Buddhism as a whole avoids what humans have always done is absurd.

Show me, the widespread acceptance of gay marriage in the Orient and Asia which is mostly Buddhist. OOOPS.

Here is what I do that you dont do. I include atheists as part of our evolution and not above it. You are happy to pick on the labels of others but squirm when someone picks on yours.

1 - I believe you are a troll

2 - I have read "New Atheism"

3 - You are a label

4 - Bartering women would solve lots of issues

5 - Tibet doesn't exist.

6 - Atheism is what it is and no different than any other religion.


Beyond Saving
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digitalbeachbum wrote:4 -

digitalbeachbum wrote:

4 - Bartering women would solve lots of issues


ROFL! How much for my ex?

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digitalbeachbum wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Every time you rightfully point out the bad use of logic of others I see the same thing that causes them to falsely accuse you of hating their traditions and beliefs, I keep wondering why you have such a problem with me doing the same thing you do to others.

And I keep telling you the evolutionary reason as to why. NOW in all seriousness, your SCRUTINY is a good thing, but you need to lose your own fear and aim that scrutiny at your own predilections. READ Victor Stinger's "New Atheism" It covers the issue of morality and why our social norms and personal predilections are not inventions like a car or computer.

Understanding that labels don't constitute an individual automatically being moral helps humanity avoid this bullshit you rightfully condemn in this post.

Bartering women was an unfortunate  social norm in most cultures in ancient times. And fear of the minority was always the unfortunate  norm. Now I damned well bet that in Tibet and most of the Buddhist world EVEN TODAY, it is STILL illegal for gays to get married. That is because of EVOLUTION because ALL minorities are seen as "other" and to say Buddhism as a whole avoids what humans have always done is absurd.

Show me, the widespread acceptance of gay marriage in the Orient and Asia which is mostly Buddhist. OOOPS.

Here is what I do that you dont do. I include atheists as part of our evolution and not above it. You are happy to pick on the labels of others but squirm when someone picks on yours.

1 - I believe you are a troll

2 - I have read "New Atheism"

3 - You are a label

4 - Bartering women would solve lots of issues

5 - Tibet doesn't exist.

6 - Atheism is what it is and no different than any other religion.


1. Ask Brian or Bob or ANYONE here who has been on this board since it started, if I am a "troll"

2. It didn't soak in

3. No, I hold a label, I am a human first

4. I hope that was merely a bad joke

5. Tibet's inhabitants want it to exist as having its own boarders and autonomy

6. Atheism is a religion like bald is a hair color.


Now show me oh great defender of gays, where is the Buddhist bastion of gay marriage in Asia? It is so rampant in Buddhism that gays flock there to get married. I must have missed that CNN story.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at

atheistRational VIP!
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Brian37 wrote:1. Ask Brian

Brian37 wrote:

1. Ask Brian or Bob or ANYONE here who has been on this board since it started, if I am a "troll"

2. It didn't soak in

3. No, I hold a label, I am a human first

4. I hope that was merely a bad joke

5. Tibet's inhabitants want it to exist as having its own boarders and autonomy

6. Atheism is a religion like bald is a hair color.


Now show me oh great defender of gays, where is the Buddhist bastion of gay marriage in Asia? It is so rampant in Buddhism that gays flock there to get married. I must have missed that CNN story.

I got a picture of brian37 for every one to see....