Protecting Pedophiles

Although I don't think it would be fair to label the church as a haven for pedophiles as any authoritative organization that has the position of looking after children can attract pedophiles in their ranks,simply because it's an attractive opportunity for those creeps with such tastes, I saw something on Anderson Cooper's show yesterday that made me sick to my stomach. They had a special show on sex offenders and pedophiles and they were interviewing a woman and her daugher, where the husband/dad had been molesting the daughter for many years before the wife found out about it. The woman said that the first person she went to for help was the pastor of the family church. She said the pastor told her NOT to report it to authorities as that would bring "shame to the family and the church" and furthermore, attempted to shift the blame to her by telling her that sex with her husband was "her duty and to never refuse him sex". In other words, he was insuiating that the molestation was the somehow the wife's fault.
Now, OK, I understand why a church with a pedophile in their clergy wouldn't want media attention or the shame of getting labelled and I can kind of see (yet don't agree with) their decision to sweep it under the rug, but what kind of messed up pastor would insinuate that a child being molested is the mom's fault? Where would they get that theological justification ( out of context scripture twisting)? How could someone in a position of family confidence and trust, not to mention the education a pastor is supposed to have, believe and assert such garbage? Finally, how common is this kind of crap in any church, any denomination and is anything being done by decent, intelligent and educated Christians to stop such incompetant and dangerous practices?
I would hope that this is an isolated incident, an exception rather than a rule, but judiging how many times we see churches sweeping this kind of thing under the rug, I somehow doubt it
"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings."
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It is said that pedophile is a subspecies of human, that attracts children. It is a type of cannibal that eats children.
Police searches them and isolates them. If someone can show symptoms of pedophile species, he or she will be isolated.
You don't have to commit pedophile crimes to be arrested, the decision is made by tests. Inhibition solvents are usually
These sorts of things happen in all sorts of venues--look at Penn State University.
You can't blame Christianity for the horrible actions of self-professing Christians, anymore than you can blame the game of football for the actions of Jerry Sandusky.
That's a terrible analogy. How can we not blame the organization for the acts of it's members when they are in direct relation to the organization? If Football had given Sandusky the opportunity, position, and authority to commit the act and protect himself than we actually could blame Football.
The best way to disassociate the members from the organization is for the organization to fight for justice and to reduce similar incidents happening again. The Catholic Church is an excellent example of what NOT to do. Aiding and abetting instead of trying to deal with the problem.
Secularist, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker
I said you can't blame Christianity for the acts of certain self-professing Christians. Christianity, far from just being a church, is a body of doctrine, none of which endorses the actions of the pederastic priests.
Great, No True Scotsman. Those guys over there aren't true christians, they just think they are.
Secularist, Atheist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Bismilah, I dont think we've had the pleasure of being introduced. Two things. One please allow me to say that is the most inappropriate thing you could say. Obviously, You are not setting the right tone here. Sometimes you need to actually say things when someone is so blind. There is no justification for this type of behaviour in any group. Defending this is defending the indefensible. Perhaps if you re-read the OPs remarks you might not be so quick on the defensive. This is from leadership ? With this Laissez-faire attitude you wish to present to everybody, let me start you off with a bible verse you might wish to recall Acts 5:29 Peter replies, We must obey God Rather than Man. Funny today I was reading in the Vishnu Purana of the punishments in Hell, be interesting what punishments christians would find appropriate for such sins.
And, I would like to share with you (and anyone who wishes to) read a situation that came up on another board. It is not talking about abuse directly but it made for a ethic dilemma for Atheists, it isnt closely tied to the OPs remarks. There was an eleven year old girl, never has been sexually abused, who is a Roman Catholic. Because of the church's Pedophile Priests she wanted to join a Protestant church and was asking for a recommendation. Now the board is almost exclusively Atheists. So, Not surprisingly, there were zero recommendations. The dilemma was can an Atheist in good conscious help her find a Protestant church ? I took it upon myself to try to contact her, but sadly was unable to ask her about what she was thinking about. The problem is she is eleven years of age. BEING RAISED CATHOLIC. I think if she were much older the comments would have be appropriate, but seeing her parents are 'making her' attend church, I wanted to explore what she knew of Protestants and was unable. Her options are limited and I think the reasons behind wanting to make the switch are not surprising. If the laity wont knock-off this we are being arrogant if we saying things, perhaps steps could be taken to confront these issues. I think of an eleven year old girl, she is showing more sense than women in their 30s. If you are going to choose the group over what is right you have to wonder. I could go on but I would like to know myself what scripture twisting goes on that allows for no accountability for the leadership, in this case with Pedophile priests. Feel free to let everyone know what should be done in such a situation, if you would, no rush.
I want to jerk off and cum in your mouth.
Oh how cute, he's not even trying to pretend.
Thanks bismilah for identifying yourself to everyone ... it's easier that way . .
A very good example of what Christian sexual repression can do to one's mental health.
“It is proof of a base and low mind for one to wish to think with the masses or majority, merely because the majority is the majority. Truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of the people.”
― Giordano Bruno
We would'be wasted alot more time if he had been more subtle, lol.
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Work of Hijacking Troll style . .
Important to note, usually the discussion about protecting Pedophiles becomes so lenghthy and heated the Mods will end up closing the Thread, in Theology and General boards. Ironically, Thanks in no small part to the Troll-'jackin, it stopped in its' tracks, both completely stopping and derailing it entirety, in the act. Deepest apologies to the OP, our Marty, for us allowing it. With such a hot button topic perhaps it would be best to let in die, but that is not fair to Marty, and assumes it cannot be examined.
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Like the famous quote of Jack Paar (pronounced Parr ) .. "as I was saying'" . . I touched on the eleven year old girl and the reasons for her wanting to convert (being the Pedophile priests). What is going on in the heads of Good Catholics in not leaving on mass?!?? I can appreciate what is unappreciable to me. Especially in the self-doubt of 'I might be wrong' inside of their heads. If people don't have over-inflated egos, they are less likely to think risking ex-communication would be all that wise, not to mention the powerful factor of the unconscious sociological aspects, too. But, dont quote me. That only goes towards partially answering the question why they arent voting with their feet? I was never a Catholic, so separating things out might be a difficult process, not fully appreciable to non-Catholics. In one perspective, the impression is that Catholics are unnaturally wed to the whole of the system, I require constant reminding of, I guess. I am not understanding the processes leading to the allowing of this. No excuse or maybe it all the excuse necessary to allow for the statist-quo if you're stuck as the laity, but I cannot believe this.
Oh, Pope you and your funny hats . .
Every offense to the Roman Catholics who support this guy, shouldn't you be calling for a new election ? Or favor listening to an eleven year old who only wants to go to church.
Pedophilia is often not restricted to sexual assault in many countries.
Pedophile can be a someone (even a policeman) who asks someone (even an adult) a way like children would do. You often see this in movies, in reality it is illegal.
Pedophile can be someone who touches the other one (in a non sexual assault way) at the shoulder or the body more times, while talking. (it is also unhealthy)
Pedophile can be, who misuses instincts to sell something to you or to convince you.
Even a government can be pedophile when they try to optimize laws too often to the lifes of the citizens. When laws change too often and it affects the life of citizens in a positive or negative way. So playing with citizens like puppets is pedophilia.
(God simulators can also be, it depends on the game)
"Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings."
Hello Marty,
I know we've missed you, Marty. Mister crude got himself banned; On a board, this it is truly, nearly impossible to get yourself banned. You know, I doubt he is any wiser for the experience though.
Well it certainly looks like he earned it.I wonder what part of the Bible inspired his posts.
You might want to change the color of your text. It is coming out black on my end cant read it.
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