Virtue Of The Oppressed, By Brian37

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Virtue Of The Oppressed, By Brian37

Virtue Of The Oppressed, By Brian37

Christian in
The coliseum
Via death of lion

China's strong arm
Over Tibet
Buddhist monks
Burn themselves

Sunni's and Shiites
Do the same
Point the finger
And falsely claim

And the beef
In Ireland
Is no different
Than Palestine

It stems from
Our empathy
For the under dog
Forgetting the harm

Forgetting the harm
In evolution
When we finally win
We do the same

Virtue long term
Has no meaning
In a species
That keeps forgetting

We oppress
For the same reason
We don't want
To be oppressed

In group out group
Us vs them
The underdog
Can go on to be dangerous

The other guy
Always wrong
Is our mistake
When our past the same

Is what we have
Our wants and needs
Always transcend

Power shifts
Over time
Once on the bottom
We climb to the top

We climb to the top
And do the same
Often forgetting
What was done to us

The rational conclusion
We must all accept
To avoid the past
There can be no virtue of the oppressed.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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