Companies requesting Facebook passwords from prospective employees

In their efforts to vet job applicants, some companies and U.S. government agencies are going beyond merely glancing at a person's social networking profiles and instead are asking to log in as the user to have a look around.
Since the rise of social networking, it has become common for managers to review publicly available Facebook profiles, Twitter accounts and other sites to learn more about job candidates. But many users, especially on Facebook, have their profiles set to private, making them available only to selected people or certain networks.Companies that don't ask for passwords have taken other steps — such as asking applicants to friend human resource managers or to log in to a company computer during an interview. Once employed, some workers have been required to sign non-disparagement agreements that ban them from talking negatively about an employer on social media.
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I have no problem with a non-disparagement agreement. Really, if you are badmouthing the company you work for you should be fired. If I found out about an employee badmouthing my company I would fire them in an instant.
As for demanding to see a person's private page employers can go fuck themselves. I would never work for such a company and it is past time for people to simply refuse to work for them. As long as people are willing to give in to any demand employers make just for a little money, they will keep demanding more. Don't be greedy, have some respect for yourself and demand it from your employer or work elsewhere.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I completely agree with everything you said. If some company demanded to see my FB or anything else I'd just say I didn't have one. I'm just barely old enough to get away with it.
But neither would I use social networking as a soapbox to rail against the hand that feeds me while it feeds me. However, I do reserve the right to commentate on a previous employer. Once I don't work for you anymore the gloves are off. So you'd best not treat me like shit.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
WRONG! There is not one person, even outside the issue of work that does not bitch about, even people they like. To attempt to stop any type of bitching, even about one's own boss is ABSURD!
What I do and say off the clock is none of your fucking business. And even on the job site, the absurd conclusion is that the employer has the right to put a spy cam in the bathroom because YOU might take one minute more than company policy.
Privacy is a right we all want and I don't give one fuck if that privacy is on the job, it is also not wise to foster an environment of fear, inside and outside of work. Otherwise why have any privacy laws at all.
If more people had "Badmouthed"BP maybe the oil spill could have been avoided. If more people had the ability to badmouth the bad loans the banks made, if more people had the ability to badmouth the casino climate of wall street, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess.
My prior boss got it right. He didn't care what you said off the clock, or even amongst other employees on the clock. The only time it was a problem to him is when you named names to the customers on the spot.
THERE IS NOT one person who hasn't bitched about their job or their boss and you are fucking lying if you say you have not.
Blind loyalty to ANYTHING is a cluster fuck to humanity, private sector or government. Whistle blowing is not a crime and neither is mere bitching.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I wasn't talking about regular bitching like "ugh, I hate my job" or "man my boss is a prick" I'm talking about using social media to say things like "the food sucks at our restaurant" or "such and such customer is a ________" If you are making statements that can be expected to drive customers away from the business you should work elsewhere.
If you have concerns about something the company you work for is doing internet social pages is not the appropriate place to air your grievances. If there is something to whistle blow, internet social pages is not the appropriate place. You should report violations to the appropriate regulatory authority. Whistle blowing laws will not protect you for saying stuff on facebook. And if something illegal is going on than a non-disparaging agreement does not apply.
But yeah, if you were my employee and you said anything that could potentially cost me to lose a customer it is goodbye don't include my name on your referral list. Without customers I can't pay your wages or those of your coworkers. And yeah, when I was an employee I never even bitched about the annoying idiosyncracies of my coworkers let alone my boss or the company. I think it is extremely inappropriate. Just like now, I NEVER say anything bad about my employees or my business partners. If I have a problem I discuss it to their face. Bitching to the public at large doesn't do anyone any good.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Bullshit. I have read your posts on your views over the years. I'd like to believe you but your attitude has always slanted to the private sector's shit can never stink. You side with the boss before the worker as a default position.
BITCHING TO THE PUBLIC is what Nader did and as a result we have SEAT BELTS.
This is nothing more than YOU crying foul when you don't always get what you want.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
My position has always been if the company you work for stinks, go work somewhere else. I have worked for lousy companies and lousy bosses. One in particular I badmouth every time the subject comes up because the company and the owner are rotten. I didn't badmouth the company when I worked there, I realized how shitty it was and quit- then I badmouthed it. I don't understand how anyone can work for a company that they don't at least respect enough not to badmouth it. IMO, if you don't take pride in what you and your company does you should find a new job.
And if Nader had worked for GM I would not have been surprised at him being fired (he didn't work for GM). It is one thing to publicly criticize a company you think is doing something poorly or wrong, it is another to publicly criticize a company WHILE YOU WORK FOR THEM. You are free to badmouth any company you want, but if you are badmouthing the one that signs your paycheck, don't be surprised when the check stops coming.
Really, it is kind of like if you had a girlfriend and you go out in public with her and start calling her ugly. You can't be surprised when she slaps you and breaks up with you, even if she is in fact ugly. I don't think the concept is that hard to grasp. Why would you imagine an employer would continue to pay you while you talk shit about them?
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
BINGO, like I said, you'll side with the employer as a default position.
If I owned a business I would NOT want you as an employee. Minions are easy to find to stroke your ego. That might be good for my wallet, but being a whore for money is not my goal in life.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
It may also be asserted that pre-employment screening that goes into social medias are not just looking for the bad mouthing of present or previous employers, but to detect religious or political back ground.
For that reason I would have to say they can go fuck themselves..
Although I will say that bad mouthing to some degree is slander and could be prosecuted by law.
I do not and will not bad mouth the companies I have worked for. Some of them may deserve it but I don't do that.
Throughout human history as our species has faced the frighten terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are and where we are going; it has been the authority (the political, the religious, and the educational authorities) who have attempted to comfort us. By giving us order, rules, and regulation. Informing or forming in our minds their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question these authorities. THINK FOR YOURSELF…
Yet you would work for a company you believed was crooked? Who is the whore for money- the person who will only work for companies they believe are good or the person who works for a company they believe is evil? The person who works solely for the money or the person who works because they love their job?
If you believe a company is immoral then I suggest it is immoral to work for them. When you work for a company, YOU are part of that company. Your actions reflect on the company at large and the companies actions reflect on you. Companies should fire employees who reflect poorly on them and employees should quit companies that reflect poorly on them. If Nader HAD worked for GM, a company he argued was intentionally killing people, I would consider that a terrible thing. It is one thing to be ignorant of what a company might be doing, but to believe that the company you work for is intentionally causing people to die and continuing to work for them makes you a despicable person. I would never work for/with any company that I believed was operating without regard to the lives of their customers and employees. And if you would, for a paycheck, then you sir are the whore for money.
To look at a less dramatic and probably more common example. Suppose your boss told you to serve an egg you had accidentally burnt. Would you do it? If you do, IMO you are just as guilty as your employer for the substandard food that lands on the customers plate. If you are ok with serving substandard food, that is your choice, but you can hardly place all the blame on your boss. If your boss has such low standards and you take pride in your work I suggest you try to talk reasonably with your boss that you believe quality standards should be met. If your boss insists that no matter what you have to serve even horribly burned eggs to save money, then you should go work elsewhere at a place that holds the same standards you do.
If you simply bitch about it away from work and talk about how horrible quality control is where you work, then you are just as guilty in providing the substandard product to the consumer as your boss. And if you continue to work at a place that has standards that are below your personal standard because you are so greedy for the paycheck that you will sacrifice your standards and your pride in your product, then YOU are the whore for money.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I'll take Brian's side on this in that "prospective employees" need to know about actual working conditions (not those hyped and marketed by HR departments) and what, if any, tricks employed by managers and executives against their own underlings. There's also the question of 'team atmosphere', office politics, etc. How about the... 'expected' work ethic? Can it be gathered in an interview or is it best learned from an actual employee?
Most of you aren't going to recognize the domain names involved, but there was very much a reason websites like Fatbabies and The Chaos Engine sprouted up over late 20th and earlier 21st century years. They were setup to allow employes to make scathing remarks in near-complete anonymity at the particularly uncanny lack of workplace ethics demonstrated by game publishers and developers in the time periods involved (1999-2005.) By most standards, Britain apparently had it the worst; showing up to work one day with one's workplace completely locked up, for example; but American publishers/developers were no exception -in some cases, employees were 'asked' to stay on-board a project with NO salary after their studio had run out of money, simply out of the 'goodness of their hearts'. Some employees were gullible or 'charitable' enough to follow through. Many of these were people with actual families to feed, mind you. As I learned, some of the most fucked-up workplaces originate from ESA member corporations. And yes, according to some of the rants and critiques I've read, working for EA is great in terms of raw $$$ and benefits and also rules out any sort of family or social life during a work week.
At that, it's worth noting how easy it is to setup a sock puppet account on Facebook, etc. I've made about 7-8 for the month or two I was actually interested in Mafia Wars. I'm thinking building a workplace-only sock has to be SUPER easy. Thusly, I am at a loss for what corporations think they will gain by doing this, but I often underestimate how complacent/sheepherd-ish many white-collar employees are. No one is going to 'grasp' my real identity via my primary facebook page or my MW sock puppets. At most, they might glean my love of all things healthy and feline, my fandom of Pinky and the Brain and the occasional Classical Mediterranean movie quote. ("I am Proximo! For the next few days, I shall be closer to you... than that bitch of a mother that brought you screaming into this world."
They'll be hard-pressed to learn anything of relevance about who, specifically, I am. If that fails, I can always remove my birthdate.
Federal gov't stuff is different, IMNSHO. I don't believe Federal employees have an 'inalienable' right to declassify and cover-blow to crime lords and militants every possible secret that might compromise a law-enforcement or military-related mission. And if that means phone and computer monitoring on people who have high "government clearance", so be it. People here can raise ethical objections, but I think there is an 'upper limit' on tolerance for declassification by corrupt or indiscreet spies, sailors and/or soldiers. Bradley Manning wasn't a 'whistle-blower'; he was a disgruntled employee. He also broke an oath or two. I make one or two assumptions here that most people who are not anarchists do NOT want every US government secret declassified to the world, knowing what it could mean if most of the world's tinpot dictators got their hands on some of our more... dangerous technological blueprints. "With power comes responsibility", and what have you. Stuxnet and Duqu have opened up some interesting possibilities for certain government entities do with their spare time.
Outside of espionage, military, Secret Service and law-enforcement... it becomes a distinct no-no. "Why bother monitoring every USDA or FDA underling?" is the first question that comes to mind. Will anyone even want to work for the domestic federal gov't for fear of their employers learning about their raunchy past times?!
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
I'm taking Beyond's side as everyone in a company can be affected by the actions of one individual, who many times will misrepresent a scenario. I've never owned or managed a business, and yet I have dozens of times seen an employee get bent out of shape because they caught shit for being stupid or unprofessional etc. If they then go online and tell their twisted version of events I could lose business because some shitstain was lying, and I'm paying them? I don't fucking think so.
So if I owned or managed a business and an employee publically bad mouthed it, they'd be gone. Instantly. Regardless of the veracity of their claims. If they had a problem they should've come to me first. And now I need extra money for damage control.
Of course, once they don't work for me anymore they can say what they like.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.