the conservative movement, danger of religion in politics i need some input plz

ok so ive been doing TONS of research for a good while now.. and am still trying to process all of it.. i keep reading about the conservative movement and their attempts to force religion into goverment policy. im trying to find validity to that... i do my own research based on the things i read and hear from people.. but thank goodness i remembered this site its been so helpful.. but im confused i keep hearing about dangerous religious movements and the supposid conservative movement that has been building for 40 yrs or something.. as you can tell this blog is all over the place as my research on this has brought me to a crapload of forks in the road.. anyone out there who can make sense of it all let me know LMAO. there is so much information on this site im still crawling through it all.... i did hear about missippii's law that states if a woman carries a child and she has a miscarriage or if the child is born with some kind of mental defect, that if it is found that she didnt do everything correct to ensure a healthy child that she could be put in jail for murder or endagerment.. i dont know how true that law is.. and i also heard they tried to get birth control illegal or something.. i just got this flood of info and im crosseyed lol
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TYT covers every topic but since you asked about religious intrusions into society via politicians.
try this:
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
After that, just take a look at Kansas' education systems history. Evolution bad, no good, no bad, no good....
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
thanks for the links i appreciate it greatly. a couple vids werent availiable.... geez privatising schools wow.... for profit schools...makes me shudder to tbink
So, does that Browning M2 belong to you ?
{ edit: nevermind, I just saw your other thread which explains... }
I am fiscally conservative and used to be extremely active politically so I often found myself traveling in the same circles as the religious right. There are people out there that want to use government power push their religious views of morality. There are also a ton of state laws that are outright ridiculous that push religion. Fortunately, many of those laws are never enforced, they just sit on the books because no one has bothered repealing them. For example, we just recently had a discussion regarding laws that ban atheists from holding public office. You might want to spend some time scanning our politics forum here, we often talk about such laws as well as other political subjects and have a wide variety of opinions.
For anything regarding laws I use as a place to start. In most cases you can find the applicable law and sometimes some court history. For state and local laws sometimes you need to you need to do a more in depth search. Most states have the full text of their laws online somewhere. It isn't as good as Lexis Nexis or other paid legal search software but for a free search it works well. is a good site for looking up modern Supreme Court decisions. When someone makes a claim about a law it is usually best to find the actual text, I have found that the news media is often flat out wrong when portraying a law either through ignorance or intentionally sensationalizing it.
In many ways I think the religious right is used as a boogeyman. I don't think it is as powerful as people on the left often portray it. Yes it exists, yes there are some real christnuts but not everyone on the right is a bible thumping wacko that is worried about whether or not you are sinning.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
I can't answer for him, but I shudder because it means a dumbing down of a public education system which is already so dumb that it's incapable of giving students a sufficient education to get a high paying job.
Every time a student is removed from that system, it removes resources from that system as well.
I'd make public education mandatory. After fixing it.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
So you admit public education is a mass failure then suggest that we stick with the system? And make it mandatory? If we can agree it is a failure it seems logical that trying something different would be a good idea. A number of voucher systems have been/are being tried in the US. Where they are being tried they have seen varying degrees of success. I see nothing wrong with experimenting to find a system that works better than the current one and no problem with schools making a profit. What reason is there to dismiss the idea out of hand? Colleges make huge profits and generally private universities are regarded as the cream of the crop. It should tell you something when all of our Presidents and most politicians send their children to private for profit schools.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
Uh uh. Public education wasn't always a mass failure, it simply is NOW. A few decades ago it was great. It could be again.
I'm also not impressed with college. I've been to a few. I can't speak to universities from personal experience, but from watching those who've been through university, I'm also unimpressed.
The only subjects they seem good for are well established scientific fields, language, and law.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
You are your own worst enemy and you are too stupid to realize it. So most private schools are secular? And on top of that you still advocate money equals power. FUCK THE POOR if they cant afford a private education fuck em!
My x- landlord whom I did house cleaning and gardening for, lived in a huge house, two cars, and had a daughter he sent to a Catholic private school. I saw her homework and for her age, it was no better or worse than a public school. He liked the smaller classes BUT HATED her indoctrination. So what is that money giving him? A minion taught that magic men exist.
You are so fucking stuck on money being the only thing people should worship and no different than a theist, you just have a different god.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
ok first off that was just plain uncalled for.. running off at the mouth like that is IGNORANT BS!!!! i never said private schools were secular i was merely commenting on what i saw... geez dude get some freakin mannners you Ahole
Don't worry about Brian37, he's had most of his shots. I just think he missed it this time.
TO BRIAN 37: The new guy Chris was commenting on the video link I gave him, which was about privete for profit schools via tax vouchers. Watch the video and remember the DC football team isn't playing yet. {warning I may have to repeat that last line in November.}
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Calm thyself. Brian was talking to Beyond. And he has a propensity for strong emotions flavouring his speech. If you look back through the past few years, you'll see these two butting heads constantly. There's nothing new here.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
@ hbmbc30
Yeah Brian was talking to me and we usually aren't polite to each other but I love him anyway.
Does it matter? Some private schools are terrible, some are superb, many are religious, some are not- many public schools are terrible, a few are superb. I think a parent is best able to determine which school is best for their kid and they should have the power to direct the funds that society is spending to educate their kid towards a private or public school as the parent deems appropriate. I don't see why only wealthy people should have the choice when as society we have already decided to spend thousands of dollars on each kid anyway. In my dream world, we wouldn't pay for the little shits at all, but I realize that is never happening so as long as we have to pay for them they might as well get a good enough education that I don't have to waste my time teaching a fucking 20 year old how to do basic geometry.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X