The excuses of theists
I want to compile a list of excuses that theists use as an attempt to strengthen their weak faith in their god.
I remember a few of them so I'll start my list here. Please add on as you find or remember them.
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- The distance of the moon from the earth is a perfect distance. It helped create the tides and life on the planet wouldn't survive with out the tides.
- The distance from the sun to the earth is a perfect distance, thus called the "Goldilocks zone". Only a god could have done this.
- DNA is code, so since codes are created then there must be a god.
- There can't be nothing from nothing, so god must have existed before nothing to create the universe
- What came 1st, the chicken or egg? There must be a god to make the egg so that the chicken exists or the chicken so the egg exists (nothing from nothing argument). (1st cause argument)
- There were sea shells found on Mt. Everest so the flood story must be true, which proves god existed.
- Pascal's Wager
- The human ear or eye is too perfect to be have formed by accident
- Personal experience. This is the "I felt god" excuse.
- The bible is the word of god.
- God is too popular. So many people people believe
- Atheist can't disprove god