I call bullshit

While I have no doubt that wind turbines generate heat, this article, or at least the study data is incomplete or skewed.
Want to lower the temperature of the word and reduce energy consumption? Try changing the color of the fucking black tiles or black tar on your roof to white.
There are over 400 billion sqft of roof top space (domestic and commercial) in the United States alone which is completely black. Black absorbs more heat.
And while we are at it, changing the color of roads to a different cooler color (not white) would also reduce warming of the planet.
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Ultimate irony being a nearly inanimate object with one angle of animation can't possibly generate as much heat as say a car engine or factory, with billions or trillions of moving parts and energy waste.
If a billion windmills are warming the world, it's only because there are a billion vehicles and manufacturing centres, not to mention actual heaters, pumping out trillions of times as much heat.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
There was a report recently that Donald Trump did not want the 500 wind mills to be built off shore from the resort area in, I think Ireland. Anyway, he claimed they were an eye sore and that they should not be built. When the company who made the wind mills showed what it would look like from the golf course you could barely see the fuckers off in the distance.
Sounds like Trump pumped some money in to a false report so he could try to convince people that wind mills are bad for the environment.
The report sounds like total bullshit. I don't believe it.
Do you have any information on who paid for it or are you just speculating? Trump never struck me as a guy who gives too much to university science departments.
I suspect that most of the fault lies in lazy sensationalized journalism combined with scientists desperate to come up with some kind of conclusion to get more funding. The sad thing is that people read news stories like this and think it is absolute fact, when one study of one area of Texas over a short period of time simply points out an anomaly. Until other evidence is found, it isn't worth drawing a conclusion. But journalists and universities like conclusions so scientists create them to get more funding.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
It is speculation. I'm seeing the big picture of "what could be".
Meh, Trump would be just as pissed if they decided to build a coal power plant or factory or anything else that didn't have his name plastered on it in view of his golf course. Can't really blame him, he is sinking $1.2 billion into building it and probably plans on charging obscene rates. People don't pay obscene rates to see wind turbines, they pay them to see the ocean.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
The company putting in the turbines showed CG pictures of what it would look like from the golf course... the turbines were very small because they were so far away. Trump is a douche.