This just in Billy Graham defends Christ Farce Lay

What a shocker. Tellecraponist Billy Graham values corporate institutionalized bigotry. Chick Fil A has an advocate rivaling the same ilk of Imams who think women are property, but with the added benefit of franchise and tax breaks. Why stop at gay marriage Bill? Why not stop marriage between a Jew and a Muslim, or a Jew and a Christian, or a Christian and and an atheist? Or a Hindu and a Jew? Or a nigger and a white woman?
I get it Bill, the first amendment only applies to you and what you want. Got it.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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I've been telling you things like this regarding Billy Graham for years young man. Billy is a pagan and he's going to hell. He denies Jesus is the only way, denies a hell, and makes out with Imams.
He's a pagan, on his way to hell. The same place you are heading.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
A Rational Christian of Intelligence (rare)with a valid and sound justification for my epistemology and a logical refutation for those with logical fallacies and false worldviews upon their normative of thinking in retrospect to objective normative(s). This is only understood via the imago dei in which we all are.
Jean Chauvin (Jude 3).
Who is trying to stop speech? The only person I know in the story trying to stop speech is an alderman in Chicago who is using his power to turn down building permits to prevent a Chick fil A from being built because he doesn't like where Dan Cathy decided to donate his money. IOW the Alderman is actively using his government power to punish a citizen for voicing an opinion he doesn't agree with. That is a huge problem, but actually quite common. I have been denied permits because government officials didn't like me. The problem is proving it, it is rare that someone does what Alderman Joe Moreno did and flat out say they are refusing a permit because they don't like your political views.
To me, this type of government corruption is the main story in this case. Government officials should not be determining whether or not they approve permits based on what they personally think of the person applying.
Now admittedly I have only half paid attention to this story. So is there something I am missing? Is Dan Cathy trying to shut anybody up? As far as I can tell, all he did was write a check to a political organization, which lets us all know his political position. If you don't like it, don't eat a Chick fil A and he will have less money.
If, if a white man puts his arm around me voluntarily, that's brotherhood. But if you - if you hold a gun on him and make him embrace me and pretend to be friendly or brotherly toward me, then that's not brotherhood, that's hypocrisy.- Malcolm X
That crazy psycho head of Chik-fil-a is taken the same hateful bigoted position Christians have taken for thousands of years except he's ONLY applying it to gays now! Once upon a time you could be MURDERED if you didn't believe in the mythical Jesus and you simply chose another religion!
Marriage equality is coming and the trend cannot be denied! As usual things are going AGAINST the way of the looney ChristNUTS as their religion continues to die off!
Click here to find out why Christianity is the biggest fairy tale ever created!!
First off jackass I am 46. Secondly there is no fucking hell. There is no Muslim hell, or Christian hell, there is no god to beat either Billy Graham up or beat me up. There are just idiots who think there is a magical super hero who somehow they speak to. Like you magically somehow with your tin foil hat know that my Japanese x wife's country deserved having 13,000 die in a Tsunami. Tell me Jean, are those 13,000 victims going to burn in hell with Billy including the children and babies who drowned in that tsunami?
You worship the same bloodthirsty god he does. As claims they are sick as sick and selfish as any Muslim claiming you and I will burn in hell if we don't bow to Allah. You worship a claim that advocates bullying and eternal torture. If this god were real, which fortunately for humanity, is not, the only moral thing to do to it would be to put it on trial for crimes against humanity.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
he tries using big words and college proffessor type rhetoric and thinks hes being a rational christian of intelligence.. i dont think he believs half the shit he says in my opinion or maybe he does... either way he enjoys causing discomfort to folks who dont think like he does... he lives to troll.. i imagine this isnt the only site he trolls so he cracks me up... he looks like a pedophile anyway... he probably drives around in a van wiht blacked out windows
Brian37 .. Brian not to put too fine a point on it but have you ever stopped to ask yourself 'why' Jean would be saying 'young man'?
. .
I've gotten the distinct impression Jean is in college, if that is true, there is no way he can be calling Brian 'young man'.
Secularist, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Yes Jean keeps his real age close to vest, lol :¬
Killing time I searched to find the last time Jean made a reference to Billy Graham ..
Sept 1 2O11 That I know of . . (so dont quote me on this one).
Chick Fil Lay's support of yesterdays demonstration of homophobia was supported by Mike Fuckabee. Fuckabee started a Facebook page that claims to have had 500,000 supporters. That sounds impressive from their point of view.
And certainly there was plenty of footage of Chick Fil A's being flooded with customers. I suspect however, the locations with high traffic were in conservative locations(even big cities have those pockets), and the ones in more moderate or liberal locations did not get that traffic. I also suspect most of their franchise locations are in conservative areas, so this demonstration of "support" should not be a shocker. But 500,000 is less than 1 percent of America's population.
Homophobia certainly has support, unfortunately, but I do not see this support as being part of the growing trend, but the last grasping of old thinking that is on the decline.
But even if homophobia was on the rise, is this what a civil pluralistic society should support? That any difference should be met with bigotry and that businesses in general should be used as political weapons?
Would the owners of Chick Fil A like it if they were a minority, and not business owners, and had a business discriminate against them?? They claim they don't, and that anyone is welcome to eat there.
BULL FUCKING SHIT, Chick Fil A is doing no different than "whites only" when Christians were bigots towards blacks, and they might as well have signs on their doors "faggots not welcome".
It is also a dishonest ploy to pretend to say "We don't hate gays, we just prefer traditional biblical marriage". I saw one supporter say on the news "It's not their(meaning Chick Fil A's law) it is God's law."
Cop out and a dodge. Why the fuck would you hold that position if you didn't believe it yourself. It is the coward hiding behind the gang leader, "I was just following orders".
And the other sick crap they are pulling is the "what about discrimination of our beliefs". DAMNED FUCKING RIGHT. Why shouldn't the rest of us blast your treatment of minorities when it is clearly wrong? How the fuck would that be different than blasting Islam for it's treatment of women?
This sick display of homophobia will only serve to motivate the rest of rational society to move into the future. We have seen these tactics before in prior movements with women and blacks. Long term they do not win. The
Now while the owners of Chic Fil A have the same rights to free speech, what they did yesterday has done and will do nothing but wake the sleeping giant.
Gays are not a separate species, and they are part of our society and hiding behind your god as an excuse to treat other humans like a sub species, is sick.
Time is not on the side of the homophobe, just like it was not on the side of white Christians who didn't want women to vote, and didn't want blacks to share the same schools. YOU WILL LOSE long term. Younger generations on a growing scale are not buying the bigotry of their parents.
Every gay supporter, christian or atheist, needs to support tomorrow's kiss in, and not just tomorrow, but stand up with your voices every day in rightful condemnation of homophobia and all forms of discrimination of a fellow citizen.
What does it mean to be a citizen? The Christian right and the hatemongers would make it a litmus test. But in the civil west, and in America, those whom you try to keep down, cannot be kept down, and those minorities you try to discriminate against can and will use the same tools of free speech to rightfully defeat you.
The Christian right wants to make this a religious issue, but our constitution does not provide a monopoly and pecking order to them. But it is up to the rest of us to fight back. I will be happy to put the god debate aside and lock arms with any believer who knows that this is not a religious issue , but a human rights issue.
God claims and debate aside, the truth of any good governance is how well it treats the least amongst us. So as long as our government rightfully allows us to bitch slap these assholes verbally, it is still up to us to do it.
SO TO CHIC FIL A I give you my most heartfelt "FUCK YOU', and I hope tomorrow will at least show your employees, because you jackass owners live in a mansion and a bubble, will show them what jerks they work for. The fact is that everyone knows someone, even if they are not "out" whom are gay.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Funny how so many "christians" could turn out to support bigotry at a restaurant, but would never turn out in such numbers to feed the homeless, make sure elderly people have proper air conditioning in their homes during the summer, or something possibly productive.
In one of the editorials my local newspaper, someone actually wrote in bragging about how they would stand in line for "HOURS" if that is what it took to convey the will of god. I bet the moron would not stand in line for "hours" to help someone in need or volunteer at our understaffed hospitals.
So much for christian charity.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
Never mind that feeding the homeless, visiting the sick, and taking care of the needy are things their Christ commanded them to do.
Jean, of course is the exception. But his God is exactly as pagan as Billy Graham's
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Good point, strongly made.