Serious blow to dark matter theories?
Posted on: April 19, 2012 - 12:08am

Serious blow to dark matter theories?
A team using the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at the European Southern Observatory's La Silla Observatory, along with other telescopes, has mapped the motions of more than 400 stars up to 13,000 light-years from the Sun. From this new data they have calculated the mass of material in the vicinity of the Sun, in a volume four times larger than ever considered before.
"The amount of mass that we derive matches very well with what we see -- stars, dust and gas -- in the region around the Sun," says team leader Christian Moni Bidin (Departamento de Astronomía, Universidad de Concepción, Chile). "But this leaves no room for the extra material -- dark matter -- that we were expecting. Our calculations show that it should have shown up very clearly in our measurements. But it was just not there!"
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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Give it ten years. The information needs to be reviewed and confirmed, etc etc etc.
I think it should only be a year or two before we hear confirmation/correction. It took about that long to check and correct the "neutrino faster than light" thing, in which it wasn't faster than light and the head researcher retired. This claim is even more mind boggling to scientists than that one, so I think there'll be something of a rush on the data.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.