People are just plain stupid

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The last time I posted a

The last time I posted a bogus UFO cllip, (you know- the solar one) everyone just assumed I believed it was aliens even after I said NASA's site had nothing about it.  I just pointed out that it looked cool, whatever it was, and if it was edited they did a good job. And as you remember it had a natural explanation in the clips you posted.

I never believe anything i see on the net, and I have seen a strange UFO up-close with my own eyes and another witness sitting next to me. What pisses me off is that people think a "UFO" has to mean alien spacecraft. I mean isn't "unidentified" saying it clear enough. I think we need to brand a new technical term and just let the alien conspiracy theorists  have "UFO" all for themselves.

I watched a clip the other day where the astronauts were tracking some space junk on camera while making repairs and reporting it to Houston.  They were just making sure it didn't interfere with their procedure for safety reasons or whatever and even said it looked like pieces of foil and cloth junk.  Sure enough- all the idiot comments were about what kind of aliens it could have been. 

Yes, people want it so bad they will see, hear, and believe what they want.

Kinda sounds a lot like christians doesn't it?

"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia

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tonyjeffers wrote:The last

tonyjeffers wrote:

The last time I posted a bogus UFO cllip, (you know- the solar one) everyone just assumed I believed it was aliens even after I said NASA's site had nothing about it.  I just pointed out that it looked cool, whatever it was, and if it was edited they did a good job. And as you remember it had a natural explanation in the clips you posted.

I never believe anything i see on the net, and I have seen a strange UFO up-close with my own eyes and another witness sitting next to me. What pisses me off is that people think a "UFO" has to mean alien spacecraft. I mean isn't "unidentified" saying it clear enough. I think we need to brand a new technical term and just let the alien conspiracy theorists  have "UFO" all for themselves.

I watched a clip the other day where the astronauts were tracking some space junk on camera while making repairs and reporting it to Houston.  They were just making sure it didn't interfere with their procedure for safety reasons or whatever and even said it looked like pieces of foil and cloth junk.  Sure enough- all the idiot comments were about what kind of aliens it could have been. 

Yes, people want it so bad they will see, hear, and believe what they want.

Kinda sounds a lot like christians doesn't it?

People who believe in little green men and those who believe in magical serpents with talking donkeys are all the same mentally.

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People are stupid, yes. But

People are stupid, yes.

But in this particular scenario it's hope for finding life elsewhere that makes such articles so attractive to so many.

We're about 80% sure there was life on Mars. Maybe higher. New planets are now being found on a daily basis. Rocky planets even, not just gas giants anymore. Some that may even be habitable. It hits the news fairly regularly. So you end up with more people who are willing to believe/accept the possibility of life. Which in turn gives you less studious and careful examination of existing evidence.

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The SOHO video? I posted

The SOHO video? I posted some videos or photos of that some time ago and there was a long and exhausting discussion. Please notice the dark spheres in sun's corona, supposedly artifacts of compression.

Guess what was recorded again. Pretty much the same thing, only BIGGER. And looks like it's leaving the gas station without paying. Anyone got the number plate? 


tonyjeffers wrote:
The last time I posted a bogus UFO cllip, (you know- the solar one) everyone just assumed I believed it was aliens even after I said NASA's site had nothing about it. I just pointed out that it looked cool, whatever it was, and if it was edited they did a good job. And as you remember it had a natural explanation in the clips you posted.
Do you mean this one solar clip is bogus? Got any info on that?

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Hey LUM, it was this thread.     Same deal -different source and quality I think.  Bum posted another link in the thread with a rebuttal/explanation that might lead to some other links on it.

"...but truth is a point of view, and so it is changeable. And to rule by fettering the mind through fear of punishment in another world is just as base as to use force." -Hypatia

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Luminon wrote:The SOHO

Luminon wrote:

The SOHO video? I posted some videos or photos of that some time ago and there was a long and exhausting discussion. Please notice the dark spheres in sun's corona, supposedly artifacts of compression.

Guess what was recorded again. Pretty much the same thing, only BIGGER. And looks like it's leaving the gas station without paying. Anyone got the number plate? 


tonyjeffers wrote:
The last time I posted a bogus UFO cllip, (you know- the solar one) everyone just assumed I believed it was aliens even after I said NASA's site had nothing about it. I just pointed out that it looked cool, whatever it was, and if it was edited they did a good job. And as you remember it had a natural explanation in the clips you posted.
Do you mean this one solar clip is bogus? Got any info on that?

Yeah that was a few weeks back, but it turned out to be a solar event - no ufo.

This new video looks to be an issue with the sensor or the camera.

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tonyjeffers wrote:Hey LUM,

tonyjeffers wrote:

Hey LUM, it was this thread.     Same deal -different source and quality I think.  Bum posted another link in the thread with a rebuttal/explanation that might lead to some other links on it.

Wow, thanks, that's good to know. It's kind of reassuring that there is no Jupiter-sized space craft out there. 

Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.