American Atheist 2013 National Convention

American Atheists' Convention, 2013!
Celebrating 50 Years of Reason!
March 28-31, Austin, TX
Come and join American Atheists in Austin, Texas for our annual National Convention as we celebrate fifty years of activism!
It has been an amazing fifty years and since American Atheists started in Austin, Texas with Madalyn Murray O'Hair, we are heading back there for our fiftieth! This convention is going to be a blow-out with three full days of speakers and events with TED style plenary talks!
Come celebrate with us at the Hyatt Regency Austin (208 Barton Spring Rd.), just stumbling distance from downtown Austin and the apex of "keep Austin weird:" 6th St! The hotel is also right next to the famous Bat Bridge! We have secured a special rate of $99/night at the Hyatt for attendees.
The 2013 Convention will have about 1,000 fellow atheists, Vendors, speakers, comedians, entertainers, dinners, and much more! American Atheists has reserved the entire hotel, which means there will be no other conventions or meetings taking place at the Hyatt: we have every conference room, ballroom, meeting room, etc. There will be a fundraising dinner on Thursday night in the hotel restaurant overlooking Bat Bridge, so watch the leave for their night hunting and then enjoy a great dinner to help raise money for American Atheist to initiate lawsuits, etc.
Confirmed speakers and panelists so far include: Matt Dillahunty, Dr. Ed Buckner, Katherine Stewart, Richard Carrier, Dr. Robert Price, Linda LaScolla, Jerry DeWitt, Teresa MacBain, Margaret Downey, Damon Fowler, Jessica Alquist, Greta Cristina, Troy Conrad, Hector Avalos, Dr. Ryan Cragun, AronRa, Jamila Bey, Edwina Rodgers, Eddie Tabash, and Indra Zuno. More to come!
There will also be an atheist art show, a substantial Spanish-speaking presence (including Spanish translations), affinity lunches, and more!
Basic schedule:
3/28: Thursday- Fund-raising dinner
3/29: Friday- All day convention, dinner, AA's 50th Birthday Party, Set list with Troy Conrad
3/30: Saturday- All day convention, dinner, pub crawl
3/31: Sunday- All day convention (ends at 6PM)
"You see I think drugs have done some good thing for us, I really do. If you don't believe drugs have done good things for us, do me a favor go home tonight and take all your albums, all you tapes, and all your CD's and burn them. Because those musicians that have made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years... RRRRRRReal fucking high on drugs" Bill Hicks
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But isn't this expensive? I heard it costs a couple hundred bucks to attend the entire event and hear all speakers!
The FREE expo for atheists/agnostics is called Skepticon and it's in Springfied, MO this November of 2012! You may not get as many speakers but still a lot of great speakers like historian Richard Carrier who had a GREAT presentation on the Jesus myth that no one could refute!
Click here to find out why Christianity is the biggest fairy tale ever created!!
When is any atheist group going to hit the south where I am? Myrtle Beach.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Wow, you're lucky! Myrtle Beach is one of the most beautiful areas of the nation!
You guys have a beach, beatiful waters, and a boardwalk to boot!
Click here to find out why Christianity is the biggest fairy tale ever created!!
This deserves a bump!
Come on my atheist friends! Please chime in here!
where can i find out if theres an atheist convention near me? i live in northeast TN.. if anyone is familiar with nascar i live near the bristol motor speedway.. and i would love to find some atheist gatherings to converse with people who think similiar to myself...
You should go to the Skepticon conference in November. It's FREE unlike the atheist conference! It's basically the same conference but FREE!
I estimate it can't be more than a 6 to 8 hour drive from where you are in TN. It will be well worth it!
Click here to find out why Christianity is the biggest fairy tale ever created!!