Top Ten Reasons Romney won't release 10 years of returns

Clearly Mitt Romney has something in his tax returns he wishes to hide from American voters.
Since we are forced to use our imagination as to what or why many possibilities come to mind. Perhaps it's something similar to the following satire:
Top Ten Reasons Romney won't release 10 years of returns
10- He has 64 dependents listed on his returns from 2002 to 2009. When he decided to run for president, he didn't claim them in 2010 and won't in 2011
There are 36 children from his non-wives, 3 each
These non-wives, listed as wives in Mormon records (hush hush on that) but not legally married consist of:
3 nieces, who he also claimed as dependents
9 cousins, who he also claimed as dependents
There are also 16 nieces and nephews listed as dependents
Also, they all have ITINS and live in Mexico
9 - These returns all have overseas income in the millions which will show that he is not invested in America at all.
8 - In 2007 and 2008 he was playing the oil/gas commodities market and has gains in excess of $40 million. None of it was taxable in the US however.
7- He listed a Schedule C business as a Consultant for Export in 4 years of returns - Export of jobs overseas
6 - He has $2,000,000 in healthcare deductions on 2 years of returns. Not sure if it was for plastic surgery, his dependents (the ones in Mexico) or what.
5- There is a K-1 from Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC fund for the years 2006 & 2007 for $50,000,000 in each year. Shown as a distribution of capital.
4- In his 2008 and 2009 returns he did pay 13% on his "earned income" - that would be on the $25,000 in 08 and $40,000 in 09 he was paid for speaking engagements on 1099-misc. He then showed a schedule C for those years as a paid speaker. The speaker jobs were on "How to avoid paying US Corporate Taxes by moving your manufacturing Overseas."
3-It would bring up the 2002 controversy where he had filled returns as a Utah resident and did not meet Massachusetts' requirements to run for governor. And he never released his returns then either.
2-His 2007 and 2008 returns would show that he heavily invested in 3 of the soon to be top health insurance companies in Massachusetts and had gains in the millions.
1- He only gives 1% of his income to the Mormon Church not 10% in the years 2001 to 2009. If the returns were published the Church would know he was cheating them and was a poor excuse of a Mormon.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
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I know you are making jokes here. But what is really dishonest about his bullshit is claiming everyone is accusing him of committing a crime. Just because he might be obeying the current law, does not mean that the law he is obeying was written with the common interest of all, but merely the proxy of money equals power.
Some on the left might be implying that, but the main reason we want this disclosure is to SHOW how disconnected he is from the cost of living the middle class and working poor go through who pay a higher rate. He is benefiting from class status, and a class that has written the code to benefit them at the expense of the rest of us.
He really does have a God complex. "Trust me" "I don't have to explain myself to you", "Have faith in me".
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
The point he's missing is he is applying for a job, the most powerful job in the world.
Those of us who have a say in whether or not he gets hired want to know more about him.
We already know that he won't meet us for a beer. He also won't meet you for a coke or a cup of coffee. How about a BLT? Brats?
We already know he is disconnected from most Americans financial situations.
We already know he doesn't understand the values of the majority of Americans.
What his tax returns might show is just how thoroughly disconnected he really is from nearly all Americans.
I have no idea if he's hiding something else or not.
On another note:
I moved back to Colorado early last year and we are being inundated with ads from both sides, RNC, DNC, Obama, Romney, and Super PACs.
The only way to watch TV other than HBO is with a DVR and fast forward. I already do that because of the Evil Apple Corporation Ads.
When you watch live TV, like a NFL game, you can't escape them. That's when you mute the sound.
There is nothing worthwhile in over 90% of the content in any of those ads, from either side.
What can you learn from a super biased political 60 second ad? That the sponsor is super biased, little more.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.