Post your desktop wallpaper

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Post your desktop wallpaper

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What a clean desktop you have

And who is that girl?

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x wrote:And who is that

x wrote:

And who is that girl?


Taylor Swift

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Cpt_pineapple wrote:

Taylor Swift

I should have referred to her as a young woman rather than a girl then.

I see that both Bush and Obama describe her as nice.

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Other sizes at

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I only have two images On both of my Desktops . . .

 re :: I only have two images on each of both of my Desktops . . .    Kinds of symbolic places due to the nonverbal  status  & Ravana, the notorious demon king




   Kinds of symbolic places due to the nonverbal  status                                                                                                                              Ravana, the notorious demon king

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Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Hey You

   Off-Site --

  I dont want you to miss the chance to take the time to trust in this post,  it's really quick . .

    Hey  You

   Updated Wallpaper   Updated   And I am posting  too much in other places, ( all the same, some extremely Important posts  )

    Change to my wallpaper  . . it was not hard to do either . .



     No lie! However, Do forgive my fears aren't always a indication of what I do really feel;  you see how silence can be almost deadly, and it rarely makes it better . . .

     EVERYTHING  is a bit more wonderful  now!  I always want to focus on that  I do love you, & no matter the future .. I do love you, & I love you, too!


  ''There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the guy who fears is not perfected in love''



   >  Saying I love you is important, but not enough.



   People over 35 's  lack of humility  provides a valuable lesson  which I was be·gin·ning to wonder about,  if there is no humility , does the Emperor get a new set of Clothes, then ?  Off - site is a case where the  Emperor has no clothes, if we all are to be clothed with the stuff  (View / See :: Upload Above) --


  Please allow me to face some reasons, to try to say I'm sorry, if need be,  hun!




I recall.


   Very UNRELATED  --   News Watch -- Pakistani court upholds death sentence for a Christian mother, a Asia Bibi who was accused of insulting Islam, having been sentenced to by hanged ,  ~ reported A Human Rights watch advocate







 0ff-site  --

   Surely I spoke of things we did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.  Love is needed, not only to hold on to a real hope but to heal some hurts, some hurts that hurt us both

    Talk is cheap, especially from me. I admit, Nothing  I've ever done  fixes any of this off-site,  I know. 

  On-site  --

    Edit :: (Edit)   p.p.s.  -    Traffic  on this site.  To answer the question, it's hard to say but now I suspect, mainly, the biggest fall off of regular traffic is due to Brian. To one particular fuming tirade, I recall.  I cannot remember the thread's title, though, it was not ''moral reason to reject all god claims'' but something similar.  It was about one of the last times we saw Blacklight, Kapkao, Sage-Override, and about a half-dozen others or more.

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> Vale of tears (Latin valle lacrimarum) {}

Re :: What Dreams may come (Episode III), George Lukas's Star-Wars

What Dreams may come ? Vale of tears (Latin valle lacrimarum)

Dialogue --

Anakin! Anakin, I am with you. I am with you.

She screams and dies.


ANAKIN awakens in a panic. He is covered in sweat, from this dream! He looks over in the bed and sees PADME sound asleep next to him. ANAKIN gets out from under the sheets and sits on the side of the bed. He is breathing heavily. He puts his head in his hands .. PADME awakens, realizes Anakin is gone.

PADME: Anakin??!?

She gets out of bed and goes downstairs to look for him.


ANAKIN walks down a flight of stairs onto a large veranda. The vast city planet of Coruscant, smoldering from the battle, is spread out before him. He is distraught.
PADME descends the stairs and joins ANAKIN on the veranda. She takes his hand. He doesn't look at her.

PADME: What's bothering you?

ANAKIN: Nothing . . .

ANAKIN touches the japor snippet around PADME'S neck, that Anakin gave her when he was a small boy.

ANAKIN: (continuing) I remember when I gave this to you.

PADME: Anakin, how long is it going to take for us to be honest with each other?

ANAKIN: It was a dream.


ANAKIN: Like the ones I used to have about my mother just before she died.


ANAKIN: It was about you.

They look at each other. A moment of concern passes between them.

PADME: Tell me.

ANAKIN: It was only a dream.

PADME gives him a long, worried look. ANAKIN takes a deep breath.

ANAKIN: (continuing) You die in childbirth . . .

PADME: And the baby?

ANAKIN: I don't know.

PADME: It was only a dream.

ANAKIN: . . . I won't let this one become real, Padme.

They briefly embrace, then part.

PADME: Anakin, this baby will change our lives. I doubt the Queen will continue to allow me to serve in the Senate, and if the Council discovers you are the father, you will be expelled from the Jedi Order.

ANAKIN: I know ….

PADME: Anakin, do you think Obi-Wan might be able to help us?

ANAKIN: (suspicious) Have you told him anything?

PADME: No, but he's your mentor, your best friend . . . he must suspect something.

ANAKIN: He's been a father to me, but he's still on the Council. Don't tell him anything!

PADME: I won't, Anakin.

ANAKIN: I don't need his help . . . Our baby is a blessing, not a problem.


YODA and ANAKIN sit in Yoda 's room, deep in thought.

YODA: Premonitions . . . premonitions . . . Hmmmm . . . these visions you have . . .

ANAKIN: They are of pain, suffering, death . . .

YODA: Yourself you speak of, or someone you know?

ANAKIN: Someone . . .

YODA: . . . close to you?


YODA: Careful you must be when sensing the future, Anakin. The fear of loss 'IS A SURE PATH TO THE DARK SIDE'

ANAKIN: I won't let these visions come true, Master Yoda.

YODA: Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them, do not.

ANAKIN: What must I do, Master Yoda?

YODA: Train yourself to let go of everything you fear.

-- --

Padme: I think they will . . . they need you more than you know.


Now Deborah reportedly died in child birth . . . Jacob returned to the land of Canaan for his family. There is a Deborah, who was a Prophetess, being the wife of Lapidot. I am thinking of the account of Deborah Rebecca's Nurse. In the reported of the death of Deborah, Rebecca's nursemaid, is a source of contention among the commentators, doubtless it issuggested she died in childbirth.

Reference --

Perhaps it is long overdue the time of 'softening' . .

You can go your own way . . (go your own way) Stevie Nix

The Book of Genesis 35:18 (Genesis 35:18) (Complete Jewish Bible) - One verse per line

18 But she died in childbirth. As she was dying she named her son Ben-Oni [son of my grief], but his father called him Binyamin [son of the right hand, son of the south].

External Link


Gargoyles (1994–1996) was a Disney animated television series.

Which was hard to miss, seeing it was re-runs for a well over a full decade after the series first aired.

Gargoyle(s) (Disney's animated series) -

Thanks to the mythic powers of Disney's the Phoenix Gate the betrayer Demona and Goliath (the Gargoyle, a giant indeed) both Demona and Goliath were able to travel back in time, after his once lady love retrieved the gate, after giving Goliath half the Phoenix Gate 1000 yrs earlier.

Disney's Gargoyles

[In the past, Goliath speaks with the past version of Demona]

10th Century Demona: My love trapped in stone.

10th Century Demona: What am I to do?

Goliath: Do nothing.

10th Century Demona: Nothing?!!

Goliath: Do not worry. Do not wait, or look for this catastrophe. Live in the moment. Attend the petty angers and jealousies that fill your heart. Fortify yourself with love and trust. And you need not fear this future. But most of all fulfill the vows of love you make, for they can surely save you.

10th Century Demona: I shall! You have my oath.

Goliath: [Lifting-up the older version of Demona] I had hers once, too.

-- --

Oh, Were it all so simple . .

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It's a green eyed monster with NO basis in reality , ,




   Possible your been getting some wrong information,  anything to do with the silent treatment or moreover not making time to speak to one another ??  Maybe ?!??

  ( Caption  reads : Beware of Jealousy . .   It's a green eyed monster with no basis in reality )


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Off - site   Yes  my

Off - site   Yes  my beauteous fates We'LL have that talk

   Re ::  Yes  my beauteous fates . . We'LL have that talk ( Thankfully )


  View  Alternative image  that almost won out  for my background wallpaper  on my home desktop (Here or below):





  p.p.s.  --   That is  . .  any potential munchkin infestation(s) . . or no

  I may have indicated something about my feelings  about  little kids  a time or thirty, huh ?!?



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OFF-Site An Alternative - Wallpaper

  Re :: OFF-Site   An Alternative   -  Wallpaper  --







    Sweetest  Angels of Mercy Me.  Because some curses were meant to be broken, YES !!







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What do you want from me? (**What do you want from me?**)

  Hmm,  What do you want from me? (What do you want from me?)


    Just a thought, (honestly) . . .   WALLPAPER --



  See Image (Here or Below) ::





Link :: Https://



 **  Posted on: May 10th - 9:57pm #4251 and/or

Http://  Posted on: May 10th - 9:57pm #4251 and/or


  p.p.s. --  As long as it takes to pass    As long as it takes to pass




atheistRational VIP!
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danatemporary wrote: 

danatemporary wrote:

  Hmm,  What do you want from me? (What do you want from me?)


    Just a thought, (honestly) . . .   WALLPAPER --



  See Image (Here or Below) ::





Link :: Https://



 **  Posted on: May 10th - 9:57pm #4251 and/or

Http://  Posted on: May 10th - 9:57pm #4251 and/or


  p.p.s. --  As long as it takes to pass    As long as it takes to pass


I don't care what these freaks say, I love your posts.