Test your Knowledge of the Story Telling - A Quiz

I used to hand this to the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, 7th Day Adventists, and any of the Evangelicals who rang my doorbell in Orlando.
The best score they ever had was 80% of those that bothered to take it.
See how you do. I'll give the answers later on.
1. Do you believe Moses led the Israelites from Egypt as told in the Bible? YES NO
2. Do you believe the Flood occurred as in the Bible? YES NO
3. Samson was:
A. A god of the Greeks.
B. One of the Judges of Israel
C. The champion of Greece’s 1ST Olympic Games.
D. A leader of the Philistines
4. Ahab in the Bible was:
A. The captain of a ship
B. A King of Judah
C. A King of Israel.
D. The Assyrian King who captured the Israelites.
5. The Last King of Babylon was Nebuchadnezzar II. TRUE FALSE
6. King Herod ordered all male babies less than 2 years old in the area of Bethlehem executed. This has been historically proven. YES NO
7. Jesus was a real person? YES NO
8. King Arthur was a real King in England? YES NO
9. Robin Hood was a real person? YES NO
10. The walls of Jericho as described in The Bible have been historically proven to have been destroyed by the Israelites? YES NO
11. The city of Ai has been historically proven to have been destroyed by the Israelites? YES NO
12. Hezekiah was the last king of Judah? YES NO
13. The great prophet Isaiah had a grandson who was one of the most respected kings of Judah? YES NO
14. All of the people of Israel were relocated by the Assyrians and this has been historically proven? YES NO
A. Or was it the Babylonians who relocated all of them and this has been proven? YES NO
15. All of the people of Judah were relocated by the Assyrians and this has been historically proven? YES NO
A. Or was it the Babylonians and this has been proven? YES NO
16. The last King of Judah was executed by the Assyrians or the Babylonians? YES NO
17. Jesus advocated violence to bring people to God’s graces? YES NO
18. Jesus was a pacifist? YES NO
19. Jeremiah was a corroborator with Babylon or Assyria? YES NO
20. Jeremiah was given a reward by Babylon or Assyria? YES NO
21. The people of Jesus’ hometown tried to kill him? YES NO
22. Peter was the head of the Jerusalem Church and this has been shown in the Bible as well as in historical documents by writers in the first century? YES NO
23. Where is the fall of Lucifer in the Bible?
A. Genesis
B. Revelation
C. Jeremiah
D. Isaiah
E. Don’t Know
F. No where
24. The war in Heaven is in Genesis? YES NO
25. Indicate relative order of writing from 1-27 in order:
Hint: The order they appear in the Bible has nothing to do with the order that they were written.
A. Matthew____
B. Mark____
C. Luke____
D. John____
E. Acts____
F. Romans___
G. 1 Corinthians____
H. 2 Corinthians____
I. Galatians____
J. Ephesians____
K. Philippians____
L. Colossians____
M. 1 Thessalonians____
N. 2 Thessalonians____
O. 1 Timothy____
P. 2 Timothy____
Q. Titus____
R. Philemon____
S. Hebrews____
T. James____
U. 1 Peter____
V. 2 Peter____
W. 1 John____
X. 2 John____
Y. 3 John____
Z. Jude____
AA. Revelation____
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
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digitalbeachbum, good job.
You scored a 76%
Questions 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 are subjective based on your background and I don't count these in the quiz. My original intent was to see how a theist responded to them.
On the other questions you missed 5 of 21. I'll tell you which ones and why when I post the answer key.
You scored better than most believers with a 76%. The best I ever got was an 80 %. The average I got from believers was 65 %
The New Testament relative order I refer to is chronological. I use 2 generally accepted sources for it. It OK not to answer that part, it's time consuming unless you know, and what I found from most believers is they don't.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
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1: No. My faith in our knowledge of the actual events and characters of history decrease significantly the further back in time you look, and the less evidence there is. Any and all writings should be considered suspect. Any event or character with only a single reference from a single area should be considered myth. An entire topic of discussion could be had on why, so I'll skip over that for now. Most educated people will have some ideas anyway.
2: Kinda. I believe the evidence shows a massive flood over an incredibly huge area did occur at a location that had been previously inhabited at about the right time for the mythology to arise. However, the entire world has never been entirely covered in water. And the floodwaters that did occur have never fully receded. The location is the Black Sea.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8: Dunno.
9: Yes, kinda, maybe.
10+: Dunno. Don't care about most of it. Irrelevant to anything that matters.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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Ten years ago I'm sure I would have done better. I only have so many bytes of storage in my brain for the fairy tales file.
1 yes 2 no 3 b 4 c 5 true 6 yes 7 yes 8 no 9 yes 10 yes 11 yes 12 no 13 no 14 no no 15 no no (even if it did happen you said "all" 16 yes 17 yes 18 no 19 yes? 20 yes? 21 no 22 no 23 F 24 no
25 not worth it. might as well play 52 card pick-up. The best one could do is put the latest known revisions in order. I'm sure they got together and said "wait a minute- we gotta put luke in there before Paul gets carried away or nobody's gonna buy this shit.
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
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You scored 71%
Ten years ago I'm sure I would have done better. I only have so many bytes of storage in my brain for the fairy tales file.
1 yes 2 no 3 b 4 c 5 true 6 yes 7 yes 8 no 9 yes 10 yes 11 yes 12 no 13 no 14 no no 15 no no (even if it did happen you said "all"
16 yes 17 yes 18 no 19 yes? 20 yes? 21 no 22 no 23 F 24 no
25 not worth it. might as well play 52 card pick-up. The best one could do is put the latest known revisions in order. I'm sure they got together and said "wait a minute- we gotta put luke in there before Paul gets carried away or nobody's gonna buy this shit.
Questions 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 are subjective and I don't include them in my scoring. And several others I'm lenient on the answers where it depends on your viewpoints.
You missed 6 of 21 or you got a score of 71% of those you answered.
The last question is mostly to see if believers know the history of the development of their NT.
I'll post the answer key and tell you which one's you missed, probably next Sunday.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
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1: No. My faith in our knowledge of the actual events and characters of history decrease significantly the further back in time you look, and the less evidence there is. Any and all writings should be considered suspect. Any event or character with only a single reference from a single area should be considered myth. An entire topic of discussion could be had on why, so I'll skip over that for now. Most educated people will have some ideas anyway. 2: Kinda. I believe the evidence shows a massive flood over an incredibly huge area did occur at a location that had been previously inhabited at about the right time for the mythology to arise. However, the entire world has never been entirely covered in water. And the floodwaters that did occur have never fully receded. The location is the Black Sea. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8: Dunno. 9: Yes, kinda, maybe. 10+: Dunno. Don't care about most of it. Irrelevant to anything that matters.
I think the flood stories of the Hebrew Bible come from the Sumerian tales. They are similar to what a Cat 4 or 5 hurricane (typhon in that area) would do if it went up the Persian Gulf. The nomadic tribes came from Mesopotamia and settled in Palestine brought these tales with them, over time they were most likely altered into other legends.
There are untold believers that think this stuff matters to the point they give big time cash to their form of beliefs. That they don't even know what their stories actually contain shows the amount of mental effort they put into acceptance.
I know you were brought up as an atheist and were never exposed to most of the story telling details. Most Protestant believers are taught much of this in Sunday School and Catholics and others in parochial schools.
Then again, most Americans don't know who they have for Senators, Congressmen or who is in the current Cabinet.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
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I get a bit creeped out thinking that this stuff passes for education anywhere.
Thousands, nay millions, of cute, innocent, & ignorant children being locked in a room with a deranged asshat who tells them a collection of fairy tales and horror stories, and calls it real.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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I get a bit creeped out thinking that this stuff passes for education anywhere. Thousands, nay millions, of cute, innocent, & ignorant children being locked in a room with a deranged asshat who tells them a collection of fairy tales and horror stories, and calls it real.
Consider yourself lucky Vas. It's worse than creepy. In most churches there is almost no standard requisite for being a sunday school teacher. In our church they let this creepy lady teach the 7-10 yr olds. She had had 4 strokes and could barely see straight. On top of that she was a complete spook. She would start talking about Jesus and just cry. I asked her why she was crying and she said "someday you will cry for Jesus". Fucking looney tunes man. Luckily I had a cool Mom and she let me go into the older kids class with a pretty cool halfway down to earth dude. Many of these kids not only have to endure sunday, but spend alot more time on little field trips and camping trips, and summer church camps with these retards. Even as a little kid I knew better and flat out refused to go to any of that shit. I only got 3 hrs a week punishment. Many kids tho don't even stand a chance.
It really bothers me. That's why you hear me making controversial statements about who should be permitted to have children. I know it's going a little too far, but many here never witnessed the shit these children have to endure. I believe children should at least get the chance to let their minds develop before being subjected to religion. I'll never shut up about this shit.
It's hard to cross the line and tell people how they should raise their kids, but I don't let it totally slide anymore. Just last night I talked with an old girlfriend of mine. She has a 6 yr old who I love to death. Mom is no dummy and is one of the best parents i've ever seen, but there is grandma and grandpa. I found out they have discussed her letting them take the kid to church with them. She says "I don't see how it could really do any harm". That's where I stepped in. After a nice talk she seems to see it my way. She said grandma won't be happy, but I told her I would gladly sit down and discuss it with them. This oughta be fun. Better bring your A-game grandma.
"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia
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I used to hand this to the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, 7th Day Adventists, and any of the Evangelicals who rang my doorbell in Orlando.
The best score they ever had was 80% of those that bothered to take it.
See how you do. I'll give the answers later on.
1. Do you believe Moses led the Israelites from Egypt as told in the Bible? YES NO Please rephrase You can say yes, according to the biblical account, I d guess
2. Do you believe the Flood occurred as in the Bible? YES NO Again rephrase .. "do you believe" .. not to sound nick picky but there .. .. is the whole local flood issue
3. Samson was:
A. A god of the Greeks.
B. One of the Judges of Israel Number 3 Answer is B
C. The champion of Greece’s 1ST Olympic Games.
D. A leader of the Philistines
4. Ahab in the Bible was Number 4 :He was the sea captain, that slayed the Prophet Jonah's .. great fish (sorry I'm being silly). Israel
A. The captain of a ship
B. A King of Judah
C. A King of Israel.
D. The Assyrian King who captured the Israelites.
5. The Last King of Babylon was Nebuchadnezzar II. TRUE FALSE Number 5 is False
6. King Herod ordered all male babies less than 2 years old in the area of Bethlehem executed. This has been historically proven. YES NONumber 6 is No
7. Jesus was a real person? YES NO According to some yes the academics tend to agree, however if you are asking about Jesus as portrayed in the . .. . Biblical accounts, you shouldnt even asked that question on this board.
______8. King Arthur was a real King in England? YES NO I dont know. You answer me. Was the Journey to the West speak of .. a true, irrepressible 'Monkey King'?
9. Robin Hood was a real person? YES NO Number 9 is No
10. The walls of Jericho as described in The Bible have been historically proven to have been destroyed by the Israelites? YES NO
11. The city of Ai has been historically proven to have been destroyed by the Israelites? YES NO Number 11 is No
12. Hezekiah was the last king of Judah? YES NO Number 12 is No
13. The great prophet Isaiah had a grandson who was one of the most respected kings of Judah? YES NONumber 13 is no (honestly guessing)
14. All of the people of Israel were relocated by the Assyrians and this has been historically proven? YES NONumber 14 is no (the Assyrians, really).
A. Or was it the Babylonians who relocated all of them and this has been proven? YES NONumber 14 > A. is an obvious Yes
15. All of the people of Judah were relocated by the Assyrians and this has been historically proven? YES NONumber 15 is just annoying
A. Or was it the Babylonians and this has been proven? YES NO
16. The last King of Judah was executed by the Assyrians or the Babylonians? YES NO Number 16 is True (according to the biblical account)
17. Jesus advocated violence to bring people to God’s graces? YES NO Number 17 I'd guess is Yes but again that assumes you-mean passages like "come to bring a sword"; zealots on whole would not be at all happy with the teachings
___18. Jesus was a pacifist? YES NO No but you could easily say yes and also be correct.
19. Jeremiah was a corroborator with Babylon or Assyria? YES NO Number 19 is No
20. Jeremiah was given a reward by Babylon or Assyria? YES NO Number 20
21. The people of Jesus’ hometown tried to kill him? YES NO Number 21 is No (however the couple of incidents as given in the account could be taken as a Yes)
22. Peter was the head of the Jerusalem Church and this has been shown in the Bible as well as in historical documents by writers in the first century? YES NONumber 22 is No
23. Where is the fall of Lucifer in the Bible? Number 23 is Ezek 28 (however a trick question)
A. Genesis
B. Revelation
C. Jeremiah
D. Isaiah
E. Don’t Know
F. No where
24. The war in Heaven is in Genesis? YES NO Number 24 is NO
25. Indicate relative order of writing from 1-27 in order:
Hint: The order they appear in the Bible has nothing to do with the order that they were written.
A. Matthew____
B. Mark____
C. Luke____
D. John____
E. Acts____
F. Romans___
G. 1 Corinthians____
H. 2 Corinthians____
I. Galatians____
J. Ephesians____
K. Philippians____
L. Colossians____
M. 1 Thessalonians____
N. 2 Thessalonians____
O. 1 Timothy____
P. 2 Timothy____
Q. Titus____
R. Philemon____
S. Hebrews____
T. James____
U. 1 Peter____
V. 2 Peter____
W. 1 John____
X. 2 John____
Y. 3 John____
Z. Jude____
AA. Revelation____ Finally, NUMBER 25: MARK LUKE JOHN MATT. I dont know and Book of Revelations is the last book. Darn! What was that again "Ephesians before Corinthians, except after C, or when sounded as A, as in neighbor or weigh," Time!
Taken cold.
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Consider yourself lucky Vas.
Oh, I do. Every time I get annoyed at how much wasted space in my brain has been devoted to religious crap, I remind myself that it was obtained from entertainment for the most part. Disney movies, C.S. Lewis, and the like.
Those who are forced to go to church or something similar have it far worse. Not only do they have a million times as much useless information in their heads, but it was a obtained via a mixture of threats, monotony, fear, anger, and authoritarianism.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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Your score was about 71%.
You do have some knowledge but missed some of the sneaky questions.
I will post the answer key on Sunday along with the questions you missed.
Taken cold.
That was the idea.
You scored 6 of 21 correct.
I did not count #1, 2, 7, 8, 9.
Question 17 & 18 I'm lenient on answers.
#25, you started your list in error, HINT - the gospels were not 1st.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
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I get a bit creeped out thinking that this stuff passes for education anywhere. Thousands, nay millions, of cute, innocent, & ignorant children being locked in a room with a deranged asshat who tells them a collection of fairy tales and horror stories, and calls it real.
I went to 9 years of Parochial school. Everyday had 1 hour of bible teaching, 1 hour of myth tales and or catechism.
I was in the corner a few times for unacceptable questions and views. Such as in regard to the Exodus myths. When I asked, where's the trash.
Despite this or because of it I excelled in science and was a R & D engineer and an engineering manager in a computer company.
Electrons are not influenced by god beliefs.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
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Answer key
1. Yes = literal acceptance No = someone who thinks. - I don't count this one.
2. Yes = literal acceptance No = someone who thinks. I don't count this one.
3. B - one of the Judges of Israel
4. C - a king of Israel
5. False – it was Nabonidus
6. No - there is no historical evidence Herod ordered a mass genocide of babies. He was crazy in his last years, but this has no proof.
7. Yes = accepts literally Bible No = Considers or thinks & requires proof. - I don't count this one.
8. Yes = accepts legends no = requires proof to accept. - I don't count this one.
9. Yes = saw Robin Hood movies no = requires more proof. - I don't count this one.
10. No - Archeaology indicate Jericho had no walls at the time of the supposed invasion by the Hebrew Horde.
11. No - Actually Ai means ruins which it was for about 1000 years prior to the mythical invasion by the Hebrew Horde.
12. No – it was Zedekiah
13. Yes = thinks Manasseh was great because he was a loyal vassal to Assyria and developed his country to greatness. No = Believes the story of blood running in the streets of Jerusalem & the idol worship tripe.
14. No only 20% of Israel was relocated by Assyria.
A. The answer was no and it was Assyria not Babylon
15. No, it was Babylon and only 7,000 to 10,000 depending on the Bible source.
A. No only part of the people were relocated See even Jeremiah’s account.
16. No, Zedekiah was taken captive by Babylon. He was not executed.
17. No, he said love thy neighbor etc. He only once suggested in the Gospels if you think I come to bring peace, I bring a sword. He didn’t say to use it though. However, several other NT books indicate he will lead the effort to destroy the Earth and send non-believers to the Lake of Fire.
18. No, he seemed to be a KOG (Kingdom of God is at hand) advocate but was not as violent as say John the Baptist who did use warfare to accomplish his goals.
19. Yes, see Jeremiah 37-38, he is imprisoned for being an apparent Babylonian spy. He is given freedom by Babylon.
20. Yes, see Jeremiah 39:11-14
21. Yes, according to Luke 4:16-30. They attempt to toss Jesus off a hill. The slippery Jesus escapes.
22. No, James is shown as the leader in Acts as well as in Josephus and other writers
23. F - No where. There is not a single place in the Bible that details the fall of the prosecutor angel Lucifer.
24. No – It is in Enoch but not anywhere in the Bible. The angels that rebel are not followers of Lucifer, their leader was Samyaza, see 1 Enoch 7.
Relative order: Note the Gospels were written 30 to 60 years after the other storytelling legends, being anywhere from the 15th to the 23rd in order.
25. A.23 B 15 C 16 D 18 E 17 F 6 G 4 H 5 I 1 J 10 K 8 L 9 M 2 N 3 O 11 P 12 Q 13 R 7 S 14 T 19 U 20 V 21 W 24 X 25 Y 26 Z 22 AA 27
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
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You missed:
#3 - Samson was a judge of Israel not the champion of the Greek Olympics.
#5 - The last king was Nabonidus not Nebuchadnezzar II
#12 - The last king of Judah was Zedekiah not Hezekiah.
#16 - Zedekiah was taken captive to Babylon. His sons were killed but he lived out his days in Babylon's court.
#22 - James was indicated as the head of the Jerusalem Church not Peter. The Peter is a rock thing has nothing to do with it. See Acts.
You missed:
#5 - Nabonidus was the last king of Babylon not Nebuchadnezzar.
#6 - There is no proof the insane King Herod ordered a mass genocide of babies. Yes he killed his own sons among other things as he feared they were going to overthrow him.
#10 - There were no walls around the samll village of Jericho at the supposed time of the Hebrew Horde invasion, see Bible Unearthed by Finkelstein.
#11 - Ai, was a ruin for 1000 years by the time of the mythical invasion by the Hebrew Horde.
#16 - Zedekiah was captured and lived out his days in the court of Nebuchadnezzar.
#21 - The people of Nazareth attempted to throw the slippery one Jesus off a hill, he escaped, according to Luke 4:16-30.
You missed:
#14A - The country of Israel was invaded by Assyria not Babylon. They were not all relocated, only about 20%. The Northern kingdom was a large source of olive oil, relocating all of the population would have caused a major disruption in production. See the accounts in Assyrian records.
#15 - The point of this question was that Babylon invaded Judah not Assyria. The entire population was not relocated.
#16 - Zedekiah lived out his days in exile in the Babylonian court - see Jeremiah 39:7; 2 Kings 25:7
#19 - Jeremiah was imprisoned as a spy - see see Jeremiah 37-38
#20 - Yes, see Jeremiah 39:11-14
#21 - Yes, according to Luke 4:16-30. - The people of Nazareth attempted to toss The Jesus off a hill.
#23 - is no where. The prosecutor angel Lucifer aka Satan does not rebel in a documented story in the Hebrew Bible. Ezekiel 28 is a rant against the king of Tyre and a failed prophecy on his part.
Answers to #25 were to vague, so I did not count them.
The point was the Gospels were not the 1st books as you indicated:
The 1st few in order were: Galatians; 1 Thessalonians; 2 Thessalonians; 1 Corinthians; the Gospels show up as #15-Mark; #16-Luke; #18 John; #23 - Matthew
The exact order of the NT is disputed by nearly all. I use a list from a PTL Bible, Bart Ehrman's books, and Wiki. Regardless, the Gospel storytelling legends came later after the writing of Paul and the forgers who wrote in Paul's name.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
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Those questions are easy
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1. Yes, I think that numerous Egyptians and Egyptian slaves (indistinguishable from Jews in the Sacred Christian Mythtext) trekked across Sinai while in exile, eventually settling in Canaan with their children likely assimilating the local customs (including theistic practice of and belief in the Canaan myth referred to as "Yahweh".)
The rest of the questions are kinda boring
“A meritocratic society is one in which inequalities of wealth and social position solely reflect the unequal distribution of merit or skills amongst human beings, or are based upon factors beyond human control, for example luck or chance. Such a society is socially just because individuals are judged not by their gender, the colour of their skin or their religion, but according to their talents and willingness to work, or on what Martin Luther King called 'the content of their character'. By extension, social equality is unjust because it treats unequal individuals equally.” "Political Ideologies" by Andrew Heywood (2003)
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1. Do you believe Moses led the Israelites from Egypt as told in the Bible? NO
2. Do you believe the Flood occurred as in the Bible? NO
3. Samson was: C. The champion of Greece’s 1ST Olympic Games
4. Ahab in the Bible was: C. A King of Israel.
5. The Last King of Babylon was Nebuchadnezzar II. TRUE
6. King Herod ordered all male babies less than 2 years old in the area of Bethlehem executed. This has been historically proven. NO
7. Jesus was a real person? YES (this is an open ended question, you must be more specific)
8. King Arthur was a real King in England? (maybe)
9. Robin Hood was a real person? (yes, but not know as Robin Hood)
10. The walls of Jericho as described in The Bible have been historically proven to have been destroyed by the Israelites? NO
11. The city of Ai has been historically proven to have been destroyed by the Israelites? NO
12. Hezekiah was the last king of Judah? YES
13. The great prophet Isaiah had a grandson who was one of the most respected kings of Judah? NO
14. All of the people of Israel were relocated by the Assyrians and this has been historically proven? NO
A. Or was it the Babylonians who relocated all of them and this has been proven? NO
15. All of the people of Judah were relocated by the Assyrians and this has been historically proven? NO
A. Or was it the Babylonians and this has been proven? NO
16. The last King of Judah was executed by the Assyrians or the Babylonians? YES
17. Jesus advocated violence to bring people to God’s graces? YES (open ended question)
18. Jesus was a pacifist? NO
19. Jeremiah was a corroborator with Babylon or Assyria? YES
20. Jeremiah was given a reward by Babylon or Assyria? YES
21. The people of Jesus’ hometown tried to kill him? YES
22. Peter was the head of the Jerusalem Church and this has been shown in the Bible as well as in historical documents by writers in the first century? YES
23. Where is the fall of Lucifer in the Bible?
F. No where
24. The war in Heaven is in Genesis? NO
25. Indicate relative order of writing from 1-27 in order: (do you mean chronological?) (In that case, your guess is better than mine)
A. Matthew____
B. Mark____
C. Luke____
D. John____
E. Acts____
F. Romans___
G. 1 Corinthians____
H. 2 Corinthians____
I. Galatians____
J. Ephesians____
K. Philippians____
L. Colossians____
M. 1 Thessalonians____
N. 2 Thessalonians____
O. 1 Timothy____
P. 2 Timothy____
Q. Titus____
R. Philemon____
S. Hebrews____
T. James____
U. 1 Peter____
V. 2 Peter____
W. 1 John____
X. 2 John____
Y. 3 John____
Z. Jude____
AA. Revelation____