Jesus Fucking Christ
Posted on: March 25, 2012 - 11:53am

Jesus Fucking Christ
OK... I am posting this under Irrationalities because this news report is fucking irrational.
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I think between the title of your thread, and just reading the link is enough for well, I think the Redskins would not be as embarrassed. See avatar.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I mean... seriously? First off... why is this even news? Secondly, wtf? Ghosts throwing fruit roll ups? If people are insane enough to think that this is real it might explain why people still think obama is a muslim and was born in kenya.
I dont thinking I've ever gotten the impression the board is not always willing to talk about the paranormal claims (absurd will have a small crowd). Might have went with the title "Why wont the dead stay dead?", but that is me. I dont know if it is Tony's thread about death or last night's other about our dearly departed but I ran into a quote of Jean's from the sixth that was interesting: "..These ghosts are actually manifestations of demons. In fact, the theorums of Scripture have ghost meaning spirit. Ghost is an old English/Shakespearian word for spirit. Since the theromes found in Chrisitianity have the dichtomony of evil spirits and godly spirits, and since ghosts are via deception, it would only imply that GHOSTS ARE INDEED DEMONS. I John 4:1-4.'.
I'll be the first to say I believe in some form of life after death, but ghosts knocking off fruit roll ups? Besides with all the dead people there are very few ghosts.
lol, it isn't even a good fake. Watching the security camera you can see the time stamp skip 3 minutes right when the fruit roll ups appear to be flying. It isn't even a cgi hoax, it is simply an edited video. I can think of at least a dozen ways in which one could remake the effect without editing the video if you were willing to put a little time and effort into it. I guess it is a good publicity stunt because there are probably plenty of dumb asses who want to go to the haunted grocery store.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Maybe he is trying to sell the store or increase business?
I still can't believe the news people picked it up. It's like trying to watch Finding Bigfoot or the UFO shows. Come people, really? Do you really believe these shows?
Good eye!!
I don't know how is it like in Australia, but if anyone pulled a stunt like that here, the supermarket would actually loose people instead of gaining... not good marketing.