Take a ride in Drag-u-la [trollville]
Hello.... i am just another yahoo with one hell of story to tell.
There was a question from a sapient that i think needs addressing:
something like 'give a reason to believe in a 'god''?
nature itself is 'god'
iee... we are its kids and knowledge is evolving over time
Pinnacle of evolution: Existence comprehending itself.
Kind of stupid easy!
So do any theological beliefs have merit? Absolutely!
is there a god making it happen? note unless 'god' is existence (mother nature itself), then we all apply to 'life'
nothing magical about it. next year the munchkins WILL BE better than we are. It's a fact of natures 'progression' (evolving processes)
that is my opening post. i dont play real nice with idiots and if any wanna google up the bishadi, find that i am just a shmoe with a big mouth
dan 7;8
If Existence only operates one way, is the math the name to know?
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you are wrong.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Urhm, welcome. Are you drunk or something?
This is a fact? "... ... next year the munchkins WILL BE better than we are. It's a fact of natures 'progression' (evolving processes)."
A book which the Mohammedans foolishly believe to have been written by divine inspiration, but which Christians know to be a wicked imposture, contradictory to the Holy Scriptures. ~ The Devil's Dictionary
knowledge evolves, nothing can stop it! Mankind, will be better because of knowledge.
Have you ever noticed the population explosion of mankind over the last 300 yrs because of knowledge?
If Existence only operates one way, is the math the name to know?
ya got me
i cant even call myself a proper schmoe
If Existence only operates one way, is the math the name to know?
We already have a name for nature. We call it Nature, why are calling it god? Did nature love us enough to sacrifice its own son? Did nature love us enough to wipe out all of humanity save one family... Hmmm?
. Seriously wtf is the point of renaming things?
"Don't seek these laws to understand. Only the mad can comprehend..." -- George Cosbuc
can you tell us all how existence works just by saying 'nature done it'?
meaning, if i called you a pope, and you were a pope, then most would know approximately what you do, as pope (name/label)
Do you know what E=mc2 means?
no god ever had a child, unless it was 'nature' itself (we are dust (elements), right?)
nature (god) has done more wiping out of life on this earth, than any manmade god ever did.
ever hear of the kt
for example: if i mention gravity, you might think of newton. But he didnt know what gravity was either.
if i said, "the sky aint blue, it is black with lil' white dots, about half the time", what would it mean to you?
labeling is how mankind can describe what 'it' means.
If Existence only operates one way, is the math the name to know?
Then explain the dark ages, where much collected knowledge was lost or destroyed by deranged christians, and progress ended for hundreds of years.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
all three of the religions of abrahamic or most any 'religious system' is for quacks.
i am one of the few that will post up the population explosion over the last 200 yrs because of the medical advancements achieved by the sciences.
Heck, you could google me claiming that if the religious wingnuts had not controlled knowledge prior for the last 1500 yrs, mankind could be vacationing on the moon by now.
ps..... 'naming' existence removes the theology and punks like you, like a mass extinction.
I aint religious, ya idiot!
If Existence only operates one way, is the math the name to know?